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pabelanger | o/ | 15:00 |
pleia2 | o/ | 15:00 |
pleia2 | starting off over in #openstack-meeting with the storyboard folks | 15:01 |
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*** ChanServ changes topic to "Infrastructure Bug Day, pick a project and start triaging, tracking progress at https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/infra-bug-day-september-2016" | 16:00 | |
pleia2 | doh | 16:00 |
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pleia2 | o/ | 16:01 |
pleia2 | so, we have the etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/infra-bug-day-september-2016 | 16:01 |
pleia2 | for reference, this is the one from last time: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cibugreview-april2016 I figure we can do similar things with each grabbing a project to triage and taking notes if we want someone on the team to look at it | 16:02 |
pleia2 | Zara: is this a good link to find all the openstack-ci projects? https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project_group/55 | 16:03 |
* clarkb will likely start with the things neglected in his dashbaord then will grab a project | 16:04 | |
Zara | pleia2: I think so, though most projects in the instance are listed as openstack-ci | 16:04 |
clarkb | question though is a story "done" if all tasks are "merged" ? | 16:05 |
Zara | I'd assume it's accurate but I haven't put them there myself. | 16:05 |
pleia2 | so we seem to have 128 projects, is there a way to only list ones with stories? | 16:05 |
Zara | clarkb: yeah, it should automatically change status to 'merged' | 16:05 |
clarkb | fungi: is https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/1182231 something we want to do? tempted to set that state to "invalid - we thought this would be a good idea but now we have teh ansibles" | 16:06 |
Zara | pleia2: hm, probably not, actually (through the web ui, anyway) | 16:07 |
Zara | I think you'd have to do it the other way around, and filter stories by project-group | 16:07 |
SotK | Zara, pleia2: I can't think of a way to do that easily using the API either | 16:07 |
fungi | pleia2: oops, sorry, i was over in a server buffer talking to chanserv and didn't notice we were fighting over topics | 16:08 |
pleia2 | is there a way to get a listing of all 128 projects alone? | 16:08 |
Zara | https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/list and then filter on the openstackci project group | 16:08 |
pleia2 | fungi: no worries, we got there eventually :) | 16:08 |
pleia2 | Zara: thanks | 16:08 |
Zara | *openstack-ci | 16:08 |
* pleia2 nods | 16:08 | |
pleia2 | hm, not story, project | 16:09 |
pleia2 | but there's project/list too, so | 16:09 |
Zara | oh wait, that's just stories, and project/list isn't functioning for groups... | 16:09 |
Zara | guess we've got our first 'fixme'. :/ | 16:09 |
* bkero takes a look at ol' jjb storyboard again to see if anything's changed since last infra sprint. | 16:09 | |
pleia2 | I searched https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/list and used group:openstack-ci and it's only returning 59 projects | 16:10 |
fungi | clarkb: i agree, story 1182231 is obsolete. we solved it another way | 16:10 |
pleia2 | rather than 128 | 16:10 |
pleia2 | and actually these aren't all ours | 16:10 |
* pleia2 headscratch | 16:10 | |
pleia2 | ok, I might just have to do this the hard way | 16:10 |
Zara | okay, given that the openstack-ci is 128/136 projects | 16:11 |
Zara | I suggest you just ignore the other 8 | 16:11 |
pleia2 | oh, https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/list has a dropdown to list them all | 16:11 |
pleia2 | I'll just dump this list in the etherpad so I can make notes as I go through them | 16:11 |
Zara | oh there are a few more since some aren't in groups. | 16:11 |
pleia2 | they probably should be | 16:12 |
fungi | pleia2: might double-check whether the missing/extra projects have groups set in gerrit/projects.yaml, and whether that's reflected in the sb database (it might only get set on project creation or during lp import?) | 16:12 |
pleia2 | ah, yeah | 16:12 |
fungi | the first is a task anybody can do, second would need an infra-root to query mysql | 16:13 |
pleia2 | alright, the list of 128 is in the etherpad now so people can put their nicks next to them when they work on them | 16:13 |
Zara | I've noted the filtering thing on the etherpad | 16:16 |
Zara | (I suspect it's doable with a python client script so I'll have a look at that) | 16:19 |
clarkb | random thought I really want a "you need to give us more info" state | 16:20 |
bkero | Bugzilla has a NEEDINFO state for that purpose | 16:21 |
bkero | pleia2: good job getting all those projects done so fast. :) | 16:23 |
Zara | will a 'needs-info' tag work? | 16:24 |
pleia2 | bkero: woo no stories | 16:25 |
