Tuesday, 2014-03-25

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pelusetorgomatic/clayg:  did you guys sync on the acct rollup question qrt whether we need header resonses from the backend to includex index values (as well as header values to clients including names)?00:00
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claygpeluse: I just talked to torgomatic and he says he doesn't care any more00:10
claygpeluse: *I* care and don't want a bunch of string mungy code responsible for getting out the index, maybe having both was "ok" - but it seemed sorta premature00:11
peluseclayg:  sounds good... thx.  So I think its good to go then (meaning nothing pending to change on the patch set) right?00:17
claygnothing pending for me - i've on to manually testing and reviewing the reconciler change00:19
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pelusethanks clayg00:28
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h6wHi.  I'm trying to understand the need for zones.  What do zones do that storage nodes don't?00:49
notmynameh6w: zones allow you to tell swift about your physical failure domains00:51
notmynameh6w: and swift will attempt to place replicas of the data across different zones00:51
notmynameeg so a single rack power issue doesn't cause durability or availability problems00:51
notmynameor a top of rack switch00:52
h6wSo I should put all storage nodes attached to the same switch on one zone?00:52
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notmynameh6w: yes. but there are a few tricks you'll learn from prod: more zones == better (especially when len(zones) > len(replicas), iff they are actually different failure domains; keep zones roughly equal in capacity00:54
h6wnotmayname: That sounds like a good idea.  But if I have only one zone (because I only have one switch) that shouldn't stop anything from working, should it?  I believe I saw you do this in your presentation at LCA2014.00:56
notmynameh6w: no. if you have just one switch, one zone is a great idea. that sounds exactly like what you should do00:57
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h6wThanks.  This old bug report was confusing me!  https://answers.launchpad.net/swift/+question/146048  "You are only creating 1 zone - try using at least 3 and see if that works."00:58
notmynameh6w: ah. that's _really_ old, and we solved that issue a long time ago. originally, you were required to have at least as many zones and replicas, but that hasn't been true for quite some time now (2 years maybe?)01:00
h6wYeah.  I saw the date.  Unfortunately google doesn't. :-p01:00
notmynamejeblair: clarkb: just looking back through some old IRC logs...why is the -infra team using swift3?01:01
notmyname...asked in the -infra channel01:03
notmynameglange: are you still point for billing/utilization for cloud files? I cam across something today I wanted to ask you about01:04
torgomaticnotmyname: do let me know what's up; I'm sort of curious why swift3 myself01:04
* portante is also curious01:07
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notmynamethat may have only been in relation to putting it on stackforge, but that just answers one question with another01:08
notmynamebut I was seeing it temporally associated with -infra logging to swift, so I may have been confused there01:08
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notmynamelooks like swift3 is on stackforge with a ptl and -core team (all from NTT)01:10
notmynamewith no-op gate jobs, so I'm not sure what advantages they are getting01:10
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h6wnotmyname:  So both the region and the zone are separate failure points?   Since in your presentation you have the same zone across two regions, they can't be the same failure point, can they?01:23
notmynametorgomatic: portante: seems that devstack references swift3 and as such there is a desire to not reference github (since that doesn't have good uptime) and instead reference the openstack git server. therefore stackforge01:24
notmynametorgomatic: portante: I do not know what that means for where swift3 patches should go01:24
notmynameh6w: they are nested, or tiered. IOW, regions have zones have servers have drives01:25
h6w(Although you were running it all on one laptop, so theoretically it's all one point of failure. :-p)01:25
notmynameh6w: just as 2 swift accounts can have an "images" container, you can set up a "zone1" in multiple regions01:26
portantewow, move a project so that devstack can work?01:26
notmynameh6w: demoware!01:26
portanteguess this is the new world order01:26
notmynameportante: well, it looks like the move to devstack patch still references the github repo as the origin. I don't know if that means it's upstream or just where it used to be01:27
notmynamemordred: ^ ?01:27
portanteif it is a pure indirection, that seems okay01:27
portantestackforge would be a "cache" of the real project01:28
creihtas a side note, github seems to be up more, now that openstack ci isn't pointed at it anymore01:28
* creiht runs01:28
portanteyeah, leave us standing around here!01:28
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jeblairnotmyname: it just moved on friday, i don't think they have had time to set up gate jobs or move the devstack uri01:30
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notmynamejeblair: is it a cache or a mirror or a new authoritative location?01:30
jeblairnotmyname: i believe they moved so that they could test devstack changes, so i expect them to take advantage of the ci01:30
