Monday, 2024-09-30

mnederlofhi, does anyone know why only the primary container nodes are queried for the async_pending objects? I looked into the code and noticed that in the past a 404 was considered a success (but that caused issues if all containers are placed on handoff nodes). So why are we not querying the handoff nodes, if not all primaries are a success?08:50
opendevreviewShreeya Deshpande proposed openstack/swift master: Split statsd client from logger
opendevreviewYan Xiao proposed openstack/swift master: proxy-logging: Add real-time transfer bytes counters
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: sq? expirer: don't try to delete non-existent task containers
timburkemnederlof, the primary locations are where we expect the container DBs to be, and the async pending means we're *already* putting up with a widened consistency window -- so may as well wait for the container-replicator to get the DBs where they ought to be17:54
timburkeasyncs already add to container-server load -- if we can do the update inline, the assigned object-server (typically, depending on replica counts for obj and cont layers) only needs to update one container-server. but if any of them need to write an aysnc, it'll want to contact all primaries to resolve it17:56
timburke(hopefully, most of those updates should be pretty quick: container-server sees that yep, i already know about that, and doesn't have to do any writing)17:57
timburkebut it still ties up connections. going out to handoffs doesn't seem likely to improve the situation much17:58
timburkethat being said, i could maybe see us growing a couple more knobs: *maybe* we could have an option to look out in handoffs on an explicit 404 (DB really, truly does not exist) from a primary, but i wonder if the better value would be something akin to handoff_delete for the replicators -- if an async gets to 2/3 primaries, say, go ahead and clean it up (with the assumption that container replication will eventually get the 18:02
timburkelast guy on the same page)18:02
timburkei'd forgotten all about that pre-bug #1328735 behavior!18:06
patch-bot - Object-updater gives up updating container with no success if all containers are placed at handoff (Fix Released)18:06
opendevreviewClay Gerrard proposed openstack/swift master: wip: rotate cycle and skip after awhile

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