Monday, 2014-11-17

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openstackgerrityinyin proposed openstack/swift: remove old tombstone(.ts)
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Show the sum of every policy's amount in /recon/async
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openstackgerrityinyin proposed openstack/swift: remove old tombstone(.ts)
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openstackgerrityinyin proposed openstack/swift: remove old tombstone(.ts)
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-swiftclient: Add unit tests for _encode_meta_headers
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-swiftclient: Fix misnamed variable in SwiftReader.
openstackgerrityinyin proposed openstack/swift: remove old tombstone(.ts)
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openstackgerritDaniel Wakefield proposed openstack/python-swiftclient: Fix misplaced check for None in SwiftUploadObject.
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openstackgerritDaniel Wakefield proposed openstack/python-swiftclient: Fix misnamed dictionary key.
openstackgerritDaniel Wakefield proposed openstack/python-swiftclient: Fix misnamed dictionary key.
openstackgerritDaniel Wakefield proposed openstack/python-swiftclient: Fix misnamed dictionary key.
openstackgerritDaniel Wakefield proposed openstack/python-swiftclient: Fix misplaced check for None in SwiftUploadObject.
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mgHi all, Swift Browser now has basic support for deleting containers and for copying objects inside an account:
mgGive it a try and please open issues for any problems you run into12:49
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Manish_I am getting below memcache error, while executing parallel 1000 requests in SWIFT. "ERROR:root:Timeout connecting to memcached:"13:02
Manish_and the requests are failing. So should memcache error , cause the failure of requests?13:02
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dANOHi , I have a question about the swift replication . I have two servers with OpenStack Swift . The first has the ip: and the second IP : , my question is that I want the second ( 100.100 ) is the replication of the first . So when I created my ring , I just have to write it in the first? : swift-ring-builder object.builder add r1z1- / sdb1 1 and the second server I h14:52
dANOave to create the same ring but with the replication ip address of the first server?14:52
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ctennisdANO: no, the ring file is the same for all servers14:57
ctennisdANO: the ring file on server 1 should have all drives for server 1 and server214:57
ctennisbasically, just describe all drives in your system14:57
dANOSo if I want when file is upload on my first server , the file is upload on the second14:58
ctennisswift will handle that for you14:58
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dANOOk , so I just let my ring like this : swift-ring-builder object.builder add r1z1- / sdb1 1 on the two servers ?14:59
ctennisdon't use
ctennisuse the IP address of that server14:59
ctennisbut yes14:59
ctennisplus any drives you have on the 2nd server as well14:59
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dANOOk so for the first : swift-ring-builder object.builder add r1z1- / sdb1 1 and on the second swift-ring-builder object.builder add r1z1- / sdb1 115:00
ctennisfor the first the replication IP should be as well15:00
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ctennisyou don't need to even specify the replication IP address unless it will be a different interface, which in your case it won't be, so maybe it is simpler for you not to think about it15:02
ctennis swift-ring-builder object.builder add r1z1- / sdb115:02
dANObe different interface you mean two different physical servers ?15:03
ctennisno, different network interface on the same server15:04
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dANOOk. Because in my case the swift is install on two different physical server. So if i dont need to modify the ring-builder I dont understand where I refer the ip of the two servers , maybe in the proxy config file ?15:07
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tdasilvadANO: I think what ctennis is trying to explain is that you would create one ring like this:
tdasilvadANO: and then deploy the same ring file on both nodes15:33
dANOOh ok15:33
dANOthank's for your help15:34
tdasilvadANO: so no need to specify a replication ip address and of course you would specify all the disks you are planning to use on each node (e.g., sdb1, sdc1, etc...)15:34
tdasilvadANO: welcome15:34
dANOI will try soon , thank's15:35
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tdasilvaacoles: hi, are you around?15:43
notmynamegood morning world15:44
tdasilvagood morning :-)15:44
notmynamebeen a while since I've been in here :-)15:45
notmynameor it feels like it15:45
tdasilvawelcome back15:45
tdasilvahow was vacation?15:46
notmynamenice. barcelona is an interesting place15:47
notmynamegot to see some cool stuff. and I didn't think about openstack at all ;-)15:47
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notmynamelikely abandoned patches have been marked abandoned15:52
