Monday, 2024-10-21

tonybFor the PTG we have 2 sessions Wed 1300UTC and 2100UTC, is there any chance we can move the 2100UTC to 2200UTC instead?23:16
tonybOr move 1300UTC to 1200UTC and cancel the 2100UTC session23:16
JayFI am literally triple booked for Weds @ 1300UTC, this would be a *great* change for me.23:17
JayFeither 2100 or 220023:17
fungisure, i tried to pick sessions that were accessible in different timezones, though i don't think there are 1200 or 2200 timeslots. checking23:17
fungioh, right, the 2200 block does exist23:18
JayFdon't let yourself be held back by the system, dude :P we can PTG when we want (except we can't call it PTG unless it's the PTG, as I learned this year)23:18
fungiit's 2000 that doesn't23:18
fungiwell, it was more for trying to attract participants who want to talk about security-related topics while being mindful that some times don't work for emea participants and other times don't work for apac participants (i'd also be fine with times that overlap apac/emea and not amer, but someone else would need to facilitate that)23:19
fungii was planning to facilitate two sessions at different enough times that people could feel comfortable attending one or the other without needing to be in both23:21
fungibut if 2100 is too early for apac i can switch that to 220023:22
tonybfungi: It's not that's it's too early it's that I'll be driving the kids to school.23:24
fungii'm hesitant to pick timeslots off-schedule since the chances of attracting casual participants, so i'd rather not shift the 1300 block back for that reason (could shift it forward but i doubt that's much help from a conflict standpoint). shifting the 2100 block forward makes sense though23:26
tonybIf 2200 works I can move that session, I'll let JayF advocate for moving the other session23:26
tonybYup I suggested 1200 without first verifying that is a valid bvlock23:27
fungiJayF: would 13z on thursday be better for you than wednesday? i'm not super keep on having a morning session right after an evening session, but could make it work23:28
tonybI've moved Wed-2100 to Wed-220023:28
fungithanks tonyb!23:28
fungii was trying to avoid having a keystone conflict, but they ended up using both wednesday and thursday eventually23:29

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