mordrednotmyname: I would expect it to be a new authoitative location01:30
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mordredI would NOT expect me to be able to spell though01:31
jeblairmordred, notmyname: that is my understanding01:31
notmynameportante: it really is a new world order ;-)01:31
notmynamejeblair: mordred: thanks for the info :-)01:31
portantejeblair, mordred: so it did not move so that devstack would work. k01:31
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claygtorgomatic: the x-timestamp that direct_get_oldest_storage_policy_index uses is tied to the created_at key in the container db's stat's table - which doesn't get reset on container "recreate"01:46
* clayg is realy hating on container recreate lately01:46
openstackgerritPeter Portante proposed a change to openstack/swift: Make initialization test failure more explicit  https://review.openstack.org/8268801:48
openstackgerritPeter Portante proposed a change to openstack/swift: Attempt to narrow race conditions in DB connect  https://review.openstack.org/8268901:48
claygidk, maybe the oldest x-PUT-timestamp will turn out to be correct01:48
portanteclayg: see above, I believe there are more race conditions in the db connection construction code with deleting dbs/creating dbs01:50
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portanteI might not really understand this well enough, but it looks like we'll always need to lock the parent directory to avoid them01:50
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claygportante: I had sorta convinced myself I care less about that races that occur around the reclaim age timeframe01:53
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portanteclayg: what was the reasoning?01:57
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portanteand there is a race during initialization, too01:58
portanteclayg: we move the temp file under the directory lock, release the lock and then attempt to make the connection01:59
portanteso two creates will succeed, where operations will be performed to the new deleted database01:59
portanteI think01:59
portanteI found that the above changes made it so that I could more easily follow what was happening with the usage of the db_file field and all the existence checks02:00
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portante... or I might have lost my mind entirely ... can't seem to find anything at times between my ears, so mileage may vary ... ;)02:04
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openstackgerritPeter Portante proposed a change to openstack/swift: Attempt to narrow race conditions in DB connect  https://review.openstack.org/8268902:06
openstackgerritPeter Portante proposed a change to openstack/swift: Make initialization test failure more explicit  https://review.openstack.org/8268802:06
claygportante: yeah i'm not sure, i guess folks just aren't patient enough that there's many requests recreating databases exactly two weeks after they've been deleted to hit those races?02:19
portantesaw this on a brand new install02:25
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portanteclayg: see the initialize() code, where it locks the directory and then releases it02:26
portanteI might not have this right02:27
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portanteI'll pick this up tomorrow, possibly, in all day meetings for the next three days, so might have more time. :)02:28
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h6wIs it possible to have an active-active type GDC?  Would the proxies talk to each other or can the storage nodes be members of more than one proxy?02:48
h6woic.  https://swiftstack.com/images/posts/swift-global-replication/fetch-newest-3-regions-3-replicas.png   So each proxy thinks its the only proxy and knows about all storage nodes, correct?02:51
creihtanyone know if they have set a date for the paris openstack summit?02:53
creihtnotmyname: -^ ?02:53
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hugokuoh6w: correct ... But the diagram that you pasted is for global cluster. It's a bit complex then a regular deployment in a single datacenter tho.03:38
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madhuri_portante: Are you there?03:45
madhuri_clayg: ping?03:52
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h6whugokuo: Thanks.  Yes.  I mistakenly set up two independent clusters with their own proxy, thinking that the proxies did the negotiation.  Now setting up a VPN so that they can see each other's storage nodes.04:35
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Anju1if all the request are coming for one partition and if that partition gets full. Is there a mechanism to avoid this scenario?05:37
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godbgood afternoon ~ :)06:26
godbany body alive??06:26
openstackgerritYuan Zhou proposed a change to openstack/swift: Fixes versioning function tests with non-zero default policy  https://review.openstack.org/8251506:27
godbi have some question.. how can i delete .ts (tomestone) file??  i check rexirer.py script, buf i didn't know how can i use it06:29
godbobject auditor and replicator, expirer are good operations06:30
godbbut they do not delete .ts file after 1 week expirer06:30
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manish_If i am trying to upload an object of 3 GB size and in between my connection gets terminated....so will i have a part file saved on disk or not?07:10
