opendevreview | Merged openstack/liberasurecode master: Pin ISA-L to v2.30.0 | 02:42 |
*** reid_g1 is now known as reid_g | 12:20 | |
reid_g | During the feedback session it was mentioned that maybe servers per port should be default. What number should that be? any other defaults you were thinking of? | 17:36 |
clayg | it's hard to make it the "default" because it requires ring changes 🤔 | 19:10 |
DHE | I'm sorry I missed that... | 19:44 |
reid_g | What kind of ring changes? I know when we are adding our devices to the ring we have to increment the port and device name | 20:35 |
reid_g | Or do you mean for upgrading clusters? | 20:35 |
seongsoocho | good morning | 20:57 |
kota | good morning | 20:59 |
mattoliver | morning o/ | 20:59 |
mattoliver | seongsoocho: congrats on getting the translation stuff going/worked out! | 21:00 |
seongsoocho | mattoliver: thanks! o/ | 21:01 |
mattoliver | timburke_: are we meeting today? | 21:03 |
timburke_ | gah! got side-tracked looking at prod ;-) | 21:03 |
timburke_ | #startmeeting swift | 21:03 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Wed Oct 27 21:03:55 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is timburke_. Information about MeetBot at | 21:03 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 21:03 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'swift' | 21:03 |
timburke_ | who's here for the swift meeting? | 21:04 |
mattoliver | o/ | 21:04 |
seongsoocho | o/ | 21:04 |
acoles | o/ | 21:04 |
kota | o/ | 21:05 |
timburke_ | agenda's at | 21:06 |
timburke_ | #topic PTG | 21:06 |
timburke_ | thank you all for attending the PTG last week! i feel like we had a lot of productive conversations | 21:06 |
mattoliver | +1 | 21:07 |
timburke_ | the main thing i want to do this week is figure out who's going to champion some of the action items we came up with | 21:07 |
mattoliver | great idea. | 21:08 |
timburke_ | i've already offered to provide feedback for interop -- i haven't done it yet, but will try to for next week | 21:08 |
timburke_ | who's like to take on "better defaults"? either to look over our current defaults and look for improvements, or to make specific changes/recommendations (like servers-per-port) | 21:10 |
mattoliver | I would, but might be better for someone who has a better swift ops background then me. | 21:11 |
timburke_ | you could still make sure servers-per-port is prominently recommended ;-) | 21:13 |
mattoliver | Yes, I could do that :) | 21:14 |
timburke_ | one part down -- any takers for the broader review? or, does anyone have other immediately actionable recommendations we'd want to make? | 21:16 |
mattoliver | How about if we create an etherpad of defaults and we can collaborate on what might be better? | 21:16 |
timburke_ | 👍 sounds like progress :-) | 21:17 |
mattoliver | OK, I'll put together an etherpad so we can iterate over it over the next few weeks/months | 21:17 |
timburke_ | dark data watcher -- acoles am i remembering right that you were planning to circle back and review the outstanding patch? | 21:18 |
acoles | yes I ought to do that | 21:18 |
timburke_ | i'll attach your name to it then ;-) | 21:18 |
timburke_ | who want's to go abandon some old patches? so many clicky-clicks | 21:19 |
acoles | do we have a handy dashboard to show old inactive stuff, like 'the decade that wasn't' equivalent to 'the fortnight that was' ? | 21:21 |
acoles | probably not hard to sift them out if I put my mind to it | 21:21 |
mattoliver | True, we could make one of those. | 21:21 |
acoles | shall we all start with patches we own? I know I have a few that I should abandon | 21:22 |
timburke_ | should have all open swift patches that haven't been touched in a year | 21:22 |
acoles | 👍 | 21:22 |
mattoliver | We also have a possibly abandoned part of an old dashboard we used to use.. I probably have it somewhere | 21:22 |
timburke_ | we can -- i was debating about recommending we start there -- but then i quickly realized that the bulk of the cruft will be from people not here ;-) | 21:23 |
timburke_ | fwiw that "only" goes on for 8 pages >.< | 21:24 |
timburke_ | i can pick that up | 21:24 |
timburke_ | who wants to orchestrate a bug squash? | 21:25 |
timburke_ | my hope is that it'll mostly amount to collecting then divying up the list of bugs to give everybody else some to triage | 21:26 |
mattoliver | Here is a shortened version of a Swift Project dashboard we used to use.. might need to be updated to reflect later changes etc: <-- hopefully that works | 21:27 |
mattoliver | We're writing these action items somewhere prominent right? so we can refer back and a place to comment and make progress on, like maybe the agenda wiki or something? | 21:29 |
timburke_ | i plan on keeping them on the agenda (just not bringing them up *every* week) | 21:30 |
mattoliver | cool :) | 21:30 |
mattoliver | Last time we did a bug squash was around a PTG, and the way we ran that I remember being pretty good.. but can't quite remember. Was there an etherpad or something to track progress or something? | 21:31 |
acoles | maybe etherpad with list, people put nickname against a bunch and then strikethrough as they are done | 21:32 |
