Wednesday, 2016-02-10

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openstackgerritJedrzej Nowak proposed openstack/solar: Added waiters instead of sleep in Lock
pigmejsalmon_: ^09:57
openstackgerritJedrzej Nowak proposed openstack/solar: Added waiters instead of sleep in Lock
pigmejso the problem with composer + jinja2 is10:39
evgenylpigmej: have no idea what the composer is :)10:40
pigmejthat we need python values in block tags and yaml version of all variables when jinja renders it10:40
pigmejevgenyl: composer is new name for virtual resource10:40
evgenylpigmej: oh, ok.10:40
pigmejit's a yaml file with resource definition that can genreate more resources10:40
pigmejand the problem is that for now, when you let's say do x = None jijna will put it as x: None into yaml10:41
pigmejwhich then results x = 'None' in resource10:41
pigmejso we need something like jinja autoescape but instead of escaping it should yaml.dump result10:41
pigmejthe only way that I know would be monkey patch autoescape from jinja ;D10:45
pigmejsalmon_: ok, we left with:10:51
pigmej- ugly hack around jinja2 autoescape feature10:51
pigmej- get rid of jinja2 in flavour of other template engine10:51
pigmejand because we don't use like 95% functions of jinja I tend to second option10:52
salmon_what other template engine?10:53
pigmej*any* that will have what we need :)10:54
salmon_is there any?10:56
pigmejI will try to reach mitsuhiko and maybe somehow he will have some news for us10:56
pigmejsalmon_: I know some, I wrote one :P But I would prefer some already released thingy10:56
salmon_We need to know it before release10:56
pigmejthe problem is that autoescape logic is hardcoded10:56
pigmejwe need something like autoescape logic but different10:57
pigmejsalmon_: for release I will try to monkeypatch10:57
salmon_I would prefer to have it ready before :P10:59
pigmejchanged templating language ?11:00
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pigmejok I failed with jinja, it's very complicated to work with it on this level12:06
pigmejit seems not well suited for our needs12:06
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mkwiekhi! just one small thing regarding the docs - vagrant v 1.7 doesn't seem to work with virtualbox 5.x (at least on OSX). Should I file a pull request that will change required vagrant version?12:48
pigmejmkwiek: is it higher ?12:50
mkwiekI tried with vagrant 1.8 and "vagrant up" went much farther than before :D12:50
pigmej(solar)❯ vagrant --version                                                                          solar/git/master !12:51
pigmejVagrant 1.8.112:51
pigmejthat is possible :P12:51
salmon_vagrant --version12:51
salmon_Vagrant 1.7.412:51
pigmejmkwiek: you can use libvirt backend12:52
salmon_pigmej: on Mac?12:52
pigmejah fuck... :d12:52
salmon_mkwiek: what errod did you get?12:52
mkwiekI had 1.7.2 previously12:52
pigmej1.7.2 is too old afair, 1.7.4 is needed12:52
mkwiekdocs say '1.7.x' :D12:53
pigmejdocs say a lot of things.... ;P12:53
pigmejbut well, we all have linux...12:53
mkwiekshould I switch?12:54
pigmejwell, it would be cool to have working env on Mac, so if you want to fix some stuff for mac then probably it's good idea to stay with Mac for a while :D12:54
pigmejbut yeah, I also wonder what was the error12:54
mkwiekafter I updated virtualbox to 5.x (I had 4.3) it just said that vagrant doesn't support virtualbox higher than 4.312:55
pigmejbut if you want to play with solar (you should want to :D) then linux may be good choice :) If you have ubuntu or fedora it should work12:56
pigmejthen I could be right that we need 1.7.4 :D12:56
pigmejmkwiek: you can fill a bug :)12:56
salmon_and fix it :)12:56
mkwiekwell, I usually play with stuff on virtual machines anyway, so I will see if I can stay on OSX, if not - I will switch12:56
mkwiekcool, thanks guys12:57
pigmejyup but remebmer to fill bug :)12:57
pigmejbecause, it will be better for you to first understand solar then fix some annoying compatibility bugs :P12:57
pigmejsalmon_: I'm pretty sure that solar dev env is broken on windows; P12:57
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salmon_no one checked :)12:59
salmon_mkwiek: OSx should be ok, just no one tested it there :P13:00
mkwiekI can try it on my Windows box at home :D13:00
mkwiekon the second thought - I'd rather not for now13:01
openstackgerritMaciej Kwiek proposed openstack/solar: Fix Vagrant version requirement in docs.
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pigmejmkwiek: you don't want to have -1, isn't it ?13:13
mkwiekthanks! I will fix that in a minute. anyway, don't hesitate to -1 bad patches :D13:14
pigmejnot to the first one!13:14
openstackgerritMaciej Kwiek proposed openstack/solar: Fix Vagrant version requirement in docs.
openstackgerritJedrzej Nowak proposed openstack/solar: Added waiters instead of sleep in Lock
pigmejsalmon_: I had to fix global Semaphore problem13:24
pigmejlogic is the same.13:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack/solar: Fix Vagrant version requirement in docs.
openstackgerritJedrzej Nowak proposed openstack/solar: Added waiters instead of sleep in Lock
salmon_mkwiek: welcome in the contributors team :)16:02
pigmejyup ;)16:31
pigmejI don't wanted to give him -1 :P16:32
openstackgerritJedrzej Nowak proposed openstack/solar: Added waiters instead of sleep in Lock
openstackgerritJedrzej Nowak proposed openstack/solar: Added waiters instead of sleep in Lock
openstackgerritJedrzej Nowak proposed openstack/solar: Fixes issue with types in composer
pigmejsalmon_: treat it as "hacky solution" but keeping template language  + having pretty much the same possibilities... it's the less invasive solution18:13
pigmejI had more invasive solution, like 10 jinja monkey patches18:14
pigmejthis one is quite ok in fact, aaa_#{x}# works as expected :)18:14
pigmejsame for #{a + 1}# where a is string or int18:14
pigmejjinja lacks possibility is modyfing output without hacks (or at least I was unable to find it), and changing template engine *would* help, but it would also increase learning curve18:15
salmon_this is also a hack :P18:16
pigmejsure it is18:16
pigmeja) outside jinja18:16
pigmejb) it doesn't modify jinja at all18:16
pigmejc) it's small :D18:16
pigmejand because we're not exactly sure how the Composer 'language' will look like in product state, I would prefer to not swap template language now, we will make it harder for users18:17
pigmejI agree that this hack is ugly18:17
pigmejbut it's the less ugly hack from those that I had ;D18:17
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openstackgerritLukasz Oles proposed openstack/solar: Create separate page for development docs
openstackgerritJedrzej Nowak proposed openstack/solar: Fixes issue with types in composer
pigmejsalmon_: I added tests20:07
pigmejI also commetted your PR :)20:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/solar: Added waiters instead of sleep in Lock
openstackgerritMerged openstack/solar: Restructure ansible handlers
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