Thursday, 2017-01-26

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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Use port list to find missing floating ips
mordredmorgan: I am confuesed by the swift download test error in that ^^00:58
morganwait ... what?01:14
morganthat is a bizzare error01:14
morganempty responses?01:15
mordredmorgan: yah - but also - it's a thing we fixed in a previous patch !!!! :(01:36
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yfriedmordred: hi, still on this TZ?08:20
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yfriedmordred: ping09:58
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yfriedmordred: Shrews: ping11:28
yfriedmordred: looks like ports patch can't pass gate :(12:03
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Use port list to find missing floating ips
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Don't try to return decode json when it's not
mordredShrews: I don't know why things might have broken all of a sudden - but the above is a stab at trying to either fix or figure out why swift is unhappy with us13:56
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Don't try to return decode json when it's not
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Use port list to find missing floating ips
mordredShrews: ok. I think that first one will do it - I left a todo in there about needing to go through unittests and make sure our mocked responses include content-type headers15:39
mordredShrews: I'm about to be mostly afk for the rest of the day15:39
Shrewsmordred: go be away15:39
mordredShrews: yah. I mostly wanted to figure out what was wrong with this or else it would nag me :)15:43
mordredShrews: (the tl;dr of the problem is that swift returns the response to object update POST operations as text/html - which can't be decoded as json. now - why this didn't fail before is beyond me, but I'm not sure I care)15:44
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mordredShrews: ok. that didn't work. I'll look at it more later or whatnot16:37
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morganmordred: go. be away. we'll hold the walls up while you're not here (or Shrews will and I'll stand back and watch ^_^)18:28
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Don't try to return decode json when it's not
mordredmorgan: hacking in the car tethered to the phone FTW!!!20:21
morganare you driving form your phone now.. like a james bond car?20:23
mordredno - sandy is driving20:25
mordredI do not believe I would like driving from my phone any more than I like voice-driven computers or touch screens :)20:25
* mordred thinks a multitude of special purpose physical interfaces are a good thing20:26
mordredthat said ... if "driving from my phone" turns in to "using my phone to tell my car where to drive itself" - then yes please20:26
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Don't try to return decode json when it's not
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