clarkb | Zara: ya. Mostly just want it to be easy to see which bugs are lacking as I skim | 16:25 |
* clarkb just found one "could not attach floating ip" and if you know anything about floating IPs there are a million ways they fail | 16:25 | |
bkero | Zara: trying to do puppet-storyboard, found this is the only active story. Since you're mentioned can you comment whether it should be 'done' or still in progress? https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/99 | 16:28 |
Zara | bkero: I think nobody's currently working on it but we hope someone will at some point, so still in progress or todo sounds right to me | 16:31 |
bkero | ok | 16:31 |
bkero | So here's the story about "we should have a rubygems mirror". What project should it belong to? Probably not pypi-mirror. https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000247 | 16:31 |
pleia2 | system-config is kind of our dumping ground | 16:35 |
pleia2 | so that | 16:35 |
bkero | got it | 16:36 |
Zara | well, I'm late but I now have a python client script for fitering projects by 'has a thing in it' and 'in x group'; I can add it to the etherpad... | 16:37 |
bkero | Erm, what is the method for reassigning to another project? I don't ese an intuitive UI way to do that. Just Affects other project? | 16:38 |
SotK | click the little arrow at the left of the task, click "Change project", start typing the new project and select from the dropdown | 16:40 |
Zara | I've added the list of projects with tasks that are in the openstack-ci group to the bottom of the etherpad | 16:41 |
Zara | that's dependent on my script working | 16:41 |
Zara | it says the are 41 so hopefully that is just the ones with related stories, anyway. might speed it up a bit | 16:42 |
pleia2 | Zara: ah, nice, I'll see how that matches up with what I'm manually going through | 16:42 |
pleia2 | (and bkero is too) | 16:43 |
* bkero nod :) | 16:43 | |
clarkb | Zara: is it a known issue that even though I set my page listing count to 100 I still only get 10? | 16:48 |
pleia2 | asselin: can you have a look at this story? since we do now have a puppet-ci and this hasn't been updated since 2015, I think it's done https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000101 | 16:49 |
SotK | clarkb: on which page? | 16:49 |
Zara | hm, that should be fixed, which page? | 16:49 |
pleia2 | bkero: gonna reorg these a bit so the storyless ones are at the bottom | 16:49 |
clarkb | SotK: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/668 | 16:49 |
clarkb | Zara: ^ | 16:49 |
bkero | pleia2: thanks | 16:50 |
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SotK | clarkb: something does indeed seem broken there | 16:52 |
Zara | hm, on all pages with pagination | 16:54 |
Zara | yes, that's new | 16:54 |
Zara | even so, it should still default to a hundred (or at least, it does for me...) | 16:55 |
Zara | if it's set that way on the profile page | 16:55 |
Zara | oh hm, no it doesn't, it does for everything but projects | 16:56 |
Zara | woop. | 16:56 |
clarkb | yay I am helping :) | 16:56 |
pleia2 | hehe | 16:57 |
clarkb | jeblair: do you want to mark https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000074 invalid or should that be updated to take into account the zk work? | 16:58 |
persia | pleia2: Just a note on the organisation of storyful projects: because of the behaviour bkero pointed out before (with puppet-storyboard), there may be significant duplication of stories when triaging project-by-project (depending on the number of cross-project stories). | 16:59 |
jeblair | clarkb: technically it's still an active approved spec :| | 17:00 |
pleia2 | persia: yeah, I think that's ok, that's a lot fewer to go through than the whole lot of them | 17:01 |
fungi | sorry, got pulled in several other directions... catching up now | 17:01 |
fungi | clarkb: for things like incomplete/needinfo, tags would likely work well? | 17:01 |
jeblair | clarkb: but i do want to make it obsolete if the current zk work goes well | 17:01 |
clarkb | jeblair: ok so wait on that then? | 17:02 |
jeblair | yeah, let's abandon it when we abandon the spec | 17:02 |
clarkb | kk | 17:02 |
pleia2 | I think we have a reason for *not* making git.o.o force https, yeah? https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000624 | 17:03 |
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Zara | ----We are currently investigating the pagination mystery in #storyboard; we hope to return to our regular scheduled programming shortly----- | 17:04 |
fungi | pleia2: at a minimum, there was a point in time where devs on ibm's network couldn't git clone over https because proxies there broke it (no idea if that's still the case) | 17:05 |
persia | pleia2: The great firewall of china, maybe? I believe some folk pull from there. | 17:05 |
