Thursday, 2018-11-01

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openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: py3: port account/container replicators
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seongsoochowow! swift prometheus exporters !! It's amazing.01:57
openstackgerritPete Zaitcev proposed openstack/swift master: py3: adapt the account server completely
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift master: Use correct headers in reconstructor requests
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift master: added note about double url quoting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift master: Remove empty directories after a revert job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift master: py3: adapt common/
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openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/swift-bench master: Add python35 support
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/swift-bench master: Add python35 support
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notmynamegood morning15:59
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timburkeso... how do we feel about ? 'cause we still rewrite HASH_PATH_PREFIX/HASH_PATH_SUFFIX *all over the place* in tests, and rarely if ever with a mock.patch(...)20:40
timburkei'm kinda tempted to set them both in test/unit/, rip out all the other updating, and fix the tests to be OK with the new values20:41
timburke(modulo some tests in that are exercising hash_path)20:41
openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: py3: port account/container replicators
openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Clean up HASH_PATH_* patching
timburkeeh, i'll do the lower-risk thing for now, anyway20:52
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DHEquestion. I have a 10+3 EC policy and to the best of my knowledge all codes are intact, but I'm having a very high incidence of my proxy server doing reconstruction rather than just pulling the 10 data fragments and reassembling them. it's hurting performance. suggestions to improve it?21:34
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notmynameDHE: what do you mean by the proxy doing reconstruction. the default behavior is to get the num_data fragments and reconstruct on that (instead of fetching num_data+num_parity)21:41
timburkeDHE: what's your ec_type? i know isa-l offers some optimization on intel hardware, fwiw21:41
timburkenotmyname: if even one data frag is slow to respond, we'll go fetch a parity, reconstruct, and performance will suffer21:42
notmynamesure, but that performance hit is because the frag is slow to respond, not because of EC math (right?)21:42
timburkethat brings me to my next question, DHE: what's your node_timeout?21:43
timburkei'd expect that the node_timeout would dominate the performance hit... if it doesn't, i feel like it's probably set too low21:44
DHEnot set, so default21:54
timburkefor both?21:55
DHEnode_timeout not set, ec type liberasurecode_rs_vand21:55
DHEthe cluster is 2 servers: dedicated PAC and one dedicated ACO with 30 spinning drives for objects.21:55 it a prod cluster? if it were me, i'd really want to try to switch that out for isa-l... let me see if i can find some performance numbers to back that up...21:58
DHEno it's a lab. but I am beating on it with real data for the heck of it.21:58
notmynameyeah, isa-l or jerasure are going to be *much* better than using libec's implementation21:59
DHEthe CPU is just slow enough that EC rebuilds hit ~800 megabits on a core, so I can see on the realtime bandwidth and CPU usage display when it's doing direct reassembly and doing EC reconsturction...22:00
DHE(where "slow" is 3.6 GHz)22:00
timburkemaybe try it with a new storage policy first. dunno how long it'd take you to rebuild the env. but definitely try something other than libec for the backend -- we mainly have that as a proof-of-concept, unencumbered implementation; others are *much* better22:01
notmynamewow. intel's lawyers messed that url up22:02
notmynameok, the real url is linked off of
zaitcevThe intel® URL worked for me. The wonders of UTF-8.22:03
notmynameyeah, it "works" but my irc client breaks the link at the ®22:03
DHEit renders in my irc client, the symbol works in firefox, but the copy/paste suffered a fail somewhere along the way22:04
notmynameand it's more satisfying to blame lawyers than my irc client ;-)22:04
notmynameI guess is the best url, though :-)22:04
zaitcevI dingus-clicked on it in Hexchat.22:04
* DHE the conn_timeout and node_timeout, let's see if this helps in the short term...22:11
DHEeven though it's a lab, I've put data on it I'd rather not lose given the choice22:12
timburkehmm... also, do you have insight into how much data is misplaced? if a primary was overloaded during the PUT, we could write a data frag to a handoff, basically guaranteeing that we'd use a handoff in the proxy until the object-reconstructor gets it back where it belongs22:15
DHEI don't think anything's ever been moved. I've never changed any hardware or rebuilt the rings since original creation and there's only the 1 object server machine. worst case it's rebooted once or twice.22:16
DHElast reconstruct pass showed 3 known broken objects (maybe reboot related?)22:17
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timburke:-( i think I must've gotten rid of the graphs i made a while back... at least i was smart enough to put up and so i could make them again22:30
timburke...but i think i'm too lazy to do that *right now*22:30
DHE3x8 + 0?22:36
timburkei was experimenting with various alternatives while reviewing the ec duplication patch22:37
timburke3x8+0 was a terrible, terrible plan :-)22:37
DHEI'm trying to think of whether that's a safer bet mathematically than just 3 way replication and realizing I don't want to do the numbers... :)22:38
timburkedefinitely noticeably faster to rebuild though! (that is, *when* it could rebuild...)22:38
timburkei'm thinking probably not... durability should come out about the same? performance seems likely to suffer though, as you need so many backend connections22:40
DHEin this particular scenario I'm concerned about CPU usage since that's where I'm bottlenecked right now....22:40
DHEdefinitely going to use the intel stuff when we go live...22:40
mattoliverauYeah ec will be more proxy cpu bound. So more proxies would help share that load22:50
mattoliverauIE hitting you lab hard with slot of data and I proxy, that has to do more work22:50
openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Make BufferedHTTPResponse.readline block less
DHEmattoliverau: the catch is there doesn't seem to be a good reason for reads to require so much reconstruction by the proxy, but it is...23:09
timburkemakes me wonder if we're prioritizing the data frags or not... our default sort method is shuffle, yeah?23:11
mattoliveraueven if getting all data fragements in a GET, they still need to go through the ec lib to be "reconstructed", though the reconstruction should be a very simple one.23:11
mattoliverauyeah me might not be. need to look at the code.23:11
timburke*way* easier to invert and multiply the identity matrix ;-)23:12
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notmynametimburke: I thought I remembered some testing with EC that showed it didn't matter if you used data or parity fragments (speed wise)23:49
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