Thursday, 2016-05-12

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kashyapapevec: Here?08:38
kashyapapevec: When you are, can I turn this into a cherry-pick without messing up?
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kashyapapevec: Or should I just update the Change-ID as Mitaka/Newton08:40
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kashyapapevec: Ignore me, I'm doing a proper cherry-pick and resolving the conflicts09:05
apeveckashyap, you need to abandon the one w/ bad changeid09:06
apevecthat's part of Gerrit "primary-key"09:06
kashyapapevec: Yes, will abandon that,09:06
apevec(changeid, branch) is the PK afaict09:06
apevecactually alternate key to be preciese :)09:07
kashyapNoted.  apevec Is there a way I can supply change ID when doing cherry-pick?09:07
apevecPK is generated sequence id of course :)09:07
apeveckashyap, it is part of commit msg, so just don't touch it09:08
apevecimportant is it must stay in the last paragraph09:08
apevecotherwise git-review will generate new one09:08
kashyapapevec: The thing is...I did something silly: I already have a new change, with the proper change ID -
kashyapapevec: But it is not 'cherry-pick'ed -- I merely edited the old commit, and updated the change ID to reflect the correct one.09:09
apevecok, that one looks good,n,z09:09
apevecah you need git cherry-pick -x09:09
apevecor just edit commit message and add that line09:09
apevecprocess is documented in
kashyapapevec: Add the (cherry picked from commit 82098d06dbaf401966a70c873b8aa97e7eab4b10)09:11
kashyapWouldn't that be 'cheating'?09:12
kashyapYes, yes, /me goes to RTFM09:12
apevecwhy? It's just not automated, git c-p -x does it for you :)09:12
kashyapapevec: Okay, let me do that09:12
apevecbtw it should be two09:12
apevecb/c you're supposed to cherry pick from the branch+109:13
kashyapapevec: But, when I do `git c-p -x`, how do I tell it to not generate a new Change-ID and use Ibea4954c149b9dcb162c5962ab8e9a4f17e51a1d09:13
apevecso if you cherry-pick -x mitaka backport which already has (cherry picked from ....) it adds one more09:14
kashyap(Yes, will make it a cherry-pic from stable/mitaka)09:14
kashyapYes, that I get it.  I'm just trying to ensure that if I can turn this new change into a cherry-picked one --
kashyapIgnore me if I'm annoying you :-)09:15
apeveckashyap, see Warning box in
* kashyap clicks09:15
kashyapapevec: Yep, aware fo that 'Warning' and I did follow it previously for other backports.09:16
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kashyaptonyb: I was reworking the patch locally, and was about to send -- but stepped out to pick up my bicycle12:51
kashyaptonyb: Thanks however for fixing that.  Why still a -1?12:51
kashyapapevec: It is fixed now -- does it look better?12:56
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apeveckashyap, it does, +2 from me13:47
kashyapThanks.  Sorry for the nuisance.13:48
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kashyapmriedem: Thanks!14:17
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AJaegerstable cores, could you import translations for horizon, please? and they have already one +2 by david-lyle17:08
AJaegertonyb, mriedem are you around to help, please? ^17:09
mriedemAJaeger: in a meeting, can look after17:11
AJaegerthanks, mriedem - found another horizon stable core meanwhile!17:12
AJaegerso, no further action needed...17:12
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fungidhellmann: Daviey: AJaeger's stable/kilo eol request to the -infra ml for the openstack/openstack-manuals repo just reminded me, if the stable branch managers are wanting to take over the eol process, how do you want eol requests from the big tent funneled to you?
* fungi feels like it would be a silly outcome if the stable team took over eol for just a subset of projects and expected all the others to continue requesting it from the infra team19:52
fungiodyssey4me: ^ you had expressed opinions on revamping the process as well19:53
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dhellmannfungi: good point. I'll let tonyb and Daviey propose something since I haven't given the process much thought yet20:26
tonybdhellmann: neither have I.  I'll ponder on it today20:27
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