Wednesday, 2016-05-18

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kota_eranrom: sorry, i can't make it today. Looking forward to tomorrow teleconf.11:30
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eranromkota_,ok, thanks for the update talk to you tomorrow12:55
takashieranrom, kota_: Unfortunately I can't attend to the meeting tommorow, because of another meeting :-(12:59
takashieranrom: I don't have anything special, which kota_ doesn't know, so I think kota_ can let you know all of the updates from NTT side.13:00
eranromtakashi,:ok, kota said he can't make it13:01
eranromcan you have a quick look at the info patch?13:02
eranromotherwise. I also do not have anything.13:02
takashieranrom: patch 316731, right?13:03
patchbottakashi: - storlets - Adding more information to storlet_handler info13:03
eranromoh yes this one,m sorry I did not paste it.13:03
takashiernarom: np. I'll check it!13:03
eranromalright so I guess thisa is it for today13:04
takashieranrom: agree13:04
eranromok, thanks for joining. talk to you  later13:05
takashieranrom: yes. thank you.13:06
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