Wednesday, 2021-09-15

opendevreviewjinyuanliu proposed openstack/swift master: Clean up extra spaces
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: func test improvements
opendevreviewjinyuanliu proposed openstack/python-swiftclient master: Clean up extra spaces
opendevreviewjinyuanliu proposed openstack/pyeclib master: Clean up extra spaces
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-swiftclient master: Clean up extra spaces
opendevreviewMerged openstack/swift master: func test improvements
opendevreviewMerged openstack/swift master: Clean up extra spaces
*** timburke_ is now known as timburke20:59
timburke#startmeeting swift21:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Sep 15 21:00:09 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is timburke. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'swift'21:00
timburkewho's here for the swift meeting?21:00
seongsoochoo/ hi!21:00
timburkeas usual, the agenda's at
timburkei haven't updated it since last week (sorry), but i mostly wanted to check in on the same things21:03
timburke#topic PTG21:03
timburkejust a reminder about the call for discussion topics at
timburkelittle more than a month to the PTG21:04
timburke#topic v2 ring format21:04
timburkeminor update here -- i've got a new chain up, starting at
mattoliverThanks for working on it timburke 21:06
timburkeclayg and mattoliver have started taking a look and offered some good feedback21:06
timburkewe'll continue to see how it evolves21:07
timburke#topic misplaced objects and sharded containers21:07
timburkenow that acoles is back, i wanted to check in on, see how much we're still concerned about the issue and what we need to keep making progress21:08
mattoliverI still need to loop back on it. Will take a new look today. As I said last week I made a suggestion in the review.21:09
mattoliverBut good news is the solution involved 2 things, 1. Allowing shards to return objects from any given policy21:10
acolesI need to go back to it too, sorry i have not revisited it since my vacation21:10
mattoliverWhich has landed which bandaids the main problem.21:10
mattoliverIt's the second that listed.. actually making the change so objects can get reconciled.21:11
mattoliveracoles nps you've been busy :)21:11
zaitcevI'm going on vacation next week, but nobody will ever notice.21:12
acoleszaitcev: we will! have a good one21:12
mattoliverWell bandaids one of the issues we saw. 21:12
timburkezaitcev, enjoy!21:13
timburkeall right, that's all i've got21:13
timburke#open discussion21:13
timburke#topic open discussion21:13
timburkeanything else we ought to bring up?21:13
zaitcevI'm thinking but I don't have anything super urgent.21:13
mattoliverWe've been having fun with go aws clients no always handling 100-continues properly or rather timing out waiting for 100-continue I think. But never fear timburke has an upstream eventlet patch to handle it.21:16
mattoliverDon't have it handy as I'm on my phone 21:16
timburkeoh yeah :-)
timburkewhich also reminds me that eventlet still needs py310 support: (just a start; still some issues remain, not least of which is CI)21:18
timburkepy310 is expected next month:
zaitcevThat Expect: 100 is 2 years old21:19
timburkeyup :-(21:20
timburkefwiw, we were running with the original patch (discard the unread request) when we ran into further issues. seems we can't win; some clients will go either way21:21
timburkeonly thing to do is close out the connection21:22
mattoliverWe've seen a rare case where a root containers own_shard_range's epoch is reset. Been playing with probetests to try and recreate the issue, attempting weird hand off or rebalance situations. Still can't reproduce unless I force it to happen. But do have this which might solve it in any case
mattoliverThere's are probe test in there that forces the problem.21:24
mattoliverAnyway, let me know if it makes enough sense to attempt to fix it that way or not. 21:24
acolesthanks mattoliver 21:25
zaitcevtimburke: we're done, right?21:29
timburkeyeah, seems like we're winding down21:30
timburke(sorry, had to take a call)21:30
timburkethank you all for coming, and thank you for working on swift!21:30
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Sep 15 21:30:30 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)21:30
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
clayg@seongsoocho: was at a cool conference last week.21:39
seongsoocho:-) thanks23:00

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