manish_What i am trying to know, that object upload and object PUT on disk are being done in parallel or object PUT on disk will only start once proxy server receives the entire file of 3 GB?07:12
ahalethe proxy writes to the object servers immediately, but to a tmp file thats moved in place when the 3GB is complete, theres no way to resume uploading to that temp file though07:13
ahalethe way to do that I guess would be to split the 3GB file into smaller chunks and upload them and a multipart object manifest to recombine them when the full object is requested07:14
manish_but if i am not doing multi-part upload,..then also while upload in progress, Object server will start writing on disk?07:16
ahaleyes but not in a way thats useful if the upload terminated prematurely07:19
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manish_ok..i understood..07:22
manish_As per the code it seems that Proxy server takes the object in chunks of size 64 KB from WSGI server..07:23
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manish_So the question is, WSGI will get the 3GB/64KB chunks from Client/browser and then start sending it to Proxy server.....or it gets the first 64 KB frfom client and send to proxy server, without waiting for the complete object?07:25
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ahalenot sure what you mean with the wsgi, the first wsgi pipeline is within the proxy-server, it will not wait for the complete object. It will start sending to object server immediately - the files arent spooled on a proxy until all uploaded from client07:33
openstackgerritZhang Hua proposed a change to openstack/swift: Add profiling middleware in Swift  https://review.openstack.org/5327007:44
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openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed a change to openstack/python-swiftclient: Python 3: Get compatible types from six  https://review.openstack.org/8255207:56
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godbhi, i hvve some question. how can i delete .ts file (tombstone) ??08:03
godbmy system suffer from needless empty file08:05
godbobject - auditor/replicator/expirer are good operation.08:07
openstackgerritYuan Zhou proposed a change to openstack/swift: Update swift-object-info/swift-get-nodes to be storage policy aware  https://review.openstack.org/8273408:08
openstackgerritZhang Hua proposed a change to openstack/swift: Add profiling middleware in Swift  https://review.openstack.org/5327008:16
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openstackgerritMadhuri Kumari proposed a change to openstack/swift: Removed hard coded location of ring  https://review.openstack.org/8274208:47
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openstackgerritMadhuri Kumari proposed a change to openstack/swift: Removed hard coded location of ring  https://review.openstack.org/8274210:44
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hugokuohmm.... bunch of Handoff requested log for HEAD in proxy log....  is it a bug?  It's unnecessary to show HEAD request's handoff log all the time. Right ?  (Tested in Swift 1.13.0)10:57
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* hugokuo report https://bugs.launchpad.net/swift/+bug/129721411:02
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openstackgerritZhang Hua proposed a change to openstack/swift: Add profiling middleware in Swift  https://review.openstack.org/5327011:26
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openstackgerritChristian Schwede proposed a change to openstack/python-swiftclient: Make bin/swift testable part 1  https://review.openstack.org/7648711:33
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openstackgerritChristian Schwede proposed a change to openstack/python-swiftclient: Add functional tests for python-swiftclient  https://review.openstack.org/7635513:26
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creihtcschwede: ping14:34
portanteuse it quick!14:37
creihtcschwede: nm... I'll just leave a review :)14:39
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notmynamegood morning, world15:24
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portantenotmyname: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETE135Ib1ew15:35
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creihtanyone know what version of flake8 we are supposed to use with swift?15:43
dfgtorgomatic: did you see this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/swift/+bug/1296941 ? its really weird.15:49
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portantecreiht: is it not in the test-requirements.txt file?15:50
creihtneither is pep815:52
portanteso then it is just assumed the users development environment has the right stuff?15:53
portanteI know our SAIO lists a bunch of base packages needed15:53
creihtportante: I recently had an issue because I had a pep8 that was too new15:54
portantethat seems bad15:54
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creihtI'm testing clay's tox.ini changes15:54
creihtand can't figure out how to make it work15:55
portantewhat changes are those?15:55
creihtman... 3 reviews this morning and all - :/15:57
creihttime for lunch15:57
creihtthere was a day when things were simple15:58
creihtnow you have to know all the right incantations in the right postures15:58
portantewe used to spend the summers playing football, baseball, swimming, riding bikes, ghost in the graveyard, etc.15:59
