Monday, 2024-05-27

opendevreviewMatthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift master: obj: skip to async_pending when root is busy
fulecorafaHey there! We've been using swift and we came across this bug We decided to work it out and have an ongoing patch to solve this issue, we would like to share and get some feedback before we submit it. To solve this, we took inspiration in obj/ In S3 controllers we register task objects in an internal account, each task object points to an orphaned slo object, 17:56
fulecorafawhich can be created in two situations, when a multipart-upload is not completed or when a multipart object is overwritten. These tasks will be checked by the daemon (a new one we made called "s3-slo-expirer") after some time and deleted from the base accounts. 17:56
patch-botBug #1813202 - s3api does not clean up orphan segment parts when MPU is overwritten (Confirmed)17:56

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