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aspiers | hi all, who's around today? witek and I are in the middle of a SUSE team meeting so our free time is somewhat restricted | 08:59 |
ifat_afek | aspiers: Hi, I’m here :-) | 09:02 |
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aspiers | hey | 09:02 |
ifat_afek | But I don’t have any special update, so no need to interfere with your meeting | 09:03 |
aspiers | OK :) | 09:03 |
aspiers | so unless anyone else wants to discuss anything, we can skip this slot | 09:09 |
aspiers | I'll show up to the next one later today anyway | 09:09 |
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aspiers | back | 17:03 |
aspiers | anyone around? | 17:03 |
ekcs | hi aspiers | 17:05 |
aspiers | hi ekcs | 17:06 |
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aspiers | sorry, just finishing meetings with colleagues | 17:07 |
aspiers | ekcs: you want a quick meeting now? | 17:08 |
aspiers | I'm at SUSE HQ in Germany but we've just finished for the day | 17:08 |
ekcs | great! | 17:08 |
ekcs | oh got it! | 17:09 |
aspiers | I think we managed to make a bit of progress since last meeting | 17:09 |
aspiers | I closed one story | 17:09 |
aspiers | #startmeeting self-healing | 17:09 |
openstack | Meeting started Wed Jan 16 17:09:58 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is aspiers. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 17:09 |
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openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 17:10 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'self_healing' | 17:10 |
aspiers | might as well document it officially :-) | 17:10 |
aspiers | #topic status update | 17:10 |
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aspiers | we now have a link to the SIG from https://docs.openstack.org/ | 17:10 |
ekcs | awesome! i see that there was quite a bit of back and forth on gerrit haha. | 17:10 |
aspiers | so https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2004536 is closed now | 17:11 |
aspiers | not sure I made much progress on other stuff though | 17:11 |
aspiers | submitted the questionnaire for the PTG | 17:11 |
aspiers | and kicked off another upstream discussion on API health checks | 17:11 |
aspiers | we're going to have an internal discussion on that tomorrow | 17:12 |
aspiers | which should give some indication whether we can commit some resources to it | 17:12 |
ekcs | very cool. | 17:12 |
aspiers | I know I still have some actions outstanding though | 17:13 |
aspiers | will try to get to those soon | 17:13 |
ekcs | haha don’t we all. | 17:14 |
ekcs | i have emailed the contact at survey.openstack to see how we can get something on there. waiting on a response to take next steps. | 17:14 |
ekcs | dug around on events/meetups there there may be interest in self-healing. | 17:14 |
aspiers | awesome, thanks :) | 17:15 |
ekcs | started a rough etherpad hee, but still very much in progress: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/OS-events-self-healing | 17:15 |
ekcs | haven’t gotten to start in earnest on the memory leak case but expect to get to it. | 17:15 |
aspiers | cooool | 17:16 |
aspiers | alright well I don't think I have anything else to discuss | 17:16 |
aspiers | do you? | 17:16 |
ekcs | not much right now. | 17:17 |
ekcs | one update is i finally got the json data model for congress proposal approved. | 17:17 |
ekcs | will have more to share hopefully soon. shoudl open up some interesting usp cases | 17:17 |
aspiers | oh cool | 17:17 |
aspiers | feel free to dump on the channel at any point | 17:17 |
ekcs | great! | 17:18 |
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aspiers | alright, I guess we can close the meeting? | 17:19 |
aspiers | BTW witek is here with me at our team meeting, he is a colleague now :-D | 17:19 |
aspiers | very cool | 17:20 |
ekcs | yup. have a great time in germany! | 17:20 |
ekcs | oh wow that’s great! do say hi for me =) | 17:20 |
aspiers | /ccing mugsie on the health check update above ^^^ in case he still has enough time to care ;-) | 17:20 |
aspiers | I will :) | 17:21 |
aspiers | bye for now and catch you soon! | 17:21 |
aspiers | #endmeeting | 17:21 |
*** openstack changes topic to "https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Self_healing_SIG | https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/openstack/self-healing-sig" | 17:21 | |
ekcs | ok bye bye! | 17:21 |
openstack | Meeting ended Wed Jan 16 17:21:11 2019 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 17:21 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/self_healing/2019/self_healing.2019-01-16-17.09.html | 17:21 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/self_healing/2019/self_healing.2019-01-16-17.09.txt | 17:21 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/self_healing/2019/self_healing.2019-01-16-17.09.log.html | 17:21 |
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