Tuesday, 2017-09-19

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SamYaplehey mordred, for the salt modules i am considering defaulting to using OS_CLOUD=default for auth02:20
SamYaplethis would prevent the need to specify and 'auth' line for every state run02:20
SamYapleto make it clear, the user would need to lay down /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml (or another default path) with the cloud named 'default' to use this02:21
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mordredSamYaple: I recommend not doing that. if there is only one cloud, shade will already just use it - if there is more than one, the user should select it14:16
mordredSamYaple: if we want to add a default cloud concept, we should add it to os-client-config - perhaps as a "default: True" option to stick on the cloud entry14:17
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Add method to set bootable flag on volumes  https://review.openstack.org/50247915:33
mordredslaweq: ^^ updated that15:35
mordredslaweq: also, in the process, I discovered we have ZERO unittests around create_volume :)15:35
mordredslaweq: and that we have an open/passthrough kwargs15:35
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-client-config master: Fix requires_floating_ip  https://review.openstack.org/50461616:41
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SamYaplemordred: what do you mean "if there is only one cloud, shade will already just use it"?17:12
SamYaplewithout specifying OS_CLOUD or similar?17:13
mordredSamYaple: yah17:26
mordredSamYaple: if you don't specify a cloud argument and os-client-config finds only one cloud in your config, it will use it17:27
mordredSamYaple: this makes envvar consumption in the absence of a clouds.yaml work like people expect17:27
mordredSamYaple: since in that case the only cloud around would be "envvars"17:27
mordredSamYaple: the only time it gets squirrely for people is if they have one cloud defined in their clouds.yaml and ALSO have OS_ envvars set (OS_CLOUD and OS_REGION_NAME don't count - they are used to select which cloud you want to use)17:28
mordredSamYaple: in any case- long story short - the "which cloud config is going to get used" is already slightly complex, so I'd like to fix issues in it in os-client-config directly so that salt, ansible, shade and python-openstackclient all behave the same - if we can manage it17:29
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SamYaplemordred: thats not the behaviour i see17:31
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SamYaplei have no ENVVARS set and i have a single cloud in clouds.yaml: `t = shade.operator_cloud(); t.list_domains()` fails17:32
SamYaple`t = shade.operator_cloud(cloud='default'); t.list_domains()`works17:33
mordredSamYaple: ok. I can verify that is happening locally - that is a bug17:35
SamYaplehas it ever worked the other way? its worked this way for as long as ive known17:36
SamYapleotherwise something like `openstack domain list` should 'just work' with a single cloud too, and ive never seen that happen without OS_CLOUD or --os-cloud17:37
mordredit's definitely the intent that in the presence of only one cloud config that you don't have to specify the cloud17:37
SamYapleok cool. that makes sense17:37
mordredSamYaple: ah- I think I see it - it works if the only cloud you have is envvars :)17:38
SamYapleyea that makes complete sense and is the behaviour i know17:38
SamYapleits ok, i found a way to share auth params using saltstack proper without needing to set a default cloud name17:38
SamYapleso i can scrap that idea17:39
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Allow domain_id for roles  https://review.openstack.org/49699219:38
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Move role normalization to normalize.py  https://review.openstack.org/50017019:38
slaweq_mordred: hello, thx for changes in Your patch https://review.openstack.org/502479 :)19:38
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/os-client-config master: Treat clouds.yaml with one cloud like envvars  https://review.openstack.org/50538819:41
mordredSamYaple: remote:   https://review.openstack.org/505388 Treat clouds.yaml with one cloud like envvars19:42
mordredoh - hah. didn't need to paste19:42
SamYaplemordred: awesome!19:47
SamYaplemordred: say... in a theoretical shade/openstacksdk merger will openstacksdk make the same commitment shade does as far as "no breaking changes ever"19:48
mordredSamYaple: yup19:49
SamYaplehmm ok. i feel if we do that we might end up wanting an openstacksdk2 at some point to fix random issues that have creeped in19:49
mordredSamYaple: let's put it this way - I will not accept any changes to shade's organization that cause that comittement to go away19:49
mordredSamYaple: openstacksdk has not yet released a 1.019:49
SamYaplewe will be able to at least fix all the positional args and make a unified way to pass domain/domain_id etc19:50
mordredSamYaple: oh - there's a missing piece here, which I was tlaking to dtroyer about at the PTG ...19:50
SamYapleyea sorry i didnt chat with you there about this. i kept only seeing oyu when i was busy19:50
mordredSamYaple: which is that if we take the shade.OpenStackCloud object and move it in to openstacksdk (*handwave*) as openstack.cloud.OpenStackCloud for instance...19:50
mordredSamYaple: then we can cut a release of shade that depends on sdk and is a very thin wrapper around that class- ... BUT ...19:51
mordredwe can fix the positional args and whatnot in openstack.cloud.OpenStackCloud19:51
SamYapleyea we talked about that right before the ptg19:51
mordredSamYaple: and just have the thin wraper in the shade repo be about maintaining backwards compat for argument ordering and whatnot19:51
mordredok. cool19:51
SamYapleok cool. thats what im looking for.19:51
SamYaplewe should be able to get it really clean looking19:52
mordredyah - we can use openstack.cloud.OpenStackCloud as the 'v2' of shade - since the v1 of shade will still be there and can still be easily maintained19:52
SamYaplei would love to see the ability to pass domain everywhere you can pass domain_id and shade/openstacksdk will look it up19:52
SamYaplesame goes for project/project_id etc19:53
mordredyup. I'd also like to see a general mechanism for "operate in this other context for a second"19:53
mordredI've been noodling on it as something like with cloud.in_project(id='my-project-id') as other_project: other_project.create_user('foo')19:53
mordredSamYaple: but I haven't tried writing that yet, so I don't know if it would be good or bad :)19:54
SamYaplethat would work, but might get hairy with something like this role from domain1 applies to this group in domain2 for this project in domain319:55
SamYaplecloud.in_domain() wouldn't really make sense there19:55
SamYaplei think i might be happier with a dict that has things you might be interested in. {'project':<projectobj>,'project_id':123,'domain':<domobj>,'domain_id':123} etc etc20:01
SamYapleso we could just check that dict if the thing we care about is in there, if not go look it up20:01
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mordredSamYaple: yah. agree21:22
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rodsmordred Hi, what's the plan for the shade/openstackskd merge? anything I can help with?22:53
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mordredrods: had some good discussions with folks at the PTG - I need to write those up ...23:05
mordredrods: but yes, absolutely! :)23:05
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