Thursday, 2017-03-16

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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Convert test_identity_roles to requests mock
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: is down, due to connectivity issues with backend database. support ticket has been created.11:00
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mordreddhellmann: wow. turning on sphinx errors for shade is ... we write bad docstrings :)11:11
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Update sphinx and turn on warnings-is-error
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: service is back up - turns out it was a networking issue, not a database issue. yay networks!11:48
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dhellmannmordred : heh13:41
dhellmannmordred : did sphinx actually complain about the lines indented under ":returns:"? it looks like it should have worked the way it was.13:49
mordreddhellmann: yes - it did13:49
dhellmannodd. all of them? or just the one(s) that are 1 space short?13:49
mordredthe ones that weren't indented at all13:50
dhellmannd'oh, I'm reading the diff backwards again13:50
* dhellmann makes another cup of tea13:52
mordredmoar t13:54
mordreddhellmann: btw - had a great chat with maria last night about migration related things13:54
dhellmannoh, good!13:55
mordredALSO - everyone in channel - I just told the ops meetup room about os-client-config/shade13:55
mordredthey had a tiny little wrapper library in their osops repos to deal with auth and getting client library objects13:55
mordredand I told them PLEASE NO STOP STOP STOP13:55
mordredbut they were unaware of os-client-config/shade - so I pointed them at a bunch of things and also example code snippets13:55
mordredand I volunteered to help them get scripts they have written ported over13:56
dhellmannplease, please, let's get that set up with openstack/releases to add automated release announcements13:56
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mordreddhellmann: I submitted the governance patch already14:01
mordreddhellmann: oh - I may need your help to get releasenotes set up the way other openstack projects do them14:01
mordreddhellmann: in shade we have them in the normal docs (since we weren't in a position to participate in releasenotes.o.o)14:02
dhellmannsure, I can help with that14:02
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Shrewssee, this is where my constant nagging about release notes is going to pay off  :)15:03
Shrewsioggstream: there's not much there in your abstract, but if you're doing custom openstack orchestration using the ansible modules, someone is going to ask "why not use openstack-ansible ("  just fyi15:06
ioggstreamShrews: hi and thx++ for reading. The abstract should be 100-150 words.15:18
ioggstreamShrews: I'm managing the projects with shade, not the hw  deployment (it's rhosp)15:19
ioggstreamShrews: eg. provisioning and profiling tenants, ensure applications are running inside the projects, ...15:20
ioggstreamShrews: I'll clarify that now!15:21
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Shrewsmordred: eh?
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is being restarted to address hung remote replication tasks, and should return to an operable state momentarily15:58
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/shade master: add separate releasenotes build
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dhellmannmordred : ^^ I'm testing the project-config changes locally before I post that patch18:02
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yfriedmordred: ping18:15
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dhellmannmordred : is the project-config change, with a depends-on for the shade repo change18:21
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