Wednesday, 2024-07-17

opendevreviewMatthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift master: sq: wip: first attempt at an async cleanup
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: trivial: assert non_negative_int treats float as valid
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: swift-drive-audit: Work with ISO timestamps
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift-bench master: Read GETs in 1MB chunks
timburke#startmeeting swift21:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jul 17 21:00:04 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is timburke. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'swift'21:00
timburkewho's here for the swift meeting?21:00
timburkei neglected to update the agenda from last week, but i think the main topics are mostly the same21:02
timburkefirst up, a couple follow-ups21:03
timburke#topic account-reaper and sharded containers21:03
timburkeso we've got the bug report21:03
patch-botBug #2070397 - Account reaper do not reap sharded containers (In Progress)21:03
timburkeand now mattoliver's started working on a patch!21:04
patch-botpatch 924034 - swift - WIP: reaper: Support reaping sharded containers - 1 patch set21:04
timburkei've got it on my list of things to look at, but if anyone else can take a look too, i'm sure matt would appreciate it21:04
jianjiani can take a look21:05
timburke#topic ISO timestamps and swift-drive-audit21:05
timburkeagain, we've got a bug (thanks, DeHackEd!)21:06
patch-botBug #2072609 - swift-drive-audit does not handle ISO timestamps in logs (In Progress)21:06
timburkeand it took me longer than i meant to get around to it, but now we've also got a patch21:06
patch-botpatch 924352 - swift - swift-drive-audit: Work with ISO timestamps - 1 patch set21:06
timburkenext up21:07
timburke#topic cooperative tokens to reduce thundering herds21:07
jianjianbtw, what does swift-drive-audit do? first time to hear it21:08
timburkejianjian, it's been a bit since i saw anything for those patch -- how's it going? mostly need reviews, or was there anything else you need help with?21:08
patch-botpatch 890174 - swift - common: add memcached based cooperative token mech... - 33 patch sets21:08
patch-botpatch 908969 - swift - proxy: use cooperative tokens to coalesce updating... - 25 patch sets21:08
timburkeoh -- yeah, swift-drive-audit basically just digs through kernel logs looking for signs that a disk might be failing21:09
jianjiancool, is that how swift report failed drives?21:09
jianjianfor cooperative tokens, I just added some code to improve the retry logic last time, going to test it on staging cluster. this is to address the situation when greenthreads don't get enough scheduling cycles from eventlet, then the request without a token could quite the waiting queue only with one retry.21:11
jianjiannormally they should get 3 times of retries21:12
timburkeyeah, it'll search for a couple regexes (or you can configure your own), and if more than error_limit errors are found, it'll unmount the drive for you. that'll get object-servers (eg) responding 507 so the assigned partitions get replicated to the first handoff21:15
jianjiangot it21:16
timburkeso for the cooperative token patches, i'm hearing, "do some reviews and look forward to getting some stats/graphs later" :-)21:17
jianjianyes, that's right 😄21:17
timburkenext up21:17
timburke#topic pkg_resources warnings21:18
timburkethe next couple patches have some +2s (thanks matt and zaitcev!)21:18
timburkei think this morning i maybe convinced clayg or acoles to take a look for the +A ;-)21:19
patch-botpatch 922151 - swift - Use entry_points for a bunch more executables - 5 patch sets21:20
patch-botpatch 922870 - swift - Use entry_points for swift-init - 2 patch sets21:20
timburkenext up21:21
timburke#topic multi-policy containers21:21
timburkefulecorafa, how's it going?21:21
fulecorafaAs of now, no news about this. We spent some time now deploying this feature. It is working fine :)21:22
timburkeidk, that sounds like nothing but good news ;-)21:22
fulecorafaTrue XD21:23
timburkeglad its working well so far -- let us know if/when you'd like another set of eyes21:23
fulecorafaSo yes, we have good news, the feature is working well21:23
timburke#topic operator-driven node exclusion21:23
timburkei saw there was another message on the ML thread, but haven't gotten to replying yet21:24
timburkeif anyone else has thoughts or ideas around it, please chime in too :-)21:24
timburkeall right, that's all i've got21:25
timburke#topic open discussion21:25
timburkeanything else we should bring up this week?21:25
fulecorafaWell if I may make a quick question21:25
fulecorafaWe're implementing policies for s3api (much like s3 does really, controll access, operations, etc)21:26
fulecorafaAnd we noticed we have 2 different checks to make: one in the actual API when setting the policy, just to validate the document/json; and one in the middlewares (we're making a new one) to actually check access21:27
jianjianon operator-driven node exclusion, it may work well for a small cluster, but the static file which requires manual editing won't scale well with a large cluster21:27
mattoliverI guess no meeting today, or my client is dead.21:28
timburkemattoliver, i think your client died ;-)21:28
fulecorafaFor this, we made a unified code for checking both. Any recomendations on organizing this?21:28
mattoliveroh I send a message and now things are flowing again.. sorry I'm late then21:29
timburkefulecorafa, makes sense (both validating on input, and having a separate middleware for enforcement)21:29
mattoliver(must be a matrix glitch)21:29
jianjiannp, matt. good timing for open discussions21:29
timburkefwiw fulecorafa there's something kinda similar in
fulecorafaYeah, we took a look at it timburke as reference. But for our needs we wanted some more customization options, so we made from scratch21:31
timburkejianjian, i think that's part of why they've got the API -- pushing the file around wasn't a quick enough response anyway. still has some open questions around trying to keep all proxies up to date, though21:31
fulecorafaI think my question is more on where would this make sense to be put, since we're just adding a file into swift/common/middleware, which doesn't seem quite right. We do intend to pitch this upstream in the future21:32
timburkeis it more s3-compat-specific, or would these policies be enforced when accessing through the swift api, too?21:34
fulecorafaAs of now, we're making it s3api only for it is the api we use, but we intend on bringing it to swift api too21:35
timburkei think somewhere under swift/common/middleware probably *is* a reasonable spot for it -- depending on how closely it has to match s3's schemas, it might even make sense in the s3api subtree21:39
timburkei wouldn't worry *too much* about where it lives for now; we can always move it later if it doesn't seem like a good fit later21:39
fulecorafaOk seems good. Thank you21:39
timburkeall right, i think i'll call it early then21:41
timburkethank you all for coming, and thank you for working on swift!21:42
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jul 17 21:42:10 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)21:42
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
mattoliversorry for being late. I actaully wasn't, but just thought it was strange I saw no activitiy since I pushed code yesterday arvo.. so eventually checked. I probably should've just looked in the logs. 21:45
timburkeno worries man :-)21:49

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