peluseclayg, ping me when you're around.  want to see about maybe a phone call at around 2 CA time.  I have the skeleton of a patch almost working that covers most if not all of the crap we talked about last Fri in Paris.15:55
pelusewill grab a bridge and anyone interested would be welcome to join...15:55
tdasilvanotmyname: nice!15:57
acolesnotmyname: welcome back, did you get to see the upside down string model?16:05
acolestdasilva: here now16:06
notmynameanticw: yup. pretty cool16:06
notmynameacoles: ^^16:06
acolesnotmyname: forgotten how to type? :)16:06
notmynameacoles: tab-complete fail16:07
tdasilvaacoles: hey...I was checking out the in-process patch and noticed that if I remove a middleware from the pipeline the tests for that middleware stills runs, is that expected?16:07
notmynametoday's task: figure out what the rest of you have been up to last week ;-)16:07
tdasilvaacoles: for example, I remember dlo from the pipeline in the proxy sample file, but the DLO tests still ran fine16:07
acolestdasilva: looking...16:08
tdasilvaacoles: I was expecting those tests would be skipped, wrong assumption i guess :-)16:08
notmynametdasilva: doesn't DLO automagically work even if it's not in the pipeline? (because it used to be in the proxy server and there are migration thingies in there)16:08
tdasilvas/I remember dlo/I removed dlo/16:08
tdasilvanotmyname: oh, picked wrong middleware to test then :-)16:09
tdasilvanotmyname: just picked that one out of the blue16:09
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tdasilvanotmyname: lol16:09
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tdasilvanotmyname, acoles: another related question...I noticed that in the sample file dlo and slo are positioned after tempauth, but in the saio files they are before...does that matter?16:10
acolestdasilva: they should be after16:11
notmynametdasilva: yeah it matters. you want them after, IIRC, because that way the token auth "wraps" the entire set of subrequests and you don't get edge cases of the token expiring half way through reading the large object16:11
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tdasilvanotmyname: so it's a bug in the saio proxy-server.conf, right?16:12
acolestdasilva: what notmyname said - they were before but got moved to after16:12
notmynametdasilva: ya, sounds like the saio docs are wrong. can you throw up a quick patch for it?16:13
tdasilvayeah...doing right now16:13
tdasilvanotmyname, acoles: the reason I'm asking is because the I was wondering where to place the object versioning middleware16:14
notmynametdasilva: after auth, for the same reasons. /me is happy to hear about work on that16:14
tdasilvanotmyname: cool, thanks!16:15
notmynametdasilva: because words matter, can you call the new middleware "versioned_writes" instead of just "versioning"? that way it's more clear what it does and doesn't do16:15
tdasilvanotmyname: sure! will do16:16
notmynamealso that leaves the door open for another middleware later that actually does handle full versioning with delete handling16:16
tdasilva"delete handling"?16:16
notmynametdasilva: versioned writes in swift are like a stack (push and pop). so it's not an audit record of "v1, v2, delete, v3, delete" where you can go get any of those at some point in time16:17
tdasilvanotmyname: well, you can if you have access to the "versions" container, right?16:20
tdasilvanotmyname: do you mean there is no simple api to list an object and its versions?16:20
notmynameno. that you can't roll back an object to the version that was deleted16:21
notmynamethat would require a new kind of tombstone file marker16:21
tdasilvaoh, i see now16:21
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tdasilvanotmyname: got it, thanks16:21
tdasilvanotmyname: why do we attach that prefix to the versioned objects? couldn't figure that one out...16:23
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notmynametdasilva: ah. that. clever hack to avoid name collisions if you have 2 containers versioning to the same versioning container (IIRC)16:28
acolestdasilva: so was it just that you picked dlo (which gets put back in the pipeline on the sly)?16:31
acolestdasilva: here btw
tdasilvaacoles: yeah, I will try with a different one16:33
acolestdasilva: otherwise the in-process tests should skip tests based on cluster info just like 'regular' func tests16:33
acolestdasilva: tempurl tests should skip if you pull it from pipeline16:34
openstackgerritThiago da Silva proposed openstack/swift: move slo, dlo after tempauth in pipeline
tdasilvaacoles: nice, running tests now16:35
acolestdasilva: is your patch ^^ a straight copy/paste from proxy-server.conf-sample?16:36
tdasilvaacoles: no, I noticed that there were some differences that I did not want to change, like container-sync16:37
acolestdasilva: oh, ok, cool16:37
tdasilvaacoles: do you think they should be the equal? is that why you are asking?16:38
acolestdasilva: no, i was just being lazy ;)16:38
tdasilvaacoles: hehe, no problem...16:39
tdasilvaacoles: so, I noticed the tests were skipped, which is nice16:39
acolestdasilva: phew!16:40
cebrunsHi all - noob question here - is there a way to find the total capacity available in a Swift cluster?  'swift stat' and 'swift capabilities' look promising, but don't give total capacity installed.16:40
tdasilvanosetests can be deceiving I guess, because it seems to count skipped tests as "ran"16:40
openstackgerritAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift: move slo, dlo after tempauth in pipeline
notmynamereminder that our weekly meeting is at 1900UTC. which means that with the US time change, it's now at 11am Pacific and 2pm Eastern16:41
notmynamemeeting agenda updated at
tdasilvaacoles: sort of related to in-process patch, I noticed that if your saio processes are not running, but if there's a test.conf file in /etc/swift, then func tests just don't run. Shouldn't we change it so that it run in-process instead?16:42
tdasilvaacoles: could be a separate patch16:42
mahaticyay, I'm a part of the meeting!16:44
acolestdasilva: hmm, not sure, i might want the headsup that my saio isn't started, rather than the tests running against sample conf instead.16:47
acolestdasilva: intersting idea though, but would prefer it be another patch16:47
tdasilvaacoles: yes, you make a good point16:48
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tattabbumHi there! How can I put object using Postman with Swift's REST API?17:03
tattabbumIt works using cURL: curl -X PUT -T app.war http://IP_SWIFT:8080/v1/AUTH_043c13d5c76747f3befed94215b0b0fd/Repository/app.war -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: application/zip"17:04
tattabbumwhere token contains the keystone authentication token related to the tenant17:05
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morganfainbergnotmyname, ping - so out of curiosity [i know 32 bytes, you like that token length], how far off the mark would ~150-200byte tokens be? that is to say if it also made it so keystone didn't need to store the tokens on the backend, which makes tokens *way way* better for everyone.17:06
morganfainbergnotmyname, as an option.17:06
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dANOHi again, I use Openstack swift for store some files who is present in my rails app. But at the beginning my file was store in Amazon S3 , so I decide to move the file to Amazon S3 in Openstack Swift but after have move somes files now I have an error 503 service unavailable and i cant upload new file in my Openstack Swift Server. Anyone know how i can resolve this problem ?17:43
tdasilvadANO: can you provide more info? if possible, throw some logs and config files on a etherpad or gist. Also, what command is failing (e.g., PUT)? does GET work? the more information you can provide the easier it will be for people to help you out...17:49
dANOtdasilva: I know but in my syslog nothing appear so I dont understand why.17:52
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notmynamemorganfainberg: I'm curious about your "keystone doesn't need to store tokens". meaning it can compute validity rather than going to a lookup table? any chance swift could do it with a shared secret?18:03
morganfainbergWe would reconstruct the token data on validate. We know that data isn't changing (fairly bounded data set)18:04
morganfainbergThe issue is keystone is currently storing the token data, which results in an unbounded data set we need to store. Most of which is ephemeral data.18:04
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notmynamemorganfainberg: in general, shorter is better. with v3/v3 you've already broken simple interactions with curl (ie it's hard to type in json bodies to post creds), so 100-200 byte tokens is probably fine.18:06
morganfainbergSo we're looking at allowing a token that contains bare minimum data. Userid, scope, audit id, expiry.  Encoded and signed. Keystone can construct he data body (most of that data will / can be cached). So validate should be fast-ish.18:06
notmynamemorganfainberg: certainly better than 8k+ tokens ;-)18:06
morganfainbergOh yeah. I know we talked about 8k, 1k, 500b.18:07
morganfainbergSo wanted to see your feeling on the 150-200b range18:07
notmynameI'd be happy if keystone tokens were on the order of 100-200 bytes. my understanding of large public clusters is that size wouldn't be unconscionable overhead (like multi kilobytes is).18:08
notmynamemorganfainberg: at least until we can support signed URLs in keystone+swift ;-)18:08
notmynamecause that would be really nice18:09
morganfainbergnotmyname: it's a battle I've kept bringing up and kept running into issues with.18:09
morganfainbergLonger term, I'd like to support it.18:09
morganfainbergBut we have an issue, nova doing things on behalf of user - talking to another service.18:10
morganfainbergEg glance or cinder.18:10
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morganfainbergOnce we solve how to do that with signed requests j think we can revisit.18:10
notmynamefor now, swift has tempurl for that. you have to store the secret in swift itself, but it does give a degree of flexibility for signed urls that is very nice18:11
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dANOIf I created three accounts on my Openstack Swift , the total size of my storage server is divise by 3 ? Or I can setup specific size for the accounts ?18:16
morganfainbergnotmyname: ++. We might be able to use credential backend in keystone to allow that as well. But revisit when I think about that more.18:18
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tdasilvadANO: you should look at the docs for account quota for determining specific size for a given account18:33
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claygpeluse: sorry i missed you, i'm around today18:39