notmynamecreiht: still there?16:01
notmynameportante: what are you working on today in the swift world? :-)16:03
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madhuri_anyone there?16:37
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portantenotmyname: we are trying to debug why our little PUT test program run against swift does not work16:56
portanteso I am reviewing the db.py code and trying to find out why16:56
portantenotmyname: do you need anything in particular?16:57
notmynamewe've got a regression in 1.13.0 because of the dlo/slo move to middleware that needs to be fixed before icehouse. just found it last night and confirmed with dfg and glange this morning16:57
portanteI'd be willing to help16:57
notmynamespecifically, the proxy log lines aren't doing the right thing with manifests16:58
portanteokay, is that the bug pointed to above?16:58
notmynamenot sure that there is a bug filed yet16:58
notmynamegiven the following client behavior: given the following16:58
notmynamegiven the following client behavior: https://gist.github.com/notmyname/8dff98e4354cb6e1f93f16:59
notmynamethe proxy logs look like this: https://gist.github.com/notmyname/c3a747715c7100b4c5c216:59
notmynamea few things to notice:16:59
notmynamethe manifest fetch doesn't have swift.source set, even though it's an internal-only request16:59
notmynamethere is no final log line for the total request. ie a final status code and bytes transferred line17:00
notmynameand that's a regression from pre-1.13.017:01
glangeI don't think there was ever a final log line17:01
portanteyes, probably because of how proxy_logging works17:01
portanteglange: meaning, in 1.12.0 we also don't get a final log line?17:01
portanteor is that part of the regression?17:01
glangeyeah, no final log line ever17:01
notmynameglange: even with the original manifest fetch?17:01
glangeI think the only regression is that the manifest get should have the total bytes transferred17:02
glangenotmyname: yeah, I think so17:02
notmynameok, same effective thing. but you put it more simply than it did glange :-)17:02
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portanteglange: do you mean the first GET should have 10MB instead of 2350?17:07
portantethat first request does not appear to be an internal call17:08
portantethat looks like an external client call17:08
glangeit is17:08
notmynameportante: wait, that first one should have 10MB or 100MB?17:08
portantesory, 100MB17:08
notmynamekinda important difference here ;-)17:09
portanteglange: was that a manifest get with the proper parameters?17:09
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dfgnotmyname: there's also another bug with the SLO refactor that a customer reported to us.17:10
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glangemanifest request that intend to download the actual object should have the total bytes transfered for the segments and not the size of the manifest object17:11
creihtnotmyname: I'm back17:11
dfgthis xLO refactor into middleware has caused a lot of problems. they were complicated features to begin with...17:11
portanteglange: right, so  when the GET does not have any parameters, that is a full object get using the manifest, right?17:11
notmynamecreiht: I was hoping you would talk to glange over lunch about this ;-) come on in and join the fun :-)17:11
glangeportante: yes17:12
notmynameglange: portante: or put another way, a proxy-logging line without swift.source set should have the number of bytes actually sent17:12
creihtnotmyname: I'm WFH today17:12
glangeI had to look it up but see the curl examples17:13
creihtI'm sure it's in good hands :)17:13
glangecreiht: come on17:13
portantenotmyname, glange I believe this change is an effect of the double logging, which we did not account for when we moved to middleware for slo/dlo17:14
portanteI am guessing that first GET is logged by the proxy_logging middleware closest to the proxy-server app17:14
portanteand, really, the other three as well17:15
dfgportante: no its not17:15
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portantedfg: how can you tell it isn't?17:15
dfgwell- it worked with the double logging pre- refactor to middleware17:15
portantethat is because the proxy-logging saw the finall bytes pulled from all objects, no?17:16
dfgwith this pipeline: pipeline = healthcheck proxy-logging-l cache bulk ratelimit formpost tempurl slo tempauth account-quotas rackcdn staticweb proxy-logging proxy-server17:16
dfgand this git checkout 7accddf1c3f54f67cf29d6eb69e416f798af6e23 everythign works fine17:16
portantewhat is proxy-logging-l?17:17
dfgjust proxy-logging17:17
dfgignore rackcdn17:17
portantebut is it the same code as run by proxy-logging by proxy-server then?17:17
dfgya- i separated them out for dubugging when we split it out. it uses the same egg17:18
* portante looking at above commit ...17:18
notmynamedfg: that's a good idea :-)17:19
dfgits just a commit pre-slo refactor17:19
dfgthe annoying thing is that i don't know why its not working- it should. the proxy-logging to the left of the slo should wrap the entire outgoing response- so get all the outgoing bytes. but its not working17:20
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dfgthe other bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/swift/+bug/1296941 is also totally weird17:21
dfgand that needs to be fixed before next release too.17:21
portantedfg: that above commit is Havana, no?17:22
