Wednesday, 2020-11-04

openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift master: Use TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE
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zaitcevTried everything, including explicit --overcloud-ssh-key xxx and it still fails:
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timburkerenich's right that we should add service_token_roles_required to the sample conf, though...15:50
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openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: saio: Stop processes more forcefully in resetswift
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zaitcevtimburke: Did you have any PTL level communication from the new pop-up group raildo/gmann?17:17
timburkezaitcev, the what now? not that i recall... if i do, want me to send them your way? what's the pop-up group about?17:19
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zaitcevtimburke: That was my question also. I hoped they'd explain to you what they want.
zaitcevthey had a PTG meeting here
timburkegiven our lack of integration with policy.json and the like, i'm not sure there's much for us to do... though it'd probably be good for us to add suport for a "reader" role17:25
zaitcevOh, that's where's linked17:26
zaitcevI actually started from a Red Hat bug about the reader role17:26
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gmanntimburke: zaitcev main idea for policy popup team is to add reader role as well the scope_type (
gmannas swift has different way on RBAC, I am not sure how those can be added or scope is also needed or not in swift case.18:01
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ormandjso, interesting point of note, we finally chased down the weird no-account-rewrite stuff re: s3token18:55
ormandjwe had a user pummeling the service with simultaneous range requests for the same object, which was leading to keystone being cranky, and the LB was returning a 502 when it couldn't hit a backend18:55
ormandjinstead of retrying, it looks like it just 401/403s the request18:55
openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: probe: Use ostestr as test runner
timburkeormandj, good to have an answer! fwiw, you might want to look into
timburke(big thanks to sorrison for making that work so much better!)19:36
ormandjlet me look19:43
ormandjwe have that enabled :)19:45
ormandj300s timeout19:45
ormandji think the issue is it's hitting multiple backends at the same time19:46
ormandjsince it's making dozens of requests at the exact same ms19:46
ormandjie: need file, issue curl requests for 1G of file split into 4k chunks, using Range for each, all at once19:46
ormandjwe're not currently using stickiness on the LB so they get spread across our proxies19:46
ormandjit might just be a weird timing thing, we've _only_ seen this with this one particular client19:47
ormandjeither way, adding retry functionality to the keystone connection in s3token on 5xx failures would make a lot of sense19:47
timburkeah... yeah, i could see them all getting a cache-miss and hitting keystone at the same time then :-/19:56
timburkestill, it sucks that the auth can't handle dozens of concurrent requests :-(19:57
ormandjyeah, keystone has been a lot of 'fun' for sure. it has gotten better over the years though20:04
ormandjbut, good news is, good clients can compensate for cranky services20:05
ormandjwe're looking to see what optimization we can do there too20:06
ormandjroot@keystone01:/var/log/apache2# grep '04/Nov/2020:10:44:07' keystone-access.log |grep POST | wc -l20:15
ormandjroot@keystone01:/var/log/apache2# grep '04/Nov/2020:10:44:07' keystone-access.log |grep GET | wc -l20:15
ormandjso just under 100 requests in that second20:15
kota_good morning20:57
timburkealmost meeting time!20:58
timburkeacoles, clayg meeting ping21:03
acolesI'm there :)21:03
claygi'm *still* trying to get EC multipart/byterange responses loaded into my head 😞21:04
rledisezzaitcev: well, for now we still have some objects laying around on Swift, but yeah, clearly we will spend less time on Swift (actually, me and alecuyer are moving to a new project)21:04
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claygi fixed my calendar so i should get notified at the right time next week 😁22:01
claygrledisez: that's cool you guys get to stick together!  I'm sure the team working on object storage will miss you.  Are you excited about what's next?22:02
rledisezclayg: yeah, it looks very challenging (in the good way :)). it's still storage, we are joining a team writing a clustered NVMe over Fabric target (the project comes from an acquisition: )22:04
rledisezwe will miss Swift for sure. and mostly because of you guys (I mean, the software is great, but you are awesome). But I'll still be around while we have our petabytes on Swift :)22:06
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openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: probe: Use ostestr as test runner
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openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Continue logging deprecation warnings for run_pause

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