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openstackgerrit | Ngo Quoc Cuong proposed openstack/swift master: Trivial fix docstring and typos https://review.openstack.org/462379 | 05:29 |
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openstackgerrit | Ngo Quoc Cuong proposed openstack/swift master: Trivial fix docstring and typos https://review.openstack.org/462379 | 05:34 |
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acoles | good morning | 07:45 |
f0o | while I'm here, I have an issue with swift+ceilometer. I'm sure I'm just missing out some python module or so, here's the error: https://paste.debian.net/plain/930695 | 07:47 |
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acoles | notmyname: I'm sure there are some english people in this channel who have no idea what is going on ;-) | 07:49 |
acoles | timburke: mahatic: thanks for rechecks | 07:49 |
openstackgerrit | Ngo Quoc Cuong proposed openstack/swift master: Trivial fix docstring and typos https://review.openstack.org/462379 | 07:51 |
mahatic | acoles: good morning, np | 07:52 |
acoles | mahatic: o/ | 08:02 |
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f0o | Found my issue, outdated python libs | 08:52 |
f0o | Got a amqp issue now; inequivalent arg 'auto_delete' for exchange 'swift' in vhost '/': received 'false' but current is 'true' ; is there a config flag for this? documentation for this is quite sparse | 08:52 |
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f0o | I think it's the same bug as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ceilometermiddleware/+bug/1673738 - I can't config it because ceilometermiddleware doesnt look for it | 09:05 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1673738 in ceilometermiddleware "ceilometermiddleware should read oslo configs" [Undecided,New] | 09:05 |
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openstackgerrit | Karen Chan proposed openstack/swift master: Store version id if restoring object from archive https://review.openstack.org/437523 | 10:21 |
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openstackgerrit | Karen Chan proposed openstack/swift master: Store version id when copying object to archive https://review.openstack.org/437523 | 11:07 |
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openstackgerrit | Alistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: Use setUpModule instead of setup for module level unit test setup https://review.openstack.org/462520 | 12:01 |
acoles | timburke: ^^ figuring setup vs setUpModule finally shone a light onto something that had bugged me for quite some time | 12:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/swift master: Trivial fix for decrypter docstrings https://review.openstack.org/462075 | 13:45 |
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notmyname | good morning | 15:40 |
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openstackgerrit | Alistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: Add read and write affinity options to deployment guide https://review.openstack.org/462619 | 15:50 |
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lcurtis_ | hello everyone...does anyone have advice on backfilling object servers with larger drives? | 16:12 |
lcurtis_ | as an experiment, we weighted a node to zero and it has only rebalanced 20% over the last month or so | 16:12 |
lcurtis_ | thinking of doing server to server rsync from 4T > 6T drives | 16:13 |
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notmyname | lcurtis_: if you replaced the drive but kept it at the same mountpoint, all you'd need to do is change the weight of the drive | 16:39 |
notmyname | (+rebalance +redeploy rings +repeat) | 16:40 |
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lcurtis_ | notmyname: thanks ... will try drive at a time | 16:42 |
lcurtis_ | it seems that with the number of objects we have per node -- taking extreme amount of time | 16:43 |
lcurtis_ | also we have min part hours at 144 (i think) | 16:43 |
lcurtis_ | will take long time | 16:43 |
lcurtis_ | need to do something a little more aggressive | 16:44 |
notmyname | the rebalance speed is something that's been worked on a bunch over the past year (and there is a large body of work that is still to be done). make sure you're using a recent version of the code. that itself can help (eg the rebalance operation is smarter) | 16:45 |
notmyname | also, you can use handoffs_only mode for replication. and also check that you've got enough rsync max connections to handle the replication load | 16:45 |
lcurtis_ | awesome...will check these out | 16:46 |
lcurtis_ | thnx | 16:46 |
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notmyname | but do not rebalance and push rings faster than a replication cycle time (regardless of what min_part_hours is). a clever automation tool/product will observe the replication cycle time and only rebalance/redeploy rings once per cycle | 16:46 |
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timburke | huh. `python -m unittest test.unit.proxy.test_server.TestProxyServer.test_exception_occurred` -> OK, but `python -m unittest test.unit.proxy.test_server.TestProxyServer.test_exception_occurred | cat` -> FAILED | 16:49 |
notmyname | timburke: weird | 16:49 |