pleia2 | that's what I thought, I'll leave a comment in there for now so we can triage | 17:06 |
pleia2 | won't close just yet though | 17:06 |
fungi | in the ibm case, it was a matter of their transparent https proxy choking on git-over-http payloads, rather than something more overt | 17:06 |
bkero | I figured that proxies would strip the ssl and replace it with their own certs. Would be interesting to find out for certain though. | 17:06 |
fungi | bkero: yeah, https proxies do have their own certs but it's easy enough to configure client machines to deal with that | 17:07 |
fungi | this was more that the proxy was breaking/corrupting the stream and had nothing to do with cert trusts | 17:07 |
pleia2 | at the very least, we probably want to alert the community before we redirect everything to https, so probably good to bookmark for a discussion | 17:07 |
pleia2 | so we don't break all the things for people | 17:08 |
fungi | pleia2: well, also i don't see why we'd redirect anyway. unless the plan is to drop all unencrypted protocols (so also git://) | 17:08 |
fungi | right now we support cloning via two plaintext protocols and one encrypted protocol | 17:09 |
pleia2 | well, I meant specifically http to https :) but unencrypted git:// is worth consideration too | 17:09 |
fungi | it's worth questioning the underlying reason for the request | 17:09 |
fungi | and determining whether it's a lemming argument, or simply missing that http is already not the only plaintext protcol we're supporting | 17:10 |
pleia2 | yeah, rationale so far is "should" | 17:10 |
bkero | Sounds like you'd need to get a resolution to retire all plaintext protocols to make it useful | 17:11 |
* pleia2 updates with all the comments | 17:11 | |
fungi | i'm a pretty security-conscious person (perhaps even overly paranoid at times) and i don't see a good reason to stop offering plaintext http as an option. people who want encrypted access over https are free to use it | 17:11 |
* pleia2 may have adjusted the wording away from "lemming argument" | 17:12 | |
fungi | this is a bit different from the arguments about browser use, where people might be following hyperlinks from other sites and we want to make sure that they arrive at a "secured" version of some page | 17:12 |
bkero | Wouldn't the equivalent be using 'git clone' commands from either scripts or copypaste from web pages that you want to make sure are cloned through a 'secured' transport? | 17:14 |
fungi | also git is already a more inherently secure content (dependence on sha-1 aside) than prose site content or arbitrary unsigned binaries | 17:14 |
pleia2 | fungi: oh hey, is our search still stale on new-wiki? looking at https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000265 | 17:15 |
pleia2 | oh, hah, bkero already looked at this bug | 17:16 |
* bkero nod | 17:17 | |
bkero | I figured I'd let one of you two handle it since you're more familiar with the topic though. :) | 17:17 |
pleia2 | bkero: so I've been making comments in the etherpad (and asking here as applicable) when I need input on something | 17:17 |
bkero | ok | 17:17 |
pleia2 | since no one is looking at the bugs (hello, today) so they won't see our comments :x | 17:17 |
fungi | pleia2: i'm not actually sure if cirrussearch updates correctly/automagically yet. something that should still get double-checked once we're in production (or i guess you could check it with the wiki-dev.o.o site now) | 17:18 |
* pleia2 pokes around | 17:19 | |
pleia2 | An error has occurred while searching: We could not complete your search due to a temporary problem. Please try again later. | 17:19 |
pleia2 | har | 17:19 |
pleia2 | gg wiki-dev | 17:19 |
fungi | indeed. probably no search index on the server. that goes on the list of things to look into soon, along with fixing openid configuration | 17:22 |
pleia2 | updated the bug with that info and keeping it open | 17:22 |
fungi | i did a happy dance once the site was actually able to load (well, and also fixed an apache permissions issue with the images directory) and then got pulled away and haven't been able to continue on it yet | 17:23 |
pleia2 | understandable :) | 17:24 |
fungi | BUT, at least now it's continuously deployed, and redeployable locally, so anyone who wants to chip in on fixing the remaining issues with it can do so without needing root access | 17:28 |
clarkb | Zara: SotK other random paging behavior is if I have paged ahead to page two or three, click on a story, then hit back I get reset to page one not the page I was previously on | 17:30 |
Zara | yeah, that's a known bug, and slightly more irritating to fix (since we'd have to remember the user's location) | 17:31 |
* Zara hunts for story for t | 17:31 | |
Zara | *it | 17:31 |
Zara | https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000405 | 17:34 |
Zara | so not only is there a story, I wrote it, and it's a duplicate of another story \o/ | 17:34 |
