Friday, 2019-12-06

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift stable/stein: Update known-failures and config for up-rev'ed ceph/s3tests
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zaitcevGuys, does anyone have a small production cluster, where you could run this on one of nodes (I mean, without causing harm): find /srv/node -name '*.db'| xargs stat -t | awk '{print $2, $1}' | sort -n -r | head -2004:00
zaitcevMy longest is only 77MB04:00
sorrisoncurrently running this on a nectar swift node (been running for a few mins so far)04:10
sorrison580444160 is the biggest04:12
sorrisonthis in bytes?04:12
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zaitcevThat sounds reasonable.06:12
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openstackgerritRomain LE DISEZ proposed openstack/swift master: Replace all "with Chunk*Timeout" by a watchdog
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openstackgerritRomain LE DISEZ proposed openstack/swift master: Replace all "with Chunk*Timeout" by a watchdog
DHEI have an 11 GB database representing a container with ~47 million items in it14:06
clayg47M is pretty big!  👍14:41
claygDHE: you gunna try and shard it?14:41
DHEconsidering it since 60 million is the short term goal (still loading data into it)14:42
DHEonce that's done I will need to figure out which buttons to press to shard the container15:02
claygyeah it's a party!15:05
zaitcevHoly cow, 47 million15:10
DHEI just said I ain't done yet!15:10
openstackgerritRomain LE DISEZ proposed openstack/swift master: Replace all "with Chunk*Timeout" by a watchdog
zaitcevSo, it's only 237 bytes per object. That's quite efficient.15:16
zaitcevI was going to ask you if you could vacuum it, but I see now that it's pointless.15:17
DHEseems reasonable for sqlite15:49
timburkegood morning16:21
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openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Set swift_source more in s3api middleware
timburkewell that's a little weird...
timburkerc of -13 -- i guess ansible got a SIGPIPE?16:37
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claygtimburke: so yeah container-sync doesn't work on versioned containers...18:29
openstackgerritRomain LE DISEZ proposed openstack/swift master: Replace all "with Chunk*Timeout" by a watchdog
timburkeclayg, i'm not too surprised :-/18:30
timburkei guess the question is: how *should* it work?18:31
claygi don't think i really had an opinion, the traceback is just "unkown exception" in container_sync_row 🤷‍♂️18:31
timburkefrom the 409 on PUT, i'm guessing?18:32
clayg"Unknown exception trying to GET"18:33
timburkeoh... hmm... curious18:34
claygso after fixing a weird bug with x-timestamp vs x-backend-timestamp the GET works...19:00
claygbasically we're trying to sync a static-link and the remote PUT 412's because there's no matching target 🤷‍♂️19:01
timburkemm... 412 because the target's in the (inaccesible) reserved namespace...19:03
openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: s3api: Implement object versioning API
timburke^^^ should make s3api happy again when object_versioning is disabled19:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift stable/train: Update known-failures and config for up-rev'ed ceph/s3tests
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift master: Add option for debug query logging
claygtimburke: so I guess container-sync never "works" with static links... unless you somehow configure the targets to sync also?20:33
claygwell, i guess that's true for symlinks too - it might "work" - but it wouldn't be useful unless you've also synced the targets20:34
claygI wonder if adding symlink=get to container sync was a mistake?20:34
timburkeauth becomes a problem w/o symlink=get20:35
timburkego create some symlinks pointing to names you don't have access to (but suspect exist), wait for container sync to exfiltrate someone else's data for you20:37
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claygSO GOOD CALL WITH THE symlin=get THEN!21:00
clayganyway, it's not obvious to me what a fix would look like - i guess I'll leave this one for now, work on other stuff and keep thinking about it21:00
timburkei *think* it might be reasonable (or at any rate, both defensible and implementable) to have container sync be smart enough to see that it was a versioning symlink and follow it manually21:10
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openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: WIP: Have slo tell the object-server that it wants whole manifests

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