dANOtdasilva: thank's with this command all my openstack swift is reconfigured for allow the correct space right ?18:43
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tdasilvadANO: not sure I understand your question...but for example, if you don't have account quota set for any account, your storage capacity will be shared among your 3 accounts and any one account will be able to consume any amount of storage up to the cluster capacity18:45
tdasilvadANO: If a account quota is set for a given account, then that specific account will be able to consume only up to that limit you set18:46
tdasilvadANO: does that make sense?18:46
dANOyes it's ok18:46
dANObut i find my problem with openstack, is just my disk /dev/root is full so i cant upload file in18:47
dANOI go to increase the max size of him18:47
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notmynamereading the swift+LTFS thread in the -dev mailing list is interesting18:48
tdasilvanotmyname, cschwede: looks like IBM is also looking at swift + tape storage:
tdasilvaunfortunately audio is pretty bad for some reason18:52
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peluseclayg, OK one more stumbling block I want to get over before I share the ideas/code w/you... stay tuned :)19:16
claygpeluse: np19:17
NMHey guys! How are you? Just got back from 20 days of vacation. What is the current version? 10.0 :D19:18
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tdasilvahey NM, welcome back! :-)19:22
claygNM: acctually notmyname was on vacation too - so we didn't really get anything done19:22
notmynameI myself am trying to figure out what's going on19:22
claygnotmyname: we had a meeting last week - (search for meeting)19:24
notmynameclayg: cool, thanks19:24
claygoh you *say* that19:25
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openstackgerritClay Gerrard proposed openstack/python-swiftclient: Capture test output better
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openstackgerritClay Gerrard proposed openstack/swift: Always use FakeMemcache for in-process tests
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claygis anyone worried about changing error limiting to be per device instead of per ring/device ?20:50
clayglike if i have a node that is serving account/container/object - and the account is blowing up - does that mean I should probably not be sending it object requets either?20:51
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notmynameclayg: I can imaging container requests slowing down when object requests are ok20:53
notmynameif the limit is the db lock20:53
claygyeah error limiting is hard, it's like if you have a strong signal that server/drive is messed up - but the signal is only coming from objects, you might wanna throw a container request at it and see what happens... but if that horks too maybe you don't bother with the next account request that comes along...20:54
claygoh you know what - sam's error keys include the port - i'm a jackass20:57
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openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack/swift-specs: Adds Object Storage v1 API specification information
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claygnotmyname: ^ do we really want to doc the v1 api in the specs repo?  that seems to stand in the face of specs are not docs mantra?21:36
claygwhy don't we just do that do that in /docs ???21:36
annegent_clayg: the rest of the projects are moving towards specs so that it's not a true "contract" per se21:40
annegent_clayg: and if you ever invent v1.1 or v2 you'll want a place to design21:40
notmynameannegent_: I know that there have been the discussions around distributed docs management, which sounds great. so the answer is that the API docs are going to be in the associated -specs repo, then?21:41
annegent_notmyname: except for that is still considered to be "user" doc21:44
notmynameannegent_: what are the others, if not "user"?21:44
annegent_so the API docs for contrib devs are in specs, API docs for SDK devs are the API ref21:44
annegent_swift dev = specs. php-opencloud dev = developer.openstack.org21:44
claygnotmyname: we can merge them into /specs but it's going to be a decidely different workflow than all of the other design documents - the stuff that you argue about during design has little to do with presenting the client facing interface in a consumable fashion21:46
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claygI think it's an impedence between what other people think they want from specifications and what we realisticly hope to achieve from garnering concensus on a design prior to a nuts and bolt review of the implementation21:48
claygeither way if it's documentation it's not a design document - and I don't really have a cut and dry definition of "specification"21:48
notmynameannegent_: in gerrit I see you got some comments from donagh about what should be where (-specs vs other). is that what you are basing this on? is there any other general rule for how you chose these things to add to -specs?21:50
claygannegent_: fwiw I violently agree that when we want to hash out a v1.1 api it'll have a iteration through a design review prior to implementation, but ultimately we'll also want it to have documentation that we almost cirtinaly not match 1-to-1 with everything that comes up during design21:51