Zara | clarkb: SotK sent a fix for the other pagination oddness, over at: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/370310/ | 17:39 |
bkero | I love going through stories that have reviews attached and I can see they merged. So easy to close. :) | 17:48 |
clarkb | Zara: SotK not super familiar with the js side of things but is that something that should come with tests? | 17:50 |
pleia2 | I keep shift+enter in comments which sends the comment, which other forms on the internet use *not* to send the comment, a toggle for that would be nice | 17:51 |
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pleia2 | /o\ | 17:51 |
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Zara | hah, I think there was a story for that too | 17:52 |
Zara | clarkb: not sure what you mean, could you rephrase? | 17:52 |
pleia2 | I remember having this issue last time, so I might have even filed it | 17:52 |
* pleia2 looks | 17:52 | |
Zara | (I evidently need more tea) | 17:53 |
Zara | I think it was jeblair's story | 17:53 |
bkero | Zara: this may seem noobish again, but how do I set the priority on a story? I don't see an intuitive element for that. | 17:53 |
Zara | bkero: ah, so we discussed this in today's infra meeting; we're moving away from one global priority to complex priority. so it's probably not intuitive because it's a totally new way of doing things (finding logs now) | 17:56 |
Zara | http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-meeting/%23openstack-meeting.2016-09-14.log.html#t2016-09-14T15:26:14 | 17:56 |
Zara | that should explain the implementation and the motivation behind it, though I intend to write up something neater for the ML once people have had a chance to play around with it | 17:57 |
pleia2 | Zara: ah yes, this one https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/316 | 17:58 |
bkero | Zara: So for single ungrouped tasks, they basically won't have a priority at all since they're not part of a worklist? | 17:58 |
bkero | I should assume I won't have to worry about that then. | 17:58 |
Zara | bkero: yeah, we figure if it's not on any person or team's worklist then presumably nobody cares about it too much. | 17:59 |
bkero | got it :) | 17:59 |
persia | bkero: If there are tasks that you would find useful to have prioritised, you can create a worklist and put things in it. If other people like your prioritisation, they will subscribe, if you advertise it. | 17:59 |
fungi | i think it's a remarkably elegant model | 18:00 |
fungi | for example, if infra wanted to prioritize tasks, we could have an infra worklist for that purpose | 18:01 |
Zara | pleia2: haha, yes, that's the one; I was just remembering this comment from the linked story: '(eh, shift+enter does the *other* thing :( here)' | 18:01 |
Zara | since I remember spending a while wondering what 'the *other* thing' was xD | 18:01 |
bkero | persia: I don't think I feel that strongly about anything I've triaged so far. :) | 18:01 |
pleia2 | Zara: yep :) | 18:01 |
pleia2 | hah | 18:01 |
fungi | and then anyone who wanted to follow our priorities subscribes to that worklist | 18:01 |
persia | bkero: And that's one of the arguments against global priority: if one doesn't feel strongly about something, it's hard to understand why one would set a priority :) | 18:02 |
persia | fungi: Precisely. | 18:02 |
fungi | bkero: basically, it's an acknowledgement that the old global "priority" option in most issue trackers is an overly ambiguous feel-good knob to satisfy people who feel their report should be important | 18:02 |
bkero | Yeah, I get it. "Important to who?" | 18:03 |
fungi | there was a time (at an old job, using a proprietary customer-facing issue tracker) where we configured a similar field in issue reports to let the reporter indicate the urgency of their report. on the backend view presented to the technicians we never even displayed it | 18:04 |
Zara | hahaha | 18:04 |
pleia2 | everything super A+ most important | 18:05 |
clarkb | we once had an ITIL system and if we didnt get to the hoghest priority reports within an hour or something we got in trouble | 18:05 |
clarkb | this resulted in us basically doing non stop triage as every new report camr in as high priority and had to be dropped to low | 18:06 |
fungi | reminds me of a story one of the disney theme parks imagineers related, about how they intentionally add thermostats all over the place which aren't wired back to anything at all | 18:06 |
clarkb | "no your request for a dns record update is not high priority we have a 1 week sla on this" etc | 18:06 |
* bkero imagines an ACL that prevents people from submitting high priority bugs if they've shown to be incapable to understanding what's high priority and what isn't. | 18:07 | |
fungi | "you must be this tall to submit urgent requests" | 18:08 |