acoles | any that are hard to decide on can be put back into the pool and/or discussed if we do it in real time | 21:33 |
mattoliver | that rings a bell. | 21:33 |
timburke_ | yeah, i think it was something like that. i think tdasilva did the collection | 21:33 |
mattoliver | We should get tdasilva to do it again, and drag him back into swift work :P | 21:34 |
mattoliver | I'll see what I can do about at least getting a start on the etherpad for this too. | 21:34 |
timburke_ | my gut sense is that we ought to close most things we can't repro, but with a message that makes it clear that they can re-open if it's still an issue | 21:34 |
timburke_ | great, thanks mattoliver! | 21:35 |
acoles | is the idea to do this sync or async? If sync, could we use one weekly meeting slot? or should we set up two times to suit US/EU and AP timezones? | 21:35 |
acoles | maybe first pass can be async | 21:35 |
acoles | we need timburke_ to hand out cookies to reward us :) | 21:35 |
mattoliver | yeah, start async, but sync definitely helps makes progress, so maybe both, let's see how we go. | 21:36 |
timburke_ | or apple cider ;-) | 21:36 |
acoles | hehe, hic! | 21:36 |
mattoliver | oh apple cider.. I'll work for booze :P | 21:36 |
acoles | so, async via etherpad, then sync to discuss the trickier ones | 21:36 |
mattoliver | +100 | 21:37 |
timburke_ | idk -- depending on how my first batch goes, maybe you'd prefer it be nonalcoholic :P | 21:37 |
mattoliver | didn't qualify how good my work would be :P | 21:37 |
timburke_ | sounds like a good plan -- maybe get the etherpad together for one meeting (next week, maybe?), ask people to claim a chunk to do sometime that week, with a goal of bringing some specific questionable bug back to discuss the following week | 21:39 |
timburke_ | ok, next: drop logging translations | 21:39 |
timburke_ | i refreshed last week -- who want's to take on the backend services? | 21:40 |
mattoliver | This was a pet peeve for Pete, should we ask if he's interested in getting out to eraser? :) | 21:41 |
mattoliver | *the | 21:41 |
acoles | I'll take a crack at it | 21:42 |
timburke_ | part of me is tempted to allocate the rest to clayg and zaitcev ;-) | 21:45 |
mattoliver | And cschwede ;) | 21:45 |
mattoliver | Looks like seongsoocho already worked out about swift translations | 21:46 |
timburke_ | i saw! seongsoocho do you know if there's more i need to look into to get it published? or maybe i should just wait for the first batch and see what happens :-) | 21:47 |
clayg | Yeah sign me up! But not if it’s boring and you really want it done. | 21:48 |
mattoliver | lol | 21:48 |
timburke_ | clayg, i feel like you'd be good for either looking through the ops runbook or writing a "why swift" doc ;-) (or both!) | 21:48 |
mattoliver | With the amount of resources available to us do we maybe want to do a doc sprint after we get the bugs and defaults under control. | 21:49 |
timburke_ | fair point. maybe we'll leave them for now. | 21:50 |
mattoliver | because that might need more people looking at it async | 21:50 |
clayg | Come join me around the fire and let me tell you of how we USED to run distributes storage. | 21:50 |
timburke_ | all right, i *think* that covers the action items from the PTG | 21:50 |
mattoliver | the 'why swift' could be good though. | 21:50 |
timburke_ | #topic open discussion | 21:50 |
timburke_ | what else should we bring up this week? | 21:51 |
mattoliver | Oh I got a talk approved at the next australian linux conference (virtual again) around Swift tracing | 21:52 |
kota | congrats! | 21:52 |
timburke_ | nice! | 21:52 |
mattoliver | so now I just need to clean it up and turn it into some kind of presentation rather then a stream of thought :P | 21:52 |
timburke_ | i started playing around with trying to build usable wheels for pyeclib. might have some patches to propose in the not-too-distant future to support it | 21:54 |
mattoliver | cool | 21:54 |
timburke_ | it bugs me that you've needed liberasurecode-dev(el) to even get swift installed for so long | 21:55 |
timburke_ | then i started thinking about whether it'd make sense to include isa-l in the wheel too, cause that seemed like a useful thing | 21:56 |
timburke_ | which in turn made me remember the state of jerasure. i'm thinking it might be time to finally deprecate it: | 21:56 |
timburke_ | any objections? is it enough to do the standard python DeprecationWarning thing in pyeclib, or should i figure out how to do something vaguely equivalent in liberasurecode, too? | 21:58 |
timburke_ | all right, that's about time | 22:00 |
timburke_ | thank you all for coming, and thank you for working on swift! | 22:00 |
timburke_ | #endmeeting | 22:00 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Wed Oct 27 22:00:52 2021 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 22:00 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: | 22:00 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): | 22:00 |
opendevmeet | Log: | 22:00 |
mattoliver | A deprecation warning is a good start I think. That wont effect clusters running it.. as it could be problematic for people to change without some kind of policy migration. | 22:01 |
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