Tuesday, 2025-02-18

-opendevstatus- NOTICE: nominations for the OpenStack PTL and TC positions are closing soon, for details see https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/message/7DKEV7IEHOTHED7RVEFG7WIDVUC4MY3Z/15:59
fungiwould folks be interested in having a security sig ptg session or two again this time? i've procrastinated at asking because i'm a terrible sig chair21:51
JayFI mean... meh? 21:54
JayFI struggle to see if there's enough general, active interest in security as a standalone topic to justify a PTG session21:54
fungiwe've had them in the past, but mostly just because it was expected. at most we used them to go through unresolved public vulnerability reports and similar drudgery21:58
JayFI suggest we could potentially use that energy in a more productive way; perhaps a external-facing summary of what security issues have been ongoing in the last release22:00
JayFespecially considering we've had a couple of doozies22:00
JayFActually, a real suggestion?22:05
JayFhmm nevermind22:05
JayFOpenInfra live is no more, right?22:05
JayFIf it was, and they were doing the post-release PTLs-chat-about-what's-new, it'd be interesting to have securtiy generally represented in that group22:06
fungii don't think it's officially dead, just that nobody's proposed new episodes and the foundation is a little more strapped for available staff to do the production work these days22:08
JayFFair enough. At worst, I could do an unofficial video and put it up on https://youtube.com/@oss-gr22:08
JayFlike I did for Ironic PTG recap last time around22:08
fungione of those situations that might get better if we end up merged with lf22:09

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