Friday, 2018-04-06

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VedanuSelf healing component:07:00
VedanuBelow is the framework I am proposing.. please comment07:00
Vedanu1.Defining a healing group07:00
VedanuIt is a group which indicates what are the resources that are needed for the service to be up like the VM/application.07:00
VedanuEg 1: if a horizon application to be running then apache service to be up and a corresponding IP Address should be pingable and the NIC should be operating07:00
VedanuEg 2: If a VM with the floating IP Address assigned, neutron service to be up, then the IP should be routable, NIC should be up07:01
VedanuEg 3: If a VM has disk storage attached, then the cinder service to be up, external storage device should be up, mount points should be reachable NIC/FC to be up.07:01
Vedanu2.Creating a resource dependencies07:01
VedanuIt indicates that sequence of bringing up the resources. And also indicates the resource type07:01
Vedanu3.Heartbeat indicator07:01
VedanuIndicates which is the compute which has failure even after the re-tries and needs the evacuation07:01
VedanuZabbix can be configured to raise alarm for the failure and depending on the alarm a broadcast msg has to be sent to all the other computes to respond back with its resource availability07:01
VedanuEg: if an alarm is raised on the issues with the mount points then only the VM which has external disk associated has to be marked for the migration/evacuation07:01
VedanuVM’s marked for the evacuation is moved to the compute which are rich in its resources07:01
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* aspiers waits for Vedanu to rejoin12:49
aspiersIRC really needs to die a horrible death12:49
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