Wednesday, 2018-05-02

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ekcshello aspiers are you around by any chance?20:29
ekcsaspiers: Jimmy McArthur says the available spot for self-healing BoF session are: Monday afternoon, Tuesday morning, or EOD Thursday. We need to give a preference.20:31
ekcsaspiers: I think the preference you had was Thursday morning. so I’m not sure what we want to go with now.20:31
ekcsaspiers: I’m thinking Tuesday morning may be best because Thursday EOD is literally the very end of the summit and people may not make it.20:41
ekcsanyone else have thoughts on this? Definitely feel free to chime in!20:41
ekcsaspiers: that said, I remember our conversation when you preferred Thursday so I want to check in with you.20:42
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aspiersekcs: hi, sorry for slow reply. I was thinking later in the week because it would give us a chance to remind people about the session :) Often I find that I meet people early in the week who want to come but either didn't see it on the agenda or did and then forgot and needed reminding22:33
ekcsaspiers: hi! ok so you think Thursday EOD is best? I’m down with that.22:34
aspiersekcs: but I'm definitely not insisting on Thursday22:34
aspiersdo you think many people will leave before Friday?22:34
aspiersI guess some might fly Thursday evening22:34
aspierswhat time does "EOD" mean exactly?22:34
ekcsI’m not 100% certain, but I see that the last session on Thursday seems to be 5:30-6:1022:36
aspiershrm, I had forgotten that we get a much smaller session at summits22:36
aspiersactually, how long did we get in Sydney?22:37
aspierswas that also only ~40mins?22:37
aspiersbut yeah if it's 5:30 I guess there's a risk of losing people22:37
aspiersOTOH maybe things will have calmed down by then22:37
ekcsyea here’s from sydney
ekcsyea I can see going either way. Tuesday morning is early, and Thurdsay EOD is late sooo.. haha.22:39
aspiersAre there fewer sessions going on towards the end, perhaps?22:39
ekcslemme take a look22:39
aspiersinteresting, so Sydney was 3 days and Vancouver is 422:40
ekcsmaybe thursday is  less busy. I see 146 sessions for Tuesday vs 95 for Thursday22:42
aspiershrm, good find22:53
aspiersekcs: just had another thought - I'll be giving a lightning talk introducing the SIG, most likely earlier in the week, so if it's on Thursday I could plug that session and attract some more attendees23:43
ekcsaspiers: that sounds good to me. when is your lightning talk?23:43
aspiersdon't know23:43
aspiersbut I think SUSE has 5 slots so I could request an earlier one23:44
ekcsok. I’ll respond to jimmy then. I’ll ask for the Thursday slot, the earlier the better if available.23:44
aspiersawesome, thanks!23:45

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