Wednesday, 2023-10-04

opendevreviewASHWIN A NAIR proposed openstack/swift master: slo: part-number=N query paramater support
opendevreviewASHWIN A NAIR proposed openstack/swift master: slo: part-number=N query paramater support
opendevreviewMatthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift master: s3api: Add basic GET object-lock support
opendevreviewMatthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift master: s3api: Add basic GET object-lock support
opendevreviewkim nuri proposed openstack/swift master: WIP: Display host as both hostname and IP in swift-recon
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: proxy-server: de-duplicate _get_next_response_part method
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: DNM: proxy GET - close the parts iter
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: proxy: fix replicated GET ChunkReadTimeout handling
opendevreviewASHWIN A NAIR proposed openstack/swift master: s3api: Support GET/HEAD request with PartNumber
timburkesorry i'm late!21:03
timburkeanyone around for a swift meeting?21:03
timburke#startmeeting swift21:04
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Oct  4 21:04:03 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is timburke. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:04
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'swift'21:04
timburkei've just got a handful of follow-ups to last week's meeting21:04
timburke#topic vPTG21:05
timburkewe still need to list discussion topics at21:05
mattoliverOh yeah, I was on vacation for the week and half. I'll do my best to seed that with some topics21:06
timburkeand i still need to book meeting times -- if you haven't already (thanks kota and acoles!), please indicate preferred time slots at21:06
mattoliver*last week and a half21:06
timburkePTG's just over two weeks away -- it'll be good to have some video time with each other :-)21:07
timburke#topic py31221:08
timburkegreenlet has shipped a 3.12-ready release now, at least -- eventlet is still likely to take a bit to get support21:09
timburkebut zaitcev reviewed the whole chain to let us drop our use of distutils!21:10
mattoliverOh cool21:10
mattoliverI hadnt seen that chain. (Still catching up)21:10
timburkeis the end of it21:11
timburkei might start looking at getting py312 gate jobs up for swiftclient and pyeclib -- my expectation is those should Just Work21:12
timburkelast bit from last week:21:12
timburke#topic stable gates21:12
timburkexena and wallaby are now fixed, and the backport to wallaby that kicked this all off has landed21:13
mattoliverThanks for always digging in an fixing the gates timburke 21:14
timburkevictoria was passing when i checked:
timburkebut usurri was not:
timburkestill haven't tried train, but i'd guess it's probably broken21:15
timburke(otoh, i would have said the same for victoria... i was rather surprised it passed)21:15
timburkestein and earlier have already been EOL'ed21:16
timburkelooking at active patches...21:18
timburke#topic s3api partNumber API21:18
timburkethere's been a good bit of activity on the chain ending with21:18
timburkeclayg has some nice refactoring in slo and its tests21:20
timburkethen indianwhocodes builds from there, first adding a part-number query param to SLO, and letting s3api do the appropriate translations for S3 clients21:21
acoles+1 there's some great cleanup in the refactor21:21
timburkewhile on the topic of s3 compat...21:22
timburke#topic object lock "support"21:22
mattoliveryeah this :)21:22
mattoliverSo it turns out latest version of ansible that using the aws s3 module doesn't work with swift s3api21:23
timburkemattoliver pushed up a patch recently to at least let us respond to some lock-related requests21:23
mattoliverand it's because they create a bucket and then attempt to pull down the object-lock-configuration21:23
mattoliverwhich we don't support.. so instead of returning the "not configured" error we treat it as a normal bucket request21:24
timburkefwiw, the patch is very similar to our initial "support" for various versioning-related APIs -- i'm all for it21:24
mattoliverso basically it was returning '{}' (empty dict) in boto 21:24
mattoliverthis causes ansble to die with a keyerror. Because they're code is brittle.21:25
mattoliverthe patch, as timburke said basically just returns the expected not configured 404 that s3 returns21:25
mattoliverI need to retest the latest version with ansible (will do that today). But boto should now see the specific s3 error and hopefully now work21:26
mattoliverIf it doesn't the ansible is simply broken because now we're behaving like s3 :P 21:27
timburkesounds good -- i expect we'll probably get that landed this week21:27
mattolivernice, thanks :) 21:28
mattoliverI'm not the most familar with s3api side of swift, so been a good refresher :) 21:28
acolesnice one mattoliver 21:28
mattoliverthanks for your patience and support timburke 21:29
timburkeall right, i think that's all i've got21:29
timburke#topic open discussion21:29
timburkeanything else we should talk about this week?21:29
clarkbyes! did you see the PR I posted a few days ago?21:30
clarkbI don't know enough about erasure coding but want to make sure someone sees it since there is potential for data loss maybe?21:31
timburkeyes! thanks clarkb! yeah, that looks like a solid catch, and sadly, not the first time that someone's tried to submit a PR about it...21:31
clarkbside note, you can subscribe to the github projects to get notifications by email for stuff like this. This is how I end up finding them21:32
timburkei've been trying to dust off my C to write some tests to go with it21:32
clarkbcool, i just wanted to make sure that didn't fall through the cracks21:32
mattoliverthanks clarkb and great idea, I'll make sure I'm subscribed21:32
mattoliverLike I mentioned earlier, I was on vacation for the last 1.5 weeks. So I dont' have much to say, still haven't had a chance to catch up. Will try and get back into reviews soon. I also want to catch up with the proxy side of the GET namespaces API.. But nothing to discuss here until I do (maybe next week)21:33
timburke👍 subscribed21:33
timburkeall right, i think i'll call it then21:36
timburkethank you all for coming, and thank you for working on swift!21:37
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Oct  4 21:37:06 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)21:37
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/liberasurecode master: Fix bounds check in get_fragment_partition
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/liberasurecode master: Add missing dependency to README
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Monkey-patch time

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