Zara | heh, make a worklist called 'high priority bugs', pick users for the worklist accordingly (don't actually do that it's not very elegant) | 18:08 |
Zara | s'pose 'items of interest to tall people' could also be a worklist. | 18:09 |
pleia2 | fungi: I'm going through the infra-specs stories very carefully, going to merge the ones that we have moved to Implemented unless you have any objections | 18:12 |
pleia2 | (though noting we should probably have a process for this) | 18:12 |
pleia2 | s/merge/change status to merged | 18:13 |
pleia2 | like https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/138 is for implemented spec http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/public_hiera.html | 18:13 |
fungi | pleia2: please do! i always forget to check back on them | 18:13 |
pleia2 | kk, thanks | 18:13 |
fungi | pleia2: the process should probably be that the "move spec to implemented" change links the final task in the story | 18:14 |
fungi | so that the gerrit/storyboard integration takes care of it for us | 18:14 |
* pleia2 nods | 18:14 | |
fungi | we'll just need to get good about remembering to do that | 18:14 |
pleia2 | I'm still not sure I'm convinced about these infra-specs stories in general | 18:15 |
fungi | i think we similarly need to clear out some cobwebs on specs that are still sitting around unimplemented or incomplete for too long. start making decisions on whether we think they're going anywhere | 18:15 |
pleia2 | a story should exist, just not so sure about putting them in the infra-specs project itself | 18:16 |
pleia2 | agreed, we have a lot of work piling up in specs | 18:16 |
bkero | nice topic https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000377 | 18:17 |
Zara | hahaha | 18:18 |
fungi | the idea behind having the story linked in the spec is so that people can see how far along to completion a spec is by looking at the tasks. though we have competing interests/duplication between a code-reviewed list of tasks in a section of the spec and a list of tasks on the story for the spec | 18:19 |
pleia2 | "We mostly read them when..." :D | 18:19 |
Zara | we never did see that person in #storyboard | 18:19 |
pleia2 | fungi: that's fair | 18:20 |
fungi | pleia2: it's _possible_ we could work out some sort of sb automation whereby the specs site queries sb to see which stories map to each spec, and import a list of tasks from a section of the spec when it merges? that may be overly ambitious though | 18:20 |
Zara | at least part of that sounds like something the python client could handle | 18:21 |
fungi | perhaps | 18:21 |
fungi | might auto-create a story and populate tasks for it when the spec merges? | 18:22 |
fungi | gets a little fuzzy when the spec is updated though, and we do that from time to time | 18:23 |
Zara | ah, I missed the 'on merge' bit', maybe that's more of a gerritbot thing | 18:23 |
fungi | or a ci job | 18:24 |
Zara | (what I've found with the python client so far is that creating a story is simple, creating a new one with tasks is a bit more complex (I think it's two different POSTs, and the story id is automatically created when the story is. Then you POST the task, which has a story_id field, so getting them to match up is a bit more effort). but really I should look at how it's done from the webclient.) | 18:27 |
Zara | (iirc if I want to make a new story with tasks from the python client, I hackily get the id of the story[len(stories)-1], (that's the highest since stories can be removed), and then make a task with that story_id +1. there may well be a much nicer way.) | 18:32 |
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fungi | yeah, multiple api calls or cli invocations isn't really a concern for a ci job or a gerrit hook script | 18:38 |
Zara | I'm heading off for the evening but should be around tomorrow | 18:50 |
* bkero ewaves | 18:51 | |
Zara | :) 'night! | 18:51 |
pleia2 | night Zara, thanks for your help | 18:53 |
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pleia2 | oof, I think I need a snack before doing more of system-config | 19:18 |
bkero | Ugh, ok. git-review done, 64 -> 50 stories. | 19:24 |
bkero | with 4 or 5 more that can be knocked out when folks have time to glance at the notes | 19:25 |
* bkero lunch | 19:25 | |
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* bkero dares jenkins-job-builder after lunch. | 19:26 | |
fungi | i've been doing a terrible job of staying on top of git-review bug reports. that project ideally needs its own dedicated maintainer/lead/caretaker because i'm not able to find sufficient time to keep track of it and it attracts a lot of bug reports and drive-by contributions | 19:27 |
bkero | Yeah, I saw that a lot of those same stories were there from the last infra sprint and you had commented on quite a bit of them | 19:30 |