claygan api doc will need to say how it works, but it can skip of why it has to work this way for the implementation to be sane21:51
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annegent_notmyname: I'm working with each team to fit what they'd like21:51
annegent_clayg: I don't think it's a justification doc. more a way to convey to swift core reviewers what the api was supposed to be coded as21:52
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annegent_notmyname: clayg: these specs should work well with what the API working group is drafting as API guidelines21:53
annegent_notmyname: clayg: not that that's super well-defined yet, again, we're working with teams on what they see as working well.21:53
annegent_notmyname: as far as I know you're not really drafting a new API so for you all, it's really just a matter of object-api going away.21:53
annegent_notmyname: so with object-api going away, I'm harvesting bits to where we think the content should go. best guesses21:54
notmynameah, ok21:54
annegent_nova doesn't have it all set yet, really only keystone has theirs processed this way already21:55
annegent_but those two projects are working on new/updated apis21:55
notmynameannegent_: would you be opposed to moving them to the swift repo under the /docs directory? I think that would work a lot better with both how we use our current in-tree docs and how we want to use -specs21:56
annegent_notmyname: not really, seems like the right reviewers are there21:57
notmynameannegent_: sorry I haven't been on top of this sooner. summit prep+summit+vacation have kept me busy ;-)21:57
notmynameannegent_: thanks!21:57
annegent_notmyname: heh, I know what you mean21:57
annegent_notmyname: do you need to discuss at a swift team meeting or shall I just make the move?21:58
notmynameannegent_: so that being said, I'm not really sure about the distinction of what's here vs not. swift doesn't have an admin api, so all of these things are stuff that end-user clients can use21:58
annegent_ah, it's the actual use cases that don't belong in an API reference.21:59
annegent_notmyname: such as "how to make a static website" -- most "how to" info belongs in the user guide21:59
notmynameoh ok21:59
claygannegent_: if you move it it'll give us a call to action in the swift meeting on wednesday (go review XXX, it'll make /docs better!)22:00
annegent_so donaugh did a pretty decent job of separating out how to22:00
notmynameannegent_: just make the move. we discussed the specs repo at the summit, and long-lived reference docs is _not_ how we are using it or want to use it22:00
annegent_clayg: notmyname: ok22:00
notmynameand we can point it out for review on wednesday's meeting22:00
annegent_notmyname: clayg: is it a separate folder and index.rst, or do you want it as a section?22:01
* clayg is super pumped about having a decent api reference in /docs22:01
annegent_clayg: heh. don't get too excited, it's prety simplistic22:01
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claygannegent_: acctually I think the stuff we struggle with most is when there's a total vaccum, if we have a skeleton we'll sorta hang some meat off it over time22:02
notmynameannegent_: I think getting them in to the docs directory is more important than having the content properly in the right places. I'm fine with either a section or a separate folder for now. we can make it better over time in subsequent patches22:03
claygannegent_: so currently the first link in "overview and concepts" is "Swift's API docs" =>
claygannegent_: will these superseed that?22:03
annegent_clayg: yes, exactly, those are going away. That's sourced from object-api.22:04
annegent_clayg: so I can either put an /api/ folder in or doc/api? or something else22:05
claygi like /doc/source/api?22:05
claygnotmyname is going to grab coffee - he says I can have whatever I want!22:06
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annegent_clayg: hee!22:06
claygour specs repo is sorta weird in that there's a number of top level directories that you have to watch for changes when you're doing something with an auto-build script - so my desire to keep everything rooted in /doc/source is probably self serving22:07
claygbut i don't see any *good* reason to to leave everything rooted in /doc/source either and it obviously makes sense to next everything under a subdir if it's a fork lift22:08
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claygs/reason to to/reason not to/22:09
openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack/swift: Adds v1 API documentation to doc/source/api
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annegent_clayg: yeah I think what other projects are doing are a folder per api version22:22
annegent_clayg: but only keystone has landed so far22:22
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claygoh that makes sense i guess22:23
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claygso /doc/source/api/v1/overview.rst or something... i'm guessing when we make it to v1.1 a lot of stuff will still be the same with v1.1 dunno how sphinx is about inheritence...22:24
claygprobably everything in one bucket is fine until we have a v1.1 - leave it up to the implementation of v1.1 to figure out the specifics of the reoganization of the doc tree22:25
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