Monday, 2016-12-12

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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix _neutron_available_floating_ips filtering
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Make available_floating_ips use normalized keys
mordredShrews: ^^ I updated - yucky typo15:11
mordredShrews: it's a lovely typo isn't it?15:16
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add functional test to show floating ip reuse
mordredShrews: also - look! I wrote tests :)15:47
Shrewswhat the heck is wrong with you?15:48
Shrewstests? geez15:48
Shrewsit's a Festivus miracle15:48
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Shrewsmordred: in test_reuse_auto_ip, what's the purpose for assertLessEqual checks both before AND after the create_server?15:56
mordredShrews: create_server should not create a new fip in that case15:56
mordredShrews: but we don't know if the cloud has fips at all - so we'll either start with 0 or 1 fips, and we darn-sure should not end up with 2 fips15:57
mordredwe could probably be cleverer and save the len(fips) before the create and then assertEqual after it15:57
Shrewsexcept you don't guarantee that. it could be 0 before the create and 1 after, and you'd still pass15:57
Shrewswe should probably do the cleverer thing, and maybe add a comment there15:58
mordredfix coming15:58
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add functional test to show floating ip reuse
Shrewsmordred: but... hrm15:59
mordredShrews: hows that15:59
Shrewscouldn't other tests interfere with that number?16:00
Shrewsa race on list_floating_ips16:00
Shrewsoh, _setup_networks might cover that16:02
Shrewsyeah, nm16:02
Shrewsi think we might need to filter on net in list_floating_ips16:04
mordredShrews: well, we also run with concurrency=116:05
Shrewswe do that still?16:05
mordredbut I can poke at filtering on network too16:05
Shrewsprobably should filter. one less thing to fix if we decide to change concurrency.16:07
Shrewsi do like PS2 though. much clearer16:08
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add functional test to show floating ip reuse
mordredShrews: cool. that should be better then ^^16:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Stop telling users to check logs
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add test to trap for missing services
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add functional test to show floating ip reuse
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add functional test to show floating ip reuse
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add functional test to show floating ip reuse
Shrewsmordred: why are the gate-shade-dsvm-functional-libs-nv jobs consistently failing in your patch series?19:39
mordredShrews: job config I think19:42
Shrewsmordred: also,
mordred(should get fixed by the magnum patches)19:42
Shrewsyou remove python-glaceclient from requirements.txt, yet you still import it19:43
Shrewsdo i need more coffee?19:43
Shrewsyou move the import in openstackcloud.py19:43
mordredShrews: it's imported on demand in def glance_client ... but it's not needed if you don't want a glanceclient.Client object19:44
Shrewsah, i see. we don't use it19:45
Shrewsso why still offer it?19:45
mordredbecause we were silly and didn't mark it private?19:46
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Shrewsbut i think we explicitly say to not depend on those (somewhere)19:46
mordredyah. we do19:46
mordredShrews: although I cannot find that place right now19:47
Shrewsnor can i19:48
Shrewswhich makes me sad19:48
mordredhonestly, if you're using cloud.glance_client something is going wrong19:48
Shrewsmaybe i imagined the thing19:49
mordredmaybe it was in my shade talk?19:49
Shrewsmordred: like i would have listened to that19:49
Shrewsmordred: another response_status_code bug in
mordredShrews: I see it19:53
mordredShrews: I'm going to wait til you're at the end of that stack before I push up the fix to the first patch (try to reduce the patch-bomb)20:02
mordredthanks for looking at that, btw20:02
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Shrewsmordred: done20:10
Shrewsmordred: only one additional -120:10
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Convert test_create_image_put_v2 to requests_mock
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Honor image_api_version when doing version discovery
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Move image tests from caching to image test file
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Remove caching config from test_image
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Remove a few glance client mocks we missed
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Change fixtures to use https
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Change image update to REST
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Remove glanceclient and warlock from shade
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Replace swift capabilities call with REST
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Change register_uri to use the per-method calls
mordredShrews: merry christmas!20:13
Shrewsmordred: +2'd. feel free to get more eyes or self approve20:14
mordredShrews: thanks!20:16
mordredShrews: on the fip funcitonal test ... turns out I can't do the search-by-router thing20:17
mordredShrews: because a floating ip doesn't have a router until it is attached to something20:17