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timburke | i guess python picked up on the UTF-8 support when writing straight to the terminal, but fell back to plain old ASCII for talking to a pipe? | 16:50 |
notmyname | timburke: python or nose? | 16:51 |
notmyname | oh, hmm.. you're runnign python itself | 16:52 |
timburke | look again -- no nose, all std lib | 16:52 |
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notmyname | yeah | 16:52 |
timburke | no idea whether nose would exhibit the same behavior | 16:52 |
timburke | (oh, and good morning everyone!) | 16:53 |
notmyname | timburke: what's the specific assert that's failing? | 16:55 |
timburke | UnicodeEncodeError gets thrown down in the log handling. but TIL about the PYTHONIOENCODING env var! | 16:56 |
timburke | `PYTHONIOENCODING=utf8 python -m unittest test.unit.proxy.test_server.TestProxyServer.test_exception_occurred | cat` works, but feels like an awkward way to try to write a program where you only ever want a particular encoding... | 16:57 |
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notmyname | timburke: no I mean which specific unittest method is throwing the error. some `self.assert*()` thing | 16:58 |
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timburke | and i'm say, no, it doesn't fail with an assertion error. the call to logging.LoggerAdapter.exception(self, msg, *args, **kwargs) down in swift/common/utils.py throws a UnicodeEncodeError | 16:59 |
notmyname | oh | 17:00 |
notmyname | here's an interesting comment in the unittest code | 17:00 |
notmyname | # don't switch to '{}' formatting in Python 2.X | 17:00 |
notmyname | # it changes the way unicode input is handled | 17:00 |
notmyname | in unittest/case.py line 424 in the _formatMessage() method | 17:01 |
notmyname | timburke: good luck! | 17:01 |
notmyname | ;-) | 17:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Alistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: Enable per policy proxy config options https://review.openstack.org/448240 | 17:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Alistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: Enable per policy proxy config options https://review.openstack.org/448240 | 17:12 |
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notmyname | FYI swift turns 7 on may 17 (ie in two weeks). I count swift's birthday as when it was first put into production | 17:22 |
MooingLemur | nifty, hard to believe I've had it in production for just over 4 | 17:24 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/swift master: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/88736 | 17:35 |
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openstackgerrit | Tim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Add message to account-creation assertion https://review.openstack.org/462687 | 17:51 |
notmyname | acoles: is your per-policy config patch broken on probe tests, or is it the community cluster that's broken? https://8b86aea46fb38e6450f2-0e5f4c086da474abc1df58826577db2f.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/448240/6542/probetests/console.txt | 17:54 |
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acoles | notmyname: argh | 17:59 |
timburke | fwiw, running locally now... | 17:59 |
acoles | notmyname: patch is broken for container sync | 17:59 |
acoles | the exuberance of getting all the other tests to pass blinded me to that :/ | 18:00 |
notmyname | lol | 18:01 |
acoles | the overview section of the community cluster probe test results is wonky, shows 0 fails when there were in fact 7. But the failures are reported below. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/177837/ | 18:02 |
patchbot | patch 177837 - swift - Remove _ensure_flush() from SSYNC receiver (MERGED) | 18:02 |
acoles | oops | 18:02 |
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acoles | probe test results -> https://8b86aea46fb38e6450f2-0e5f4c086da474abc1df58826577db2f.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/448240/6542/probetests/result.html | 18:03 |
notmyname | that is so much easier to look at. why have I only been looking at the raw logs? | 18:06 |
acoles | I'll look at fixing it later, dinner time now | 18:07 |
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timburke | notmyname: fyi https://review.openstack.org/#/c/462708/ | 18:59 |
patchbot | patch 462708 - releases - Add release-note links for swift | 18:59 |
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notmyname | timburke: this time for real? | 19:58 |
timburke | i really hope so | 19:59 |
timburke | looks promising: http://docs-draft.openstack.org/08/462708/1/check/gate-releases-docs-ubuntu-xenial/352e62b//doc/build/html/teams/swift.html | 20:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/swift master: Remove the unused import code https://review.openstack.org/461360 | 20:33 |
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openstackgerrit | Alistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: Enable per policy proxy config options https://review.openstack.org/448240 | 21:39 |
acoles | notmyname: ^^ that *should* work, but I now need to add more tests ... tomorrow though! | 21:40 |
acoles | good night | 21:40 |
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notmyname | good night | 21:46 |
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