Wednesday, 2024-08-28

opendevreviewASHWIN A NAIR proposed openstack/swift master: manage py2-contsraints for swift correctly
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opendevreviewMatthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift master: shrinking: Add a CLEAVING state
opendevreviewShreeya Deshpande proposed openstack/swift master: Split statsd client from logger
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: diskfile: Treat EUCLEAN like ENODATA
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: tests: Attempt to use configured tmp in xprofile tests
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: obj: Have handoff_delete reduce replication to handoffs
opendevreviewASHWIN A NAIR proposed openstack/swift master: manage py2-contsraints for swift correctly
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Drop py2 support
mattoliverMorning 21:00
timburke#startmeeting swift21:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Aug 28 21:00:34 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is timburke. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'swift'21:00
timburkewho's here for the swift meeting?21:00
timburkei guess it's just us for now then :-)21:02
timburkethanks for covering for me while i was still recovering last week mattoliver21:02
timburkesorry for having missed the meeting without warning21:02
mattoliverNps man!21:03
timburkeunfortunately, i still haven't updated the agenda21:04
zaitcevaww. I was just going to check if InternalClient work was on it.21:04
timburkezaitcev, what kind of internal client work?21:04
zaitcevIIRC Matt wanted to move either reaper or .. something to it, from direct client.21:06
zaitcevI hoped he'd do the same thing to the dark data watcher.21:06
timburkeoh, yeah! in relation to21:07
patch-botBug #2070397 - Account reaper do not reap sharded containers (In Progress)21:07
patch-botpatch 924034 - swift - WIP: reaper: Support reaping sharded containers - 1 patch set21:07
zaitcevAnother suspicious place is the reconciler21:08
mattoliveroh yeah, I did a patch, I probably should test it out some more.. and write tests.21:08
timburkeyeah, i think we still need to find the bandwidth to focus on it :-(21:08
timburkei think reconciler already uses IC though:
mattoliverobviously got distracted with some other sharding internal issue that I'm now working on a new version of CLEAVING and state_changed_at patches to help solve.. but I'll defintely loop back to it. I'll try push it along this week21:09
timburkezaitcev, or were you more worried about policy for the root vs policy for the shards?21:10
timburkei think mattoliver also has patches kicking around related to that... we should dust them off, too21:10
mattoliverlol, I seem to start alot of things and get distracted :( 21:11
timburkedon't we all ;-)21:11
mattolivermaybe I need to one say take a week and just focus on finishing internal clienting all the things :P (one day)21:12
mattoliverif there is a bug or something that your hitting zaitcev I'd happily start prioritsing it for you 21:12
timburkespeaking of dusting things off -- we're getting towards the end of the cycle, so i've been thinking about getting a release out, and refreshing a few patches of my own in hopes that we might land some of them21:13
zaitcevmattoliver: sorry for the noise, I21:13
timburkethere were a couple old drop-translations patches i hadn't pushed on in a while21:13
patch-botpatch 823423 - swift - common: Stop translating log messages - 2 patch sets21:13
patch-botpatch 823424 - swift - common: Stop translating a bunch of printed messag... - 2 patch sets21:14
zaitcevmattoliver: I just saw your work and it seemed familiar to what the watcher has to deal with.21:14
mattoliverzaitcev: never need to be sorry. Reminding me about them is great, things can get quite chaotic at nvidia and things fall out of my head :) Your right we had the similar issues with the dark data watcher so it could use it too!21:15
mattoliverMaybe I'll start a doc for the ideas section where we can track ic daemon improvements. And I can bring it up as a topic next PTG21:16
mattolivertimburke: cool, did I also see you getting the deprecate py2 patch ready?21:16
mattoliverjust. in. case?21:16
timburkeyou did :-) i need to check in with a couple people about where we are on running py3 everywhere still, though...21:17
timburkethere was one other one i'd kind of like us to make a decision about before this next release21:18
patch-botpatch 924795 - swift - Remove legacy bin/ scripts - 3 patch sets21:18
mattoliverwhats the +1 to -1 ratiio? who wins? 21:18
timburkemattoliver and i are both +1 on dropping them now; packagers shouldn't need them any more21:18
timburkebut no one else has left a vote. i guess that means we can just do as we like? :P21:19
mattoliverwell it has been a few weeks :) 21:19
timburkeat any rate, i wanted at least one more opportunity for anyone who might like to raise an objection to do so21:19
timburkelacking any other feedback, i'll merge it as i'm putting together release notes21:20
mattoliversounds good21:21
mattoliverSpeaking of release, I've tricked csmart into finishing the account qouta follow up patch Qatar started, and will make sure it's ready before the release. 21:21
mattoliverI'll poke him about it today :) 21:21
timburke\o/ thanks mattoliver and csmart!21:21
mattolivertimburke: have you loaded up the priority reviews page for this release?21:22
timburkei was just about to say i need to do that :D21:22
mattoliverkk, I'll take a look at existing patches too21:23
timburkeother interesting bodies of work lately:21:23
timburkewe're getting really close on splitting out the stats client from our adapted loggers21:23
patch-botpatch 915483 - swift - Split statsd client from logger - 29 patch sets21:23
timburkethere will still be some chimera object returned by utils.get_logger, but there won't be any reference to statsd anymore in utils/logs.py21:24
mattoliverkk, nice21:25
timburkewe also saw a timestamp collision in prod! of course, the way you notice such a thing is when you get an EC object that can't be decoded :-(21:26
mattoliverwoah, i missed that21:26