Shrewsmordred: how about by net?20:17
mordredso the first floating ip that's created is just a floating ip20:17
mordrednope - not that either20:17
mordredbecause they all come from the same public network20:17
Shrewsah, right20:17
Shrewswell poo20:17
mordredyah. we'll just have to cross that bridge when we come to it20:18
mordredI _think_ we'd wind up needing to create a project for each test20:19
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add functional test to show floating ip reuse
mordredShrews: there's that one20:20
mordredrcarrillocruz: if you're bored (now that you're back from time off_: :)20:21
rcarrillocruzsure, i'll have a look20:22
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mordredShrews: honestly - because of how racy these can be - I'm starting to think we're not going to be able to do this test safely unless we do project-per-test20:53
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add test to trap for missing services
morganmordred: never ask a question you don't actually want the answer to22:16
morganmordred: and "how racy"... is NEVER a good question ;)22:16
morganmordred: woot almost all packed22:16
morganinternet set for the new place22:16
morganmoving on saturday!22:16
clarkbin the snowpocalypse!22:17
clarkb(I am secretly excited and hope that the forecast turns out to be accurate and we get like 10" of snow this week22:17
morganclarkb: damn.... i hadn't seen the forecast22:18
morganclarkb: dear god... 10" in PDX...22:18
morganpeople could barely handle "light dusting with some ice here and there"22:18
clarkbmorgan: my current forecast for wednesday is 5-8" then an inch here and there through sunday22:18
morganwell I *may* not be moving then22:18
morganclarkb: yeah i see 5-8" on wed22:19
clarkbof course its portland so you can't really know till its over22:20
morganwe will see22:21
morganhopefully I can get out and moved on saturday still ;)22:21
mordredmorgan: SO - I've got a maybe fun (maybe not fun) thing for you ...22:45
mordredmorgan: this morning I wrote that ... to exercise floating ip reuse and non-reuse cases. unfortunately, fip reuse is almost impossible to get right22:46
mordredmorgan: which makes me think that each of those tests should actually have self.operator_cloud create a per-test project inside of which the rest of the test should run - so that we can be a bit more brazen and know that there are _no_ resources being created by or leftover from other tests22:47
morgani think you're tight.22:48
mordredmorgan: I'm not 100% on the whole assign-roles-to-users bit or whatever it is I'd need to do there - but thought it might be a nice mix of something you know and something new to learn22:48
morganhappy to help there.22:48
morgannow that mostly packed can focus on such things as getting those things working22:49
morganand ksa contextmanager thing22:49
morganand the MFA code in Keystone22:49
* morgan is looking at that review actually right now ^^22:50
morganyeah i think it should be pretty easy to do per-test project22:51
mordredin fact - if that works out sanely - one could imagine making that a general concept in the functional tests- all tests get their own project ... execpt of course for the tests that test project/domain stuff themselves22:51
mordredyay being packed!22:51
morganI'm plannin on just making a .setup_project_for_test22:51
morganthat is part of setUp (well a fixture)22:52
morganso we can simply apply it *everywhere* and encode the logic for roles and what not22:52
morgani am also thinking of just using keystone inherited roles22:52
morganso we apply it to the domain as inherited22:52
morganso it's a one-shot set of roles22:52
morganand all projects get them.22:52
morgan(aka easy to maintain as role magic becomes more prolific)22:53
morgansome massaging in ._setup_networks is going to be needed22:56
morganbut I think it's ultimately doable22:56
morganit really shouldn't be a ton of code to clean that bit up23:02
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mordrednope. it'll be one of those times where thinking happens a bunch and then there's like 4 lines of code23:17
mordredmorgan: the trickiest part, tbh, is likely going to be creating a new OpenStackCloud instance with the project id interjected on top of the normal auth info23:17
mordredmorgan: but even _that_ won't be hard23:17
mordredhowever, even just thinking about it, it makes me think having shade have a method which is "give me a cloud just like this one except have it be scoped to this project instead"23:18
mordredwould potentially bea  thing that people could find useful23:18
morganthat is what I'm planning to do via a fixture23:18
morgantake cloud X <(what we have today)> and apply scope Y to it23:18
morganand we can add the scope mechanism as an explicit fixture that overrides what we have23:19
morganso we apply it as needed23:19
morganvs "duplicate" cloud.23:19
morganno need to do that.23:19
morganit also could  be used for explicit parts of a test that way23:19
mordredI believe you23:19
morganinstead of the "whole test"23:20
morgansince fixtures can be done as context managers23:20
mordred(this may be the reason I thought _you_ might be a good human to do this one :) )23:20
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morganit might be kindof up my alley23:21
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add test to trap for missing services
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