bkero | unfortunately I'm not familiar enough with the project to be able to contribute to the stories technically | 19:31 |
bkero | but this is about triage, and I certainly did that :) | 19:32 |
pleia2 | zuul, shade and gear are going to need eyeballs that aren't mine | 19:34 |
pleia2 | and it's probably a good idea to make sure zuul is all tidy for next week | 19:35 |
* bkero sits out on sunny front porch and eats chorizo tacos | 19:41 | |
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* clarkb catches up on bug day after lunching | 20:23 | |
pleia2 | probably should properly lunch now | 20:36 |
* clarkb has a sad over https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000577 | 20:37 | |
clarkb | I added those unicode tests to jjb way back when and somehow we still regressed | 20:37 |
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clarkb | I am also realizing that I have zero context for any of these jjb bugs its all rundeck doesn't work and jenkins new release is broken and slack plugin doesn't do X | 20:38 |
* clarkb will remove himself and maybe zaro wants to go through it? | 20:38 | |
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pleia2 | this is very amusing, I think we can close it? https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/809479 | 20:46 |
clarkb | yes I think so | 20:48 |
clarkb | :) | 20:48 |
pleia2 | not sure anyone got to this long tail of the system-config stories last time, lots of good closeable stuff here | 20:50 |
clarkb | I just clsoed on on d-g yay | 20:54 |
clarkb | how do I mark a thing as duplicate? | 21:00 |
pleia2 | not sure | 21:00 |
clarkb | anyone have a good method for ^ | 21:01 |
persia | There isn't any such functionality currently. Some folk have been referencing the primary report with an edited description. | 21:05 |
pleia2 | clarkb: I *think* we're in pretty good shape backup-wise now that we're using bup and keeping mysql backups, time to close, or are there any servers we should add as tasks to this? https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/1010621 | 21:07 |
clarkb | pleia2: the reason that remains open is puppetmaster | 21:10 |
clarkb | pleia2: but its actually a fairly involved propcess to back that up given the hieradata | 21:10 |
clarkb | and I just have never had time to dig into that | 21:10 |
pleia2 | ok, I'll create a task for that and move on | 21:11 |
pleia2 | I don't even remember this, rackspace classic vs nova? https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/1082787 | 21:12 |
pleia2 | oh hm, we still have old-wiki.o.o | 21:20 |
pleia2 | looking at https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/1082787 | 21:21 |
clarkb | another random UI thing | 21:31 |
clarkb | even if the task related to a specific project is set to merged that story shows up in the active queue for that project if there are other projects in an unmerged state | 21:31 |
pleia2 | yeah :\ | 21:31 |
clarkb | to deal with the duplicate I left comments on both stories saying one is the duplicate of the other | 21:32 |
persia | There was discussion of appears-open-in-project-even-if-the-open-tasks-are-in-other-projects issue in #storyboard earlier. The memory was that this was intentional, as a means to promote cross-project work. | 21:43 |
persia | But such intention would have been decided fairly early (Icehouse cycle or thereabouts) | 21:44 |
pleia2 | alright, made my way through system-config mostly | 21:59 |
pleia2 | the gate-failures ones are hard, most are from 2014 or older so :\ | 21:59 |
pleia2 | I am getting tired | 22:08 |
pleia2 | looks like no one got to zuul, shade, gear and jjb | 22:09 |
pleia2 | I'll send an EoD report tomorrow and include this info if no one gets to these before then | 22:09 |
clarkb | ya I am getting distracted by other things I need to do | 22:09 |
clarkb | I definitely think it would be great if the current jjb devs could poke at its list | 22:09 |
clarkb | I tried and gave up because I just don't have the context anymore | 22:09 |
* pleia2 nods | 22:10 | |
bkero | pleia2: I'm doing jjb this afernoon | 22:10 |
pleia2 | thanks bkero \o/ | 22:10 |
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bkero | Man, all the jjb stories are "add support for this", or "the support for this plugin broke after plugin upgraded to 1.0" | 22:39 |
pleia2 | hm, we don't have a wishlist status anymore, are we using a tag for that? | 22:46 |
bkero | I haven't been tagging for that. Perhaps I should be adding 'feature' tags. | 22:50 |
bkero | What tags are you using? | 22:50 |
pleia2 | I don't know :) | 22:50 |
bkero | I've been thinking one for 'bug' and 'feature request' would be good | 22:51 |
pleia2 | I think there were some ideas floating around from ttx about how to make a distinction, but it's been a while | 22:52 |
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