timburkeon our 8+4 policy, we had a 7/5 split for which version was written down21:26
timburkeit feels a lot like but subtly different since it was actually external-client-driven21:27
patch-botBug #1910804 - Encryption doesn't play well with processes that copy cleartext data while preserving timestamps (Fix Released)21:27
timburkefwiw, the two clients seemed to have written the same data (so the X-Object-Sysmeta-Crypto-Etag-Mac values all matched) but that still doesn't really help much :-(21:29
timburkebut that's why clayg has been throwing out some patches lately21:29
patch-botpatch 927327 - swift - wip: testing timestamp collison - 1 patch set21:29
patch-botpatch 927329 - swift - wip: detect link at collision - 1 patch set21:30
patch-botpatch 927330 - swift - wip: check etag in commit - 1 patch set21:30
patch-botpatch 927328 - swift - wip: detect ec encyption collision - 1 patch set21:30
mattoliverhe has been busy, and makes alot of sense. don't know how I missed that. kinda exciting (not for sre, but from a dev POV) :) 21:31
timburkeand last, mattoliver has been busy trying to smooth out some rough edges in the sharding state machine21:35
patch-botpatch 789651 - swift - shrinking: Add a CLEAVING state - 13 patch sets21:35
patch-botpatch 926036 - swift - ShardRange: track last state change timestamp - 6 patch sets21:35
patch-botpatch 926179 - swift - Sharding: Add minimum_active_age to shard compaction - 2 patch sets21:35
mattoliveryeah a bunch of stuff there :) 21:36
mattoliverThe early CLEAVED state temp listing hole hit in prod21:37
mattoliverand another it solves itself (its a known situration). this time a user noticed and caused it to become more of an issue. 21:37
mattoliverWhich isn't a bad thing.. acoles and I have been wanting to fix it for a while.. and means now the priority rose :)21:38
timburkeand there's also some hope that those will prove useful not only there, but also when shrinking21:38
mattoliverexactly, solving the early CLEAVED also happens to solve the early ACTIVE issue! which might be chosen as a shrink candidate! 21:39
mattoliverSo fixing it earlier in the state machine will be a big win.21:39
mattoliverfirst 2 patches are the most interesting there.. and I'll keep working on them21:40
timburkei think there was just one other main thing i wanted to keep tracking21:41
timburkefulecorafa, sorry, i think we still haven't taken a look at yet :-(21:41
patch-botBug #2077179 - S3Api - async delete (New)21:41
fulecorafano worries. I myself did not have time to work on it either XD21:41
mattoliverbefore figuring out it was the early CLEAVED issue I did get to blow the cobwebs off: 21:41
patch-botpatch 775066 - swift - Added a swift-graph-shardranges cli script / tool - 15 patch sets21:41
timburkethat's all i've got21:41
timburke#topic open discussion21:42
mattoliverwhich is a cool tool (but I'm biased)21:42
timburkeanything else we should talk about today?21:42
mattoliverbut it does have a dep on graphviz.. 21:42
timburkemattoliver, oh nice! i keep forgetting about that21:42
mattoliverand I don't want that to be a main dep in Swift. So that patch just detects and warns if its missing when using the tool :shrug: 21:43
mattoliverAlso I created: 21:43
patch-botpatch 924820 - swift - account info: Add --sync/-s option (MERGED) - 1 patch set21:43
mattoliveroh it's merged...21:43
mattolivermy bad, obviously my browser has cached it wrong21:44
timburkeyeah, i think that's fine -- makes perfect sense that we'd only really want graphviz on a dev or ops machine as they're debugging an issue21:44
zaitcevGuys, did you hear that S3 is strongly consistent now?21:44
timburkeyep -- it's going to be a heavy lift for us to figure out how to get there...21:44
mattolivermaybe oneday we'll grow container policies and can have one that is "strong" but yo'd have to live with higher latencies and what not. 21:45
timburkethat was kinda my thought, too. and once we get far enough out that path that we're feeling reasonably confident about it, look at how we could migrate from the old eventually-consistent containers to the new ones21:47
timburkewe've definitely got users interested in it21:47
mattoliverthey both that different use-cases. String for those who annoyingly stuck in the past :P and eventually consistant that you can write to fast :) 21:49
mattoliverwow, I can't type today21:49
timburkei figure if they can turn it on for everyone, we should be able to, too ;-)21:50
timburkeit's coming up on four years now
mattoliveranyway, that's all I got. We did get to run the vacuum patch in prod to get an idea of bloated container metrics which was cool.. but I have a little more work on a better way to push the metrics because we don't have guages in statsd. So maybe I'll do recon dumps.. but that doesn't need to be discussed here :)  We do some some pretty bloated containers but still unsure how many there areally are :) 21:52
timburkeoh yeah, i started playing with adding gauges a while back...
patch-botpatch 895737 - swift - swift-recon-cron: Add async_pendings stat gauge - 1 patch set21:54
timburkeall right, i think i'll call it21:55
timburkethank you all for coming, and thank you for working on swift!21:55
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Aug 28 21:55:31 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)21:55
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
mattoliveroh nice, well that might be useful for me.. lol tim having a patch in the wings strikes again :P 21:55
mattoliverthanks tim, thanks everyone21:55
timburkeyeah, the gauge itself was dead simple to implement21:56
patch-botpatch 895737 - swift - swift-recon-cron: Add async_pendings stat gauge - 1 patch set21:56
mattoliverwell maybe I'll change over to that and see how it goes in my vsaio. 21:57
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: diskfile: Treat EUCLEAN like ENODATA
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: diskfile: Treat EUCLEAN like ENODATA
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-swiftclient master: Authors/ChangeLog for 4.6.0
opendevreviewMerged openstack/swift master: tests: Attempt to use configured tmp in xprofile tests

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