dfgi don't know if glange mentioned but this is just another in a series of bugs we've had with this refactor...17:22
portanteso how does the slo middelware work with that?17:22
jairohello guys..  I noticed that object-auditor only checks one drive at a time,  is there a way to make it check simultaneously several drives?17:22
dfgi can't keep track of all the names..17:22
dfg1.10 i think17:22
dfgportante: at that point the slo middleware only did anything on the building of the manifest. all outgoing stuff was handled in proxy server conde piggy backing off dlo code17:24
portanteokay, so then I am back to this being a logging issue17:24
dfgproxy server code17:24
dfgya- it is a logging issue17:24
dfgbut began with refactor17:25
portanteproxy_logging closest to the proxy-server app is logging that GET, when it should be the porxy logging at the beginning of the pipeline17:25
portanteyes, my guess is that the refactoring did not take into account the subtlies of the dual proxy-logging middlewares17:25
dfgit should do both17:25
portanteyes, with one marked as the internal and the other being the client one17:26
portantedfg: is there a functional test that reproduces this problem?17:26
dfgthe one on right should log all the sub requests with SLO swift.source and report the size of the segemtns the proxy-logging-l should have the entire response with no swift.source17:26
dfgportante: any func test the pulls out an SLO i don't know how the func test is going to look at the log line generated17:27
dfgi missed a . in there somewhere17:27
portanteif you can point me at a test, I'll fix the logging17:28
portanteI would like to not spend time finding the test that reproduces it17:28
dfgok- one sec17:29
portantenotmyname, dfg, glange is there a bug # for the logging issue?17:30
notmynameportante: I haven't filed one and I only found this late yesterday afternoon17:31
portanteokay, thx17:31
notmynameportante: I'll go do that now (unless you've already started)17:32
portanteplease, thanks, I am looking at the code17:32
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dfgportante: anyway- just running this should reproduce it: python test/functional/tests.py TestSlo.test_slo_get_simple_manifest17:40
portantedfg: great, thanks17:40
dfgor you can just use swift-client to generate a slo (swift upload cont file -S 1000 --use-slo) and download it. you'll get a lot less logs to look at17:41
portantek, thx17:43
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notmynameportante: my gist has client-side and logs17:50
creihtnotmyname: I'm going to poke at the other slo bug to see if I can figure out what is going on17:51
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notmynamecreiht: thanks18:01
notmynameI got pulled into a chat with joearnold. I'm typing up the logging bug now18:02
creihtnotmyname: tell him that you have some technology that you need to direct ;)18:03
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notmynameportante: dfg: does this look correct? https://bugs.launchpad.net/swift/+bug/129743818:14
portantelooks okay to me18:16
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dfgnotmyname: ya looks fine18:18
notmynamedfg: thanks18:18
notmynamedfg: and thanks for doing the extra work to confirm18:18
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notmynameportante: between you and dfg, who is point on a patch for this?18:19
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* notmyname goes to each lunch18:20
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portantedfg, are you working on a fix as well?18:22
portanteI am currently debugging how the proxy logging works in the face of slo18:23
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jairodo you know when the quarantined objects get reprocessed? I have a a bunch of files waiting but I don't see any progress, as per number of files.18:26
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claygjairo: quarantined objects don't get "processed" automatically - and you shouldn't have a "bunch" of files?18:46
jairoclayg at some point I had one of the nodes with the wrong sufix number, and that replicated files with the wrong path everywhere18:55
jairoclayg my understanding is that the replication will check with the other nodes and find the correct version of the file and fix it, is there something I need to run to address this18:56
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notmyname /back19:00
dfgportante: i'll work on it ina bit. gotta couple things have to do first19:00
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portantedfg: I think I understand what is happening19:01
creihtnotmyname: I think I have a fix for the range bug19:01
notmynameyay :-)19:01
portanteit looks like there is one or more places where the environment is not being copied19:01
creihtnot sure there is an easy way to add a test though :/19:02
portantestill tracking down where that is happening19:02
claygjairo: so you have one node taking down objects and hashing them into the wrong path... so then they get quarantined... as long as one copy went onto a node with the right suffix in the conf - yes replication will fix it19:02
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claygjairo: but it won't clean up the garbage in quarantine dir19:02
creihtdfg says it may fix the logging issue as well19:02
dfgportante: ya- i'm hoping buth the bugs are related19:02
creihtlet me post a review19:02
jairoclayg how would I clean that up?, safely19:03
notmynamejairo: how many quarantined objects do you have? dozens? hundreds? millions?19:03
