Sunday, 2016-02-14

openstackgerritBrian Cline proposed openstack/swauth: Use correct content type on JSON responses
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onovybriancline: hi12:07
onovyad json content-type12:08
onovyonly nit in unit tests i'm thinking about.  self.assertEqual(resp.content_type, auth.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON) // not sure if it's correct to us auth.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON. i think you should create own const in unit tests12:08
onovyit's much safer12:09
onovywhat do you think?12:09
onovybriancline: i wrote it inside review, thanks for your contribution12:25
brianclineonovy: yeah, i dont know that its particularly unsafe as a const and we want to test the presence, but i do see the stylistic concern over keeping them separate. i'll push up another changeset :)12:39
onovyperfect, thanks :)12:39
openstackgerritBrian Cline proposed openstack/swauth: Use correct content type on JSON responses
onovybriancline: one of two nits :)12:48
onovyah sry, comment12:48
onovyi need to fix my saio+swauth first, don't know why it's not working. then i will reply12:51
brianclinecool, no rush12:52
onovyad your question: Should we change the content type on the underlying objects as well? // i think yes13:01
onovydo you want to work on it as follow up? :)13:02
brianclinesure, no problem13:04
brianclineand i agree :)13:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swauth: Use correct content type on JSON responses
brianclinethanks for the quick review and merge13:07
onovyyou are welcome13:07
openstackgerritOndřej Nový proposed openstack/swauth: Fixed E127 and E131 hacking.
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