claygjairo: that's awesome19:04
notmynameok then19:04
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portantecreiht, dfg, what have you found?19:04
dfgi haven't found anything :)19:05
creihtportante: pushing something shortly19:05
claygjairo: so you should use swift-object-info (or more likey some custom code based on what it does) to pull out the path (/account/container/object) from the quarantined object and then do a HEAD (look into swift.common.internal_client) and see if you get back a 2XX with a timestamp that matches19:05
portantewhat I have found is that the proxy_logging closest to the proxy-server app is logging most of the requests, so it cannot know how to log the final responses19:05
portanteI have a fix for that alone19:05
claygjairo: if the cluster can respond successfully for the object then you can throw away the quarantined data19:06
claygjairo: if not - then there's more work todo - but you might see if you can get that "millions" down a bit before going into all that...19:06
openstackgerritChuck Thier proposed a change to openstack/swift: Fix range requests with static large objects  https://review.openstack.org/8289519:07
creihtDon't ask me *why* that fixes it :)19:07
jairoclayg: ok, that soulds a bit painful but it is a start, I though the auditor was doing that, will it ever?19:07
creihtI was just comparing slo and dlo19:07
creihtI haven't been looking at the logging stuff, but would be interested to have someone try it and see if it fixes it19:08
creihtok dfg says it doesn't help the logging19:08
notmynamejairo: clayg: that's exactly what I was thinking19:09
notmynamejairo: the auditor creates the quarantine files. but it doesn't remove them19:09
claygjairo: nope auditor doesn't look at quarantines - plus that many HEAD requests is going to probably have some impact on the load of the system - so you might wanna keep an eye on that - trottle it to your needs.19:09
jaironotmyname: clayg: cool... but definitely will be even cooler if you guys add it to the auditor server.19:12
claygjairo: idk about the auditor, but a quarantine check tool to demonstrate the basic pattern might be a useful script to document in bin/ - not sure in how many cases it would be generalizeable - I don't think I've heard much from other folks that suffered a misconfigured hash suffix...19:13
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notmynameclayg: jairo: what about locally copying the quarantined files back into the objects directory and letting replication/auditing take care of it like normal (not that the hash suffix is set properly)? then at that point, after the processes have finished, check to see if anything is quarantined and deal with it as normal19:18
jaironotmyname: clayg: but the auditor put it there after I fixed the hash suffix, so it will just quarantine it again, would't it?19:21
portantecreiht: thanks, that seems a bit cryptic19:21
claygnotmyname: maybe, depends how much replication has already moved the good bits about19:21
notmynamejairo: ah, ok19:21
claygjairo: you wouldn't be putting it back where it was - you'd be putting it out where it goes - some fair about of path munging but you might be able to get it right19:22
claygI think it will be worth pursing if you have a lot of objects in quarantine that aren't availabe in the cluster otherwise - but my understanding is that you had multiple nodes and only one node was effected by the mis-config?19:23
jairoI just checked one and it is replicated properly, so it would be safe to delete19:23
claygone down19:23
notmyname999999 more to go19:24
jairoand yes it is correct the issue was in a node19:24
creihtportante: heh yeah I know19:26
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portantecreiht: the work on running the functional tests in-process was motivated by the fact that I had a very hard time following the slo and dlo code changes to middleware19:27
portanteI wanted to run functional tests and very code paths, but it was too much of a pain to do with the functional tests in a SAIO19:27
portanteso I basically gave up on understanding SLO and DLO changes, because they were accepted before I could wrap my head around things19:27
creihtyeah I don't completely grok all of the slo/dlo stuff either19:27
jairoclayg: so the best bet here is for me to write a little tool to do the same I did manually, but automated...?19:28
portanteI don't *think* I understand the logging, and I hope to have a patch in a few19:28
claygjairo: it'll be fun - you'll see!19:28
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openstackgerritChuck Thier proposed a change to openstack/swift: Fix range requests with static large objects  https://review.openstack.org/8289519:31
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openstackgerritSamuel Merritt proposed a change to openstack/swift: Tests for storage policies in /info  https://review.openstack.org/8290620:00
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openstackgerritClay Gerrard proposed a change to openstack/swift: Bump up sleep when expecting a timeout  https://review.openstack.org/8266420:01
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openstackgerritSamuel Merritt proposed a change to openstack/swift: Add note to sample conf about policies being experimental  https://review.openstack.org/8290720:06
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openstackgerritPeter Portante proposed a change to openstack/swift: Invert which proxy logging middleware instance logs  https://review.openstack.org/8290920:08
portantenotmyname, dfg, creiht: but the above seems to address the issue20:09
portanteI have to work on unit tests and functional tests to ensure this behavior change, but it would be great to have folks try this out and see how it works20:09
notmynameportante: confirmed that it fixes the reported issue. I haven't run any other tests20:16
portantenotmyname: it does not do one thing, log the GET of the manifest itself separate from the client GET of that object20:17
portantethat will take another change to slo, and possibly dlo as well, to make that behavior happen20:17
notmynameportante: I'm not sure that's needed for now. from what I understood from dfg, the original behavior didn't log the manifest fetch either20:17
portanteyes, the dual proxy_logging was kinda broken20:18
notmynameportante: ie, that sounds nice, but fixing the logging bug w.r.t. the empty swift.source lines is more important20:18
portanteI am not planning on doing that work, unless somebody asks. :)20:19
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notmynamedfg: glange: can you confirm that portante's patch results in a restoration of the old behavior?20:21
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notmynameportante: I checked out 1.12.0 (and took dlo out of the pipeline). here are the logs: https://gist.github.com/notmyname/29ed027c50069784998520:29
notmynameportante: which actually looks worse20:29
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notmynameportante: and with 1.11.0 (after also removing gatekeeper): https://gist.github.com/notmyname/e588c7d0ca038e5f950320:32
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notmynameportante: all of those are with SLO20:34
portantehmm, looking20:34
notmynameportante: so in all of those cases, your patch looks better, IMO20:35
portanteyes, I agree20:35
portantenotmyname: and this patch removes one more iterator processing responses, which might be a help20:36
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* notmyname has to step out for a while21:12
notmynameI'll check in later this afternoon/evening21:12
* portante will be dropping off in about 45 minutes21:14
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openstackgerritPeter Portante proposed a change to openstack/swift: Consolidate and reuse exception classes  https://review.openstack.org/8292521:26
openstackgerritPeter Portante proposed a change to openstack/swift: Attempt to narrow race conditions in DB connect  https://review.openstack.org/8268921:26
openstackgerritPeter Portante proposed a change to openstack/swift: Make initialization test failure more explicit  https://review.openstack.org/8268821:26
openstackgerritPeter Portante proposed a change to openstack/swift: In-process swift server for functional tests  https://review.openstack.org/6610821:30
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dfgportante: that looks good- thanks for taking care of that.21:40
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creihtdfg: I'm having difficulty figuring out a way to test the slo change21:41
creihtI may need some assistance tomorrow :)21:41
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portantecreiht: functional tests! :)21:44
portantedfg: that change has an implied behavior change as well21:44
portanteit is now logging the time the entire pipeline after the left most proxy_logging gets a hold of the request21:45
portantein the past, only the timing reported was only for the right-most proxy_logging in many cases21:45
portantenot sure that will be a material difference, but just to be aware of it21:45
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dfgportante: ya- that sounds fine. as long as the total request time is the entire duration of the request (as opposed to the object-server) i don't think that matters22:04
dfgalthough it would be neat to see how much time is spent walkign through all that middleware22:05
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notmyname /back22:41
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h6wMorning all. :-)22:44
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* h6w is feeling very proud this morning after getting his first global swift cluster working yesterday.22:46
h6wThanks to everyone, but particularly notmyname! :-D22:46
notmynamelooks like the Atlanta schedule has been posted http://openstacksummitmay2014atlanta.sched.org22:51
portantedfg: it was not accounting for the middleware before, now it is, that is the change22:51
portanteI need to write a functional test, or maybe a unit test, that shows that22:51
notmynameportante: which patch? (I closed my IRC client and lost the buffer from earlier today)22:53
portanteahh, sec22:55
portantenotmyname: https://review.openstack.org/8290922:56
portantegotta step away a bit22:56
portanteit needs unit tests so that we can check the proxy_logging is properly working when two proxy_logging middlewares are in place22:57
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed a change to openstack/swift: fix a skipped account ACLs functional test  https://review.openstack.org/8292222:57
notmynameclayg: done22:57
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notmynameclayg: can you do the clicky on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/82922/ ?23:54
claygnotmyname: not just right at this moment23:58
notmynameclayg: no! do it now! ;-)23:59

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