Wednesday, 2025-01-15

opendevreviewMatthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift master: Quarantine asyncs older then reclaim_age
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The paste service at will have a short (15-20) minute outage momentarily to replace the underlying server.17:08
opendevreviewMerged openstack/swift master: Leave updater per-device stats in recon for debugging
opendevreviewASHWIN A NAIR proposed openstack/swift master: db-replicator: include container name in logs, not just db path
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: versioning: 411 PUTs with neither content-length nor transfer-encoding
timburke#startmeeting swift21:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jan 15 21:00:13 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is timburke. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'swift'21:00
timburkewho's here for the swift meeting?21:00
mattoliverI think Jian said he was going to the dentist 21:01
timburkewell, we can get started :-)21:01
timburkei didn't put much on the agenda21:01
timburkefirst up21:02
timburke#topic gate breakage21:02
timburkea recent bandit release broke out pep8 job21:02
mattoliveroh yay21:02
timburkefortunately the fix was simple and we merged it quickly (thanks acoles!)21:03
patch-botpatch 939184 - swift - CI: Remove B320 and B410 bandit skips (MERGED) - 1 patch set21:03
acoleskinda mean to fail because we *excluded* a test that gets removed21:03
timburkeyeah, i felt similarly :-/21:03
acolesWDYT about my doc follow-up ?21:03
patch-botpatch 939209 - swift - CI: document bandit tests by reference - 1 patch set21:03
timburkebut i didn't bother to submit a bug about it or anything21:03
JayFI'll also note a new eventlet landed in global requirements; in oslo.log for eventlet-patched things we had to fix PipeMutex; I have a draft patch for swift's version of PipeMutex here in case you all see any issues; I know swift is a little special so may not be impacted but wanted to surface it.21:04
patch-botpatch 935987 - swift - Use stdlib "os" in PipeMutex - 1 patch set21:04
timburkeapproved! yeah, better to just link out to their docs21:04
timburkeJayF, i saw that! py313 support here we come!21:04
acolesOIC you already did +2, thanks21:04
JayFFWIW, I don't intend on revising 935987; so if you wanna take it over feelfree, I'll likely abandon it in a few months if it doesn't move :)21:05
timburkeit's still weird to me that it causes some failures. i should probably dust it off to try to understand more21:06
timburkebut anyway, if anyone notices any other gate failures where it's just bandit complaining in the pep8 job, feel free to recheck21:06
timburke#topic py2 is dead!21:07
timburkeit's a carryover from last week, but now we've got more folks around to celebrate ;-)21:07
JayFtimburke: my hunch is that since it unconditionally patches eventlet as part of the new job, and swift only conditionally does it, that there may just need to be some tweaking21:07
mattoliverwoo hoo!21:07
JayFcongrats :)21:08
timburkethe big patch to take out py2 code paths seems to be getting close, too21:08
patch-botpatch 853697 - swift - Remove py2-only code paths - 18 patch sets21:08
timburkethanks zaitcev, acoles, and mattoliver!21:08
timburkethere's still more that can be done, of course21:09
mattoliveryeah, it was a big one.. that must've been a tedious patch to write timburke 21:09
mattoliverthanks for working on it. 21:09
timburkesimplify our super() calls, use subtests, use f-strings...21:10
mattoliverWe know basically have 3 +2s on it now. So shall I just +A it?21:10
acolesI wanna get a `yield from` in somewhere :D 21:10
mattoliveryeah, we can changes things as we touch files now, which is nice. 21:10
acolesmattoliver: do it!21:10
timburkei'm definitely looking forward to having a modern codebase21:11
acolesI'm looking forward to not having to nursemaid a py2 dev environment anymore21:11
timburkeswift isn't the only place we might want to drop some old python versions -- i also put together a pyeclib patch21:11
patch-botpatch 938098 - pyeclib - Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5-3.8 - 4 patch sets21:11
timburkemaybe it would've been better for me to split that into "drop py2" and "drop old py3s" -- oh well21:12
timburkebut there are more patches following it to do some further cleanups in pyeclib, too21:13
mattolivernah it's fine. I feel like its the start of the new year, time to clean some stuff up. We can always put things back. We're cleaning swift, let's clean pyeclib too!21:14
timburkethe nice thing about dropping the old versions of py3 is that we can switch to using latest image tags when building wheels21:16
timburkewell, that, and taking out half our unit test jobs21:17
timburkeall right, last topic i've got21:17
timburke#topic swift release21:18
timburkei meant to get together an authors/changelog patch last week, but still haven't. hopefully i'll find time this week21:18
mattoliverkk, first release without py2!21:19
timburke(though i'm a little skeptical -- i've got a downstream release to get out, too, and i'm moving over the weekend)21:19
mattoliverwell no rush21:19
timburkemattoliver, and i'm not even sure it deserves a release note! we announced the last stable release supporting py2 back in *yoga*!21:20
acolesit'll be done when it's done21:20
timburke#topic open discussion21:20
timburkeanything else we should bring up this week?21:20
mattoliverdevice id size has become an major issue downstream for us. So looks like ringv2 is bubbling back up21:21
mattoliverSo I've started reloading and reviewing it again. 21:21
mattolivermaybe we can include it in the new release too ;) 21:21
timburkeoh yeah! makes me happy i've kept p 834261 reasonably up-to-date21:22
patch-bot - swift - ring: Introduce a v2 ring format - 21 patch sets21:22
mattoliverWe have so many devices in our clusters, be kinda can't expand much more without the abilty to use bigger ints (crazy problem to have). 21:23
opendevreviewASHWIN A NAIR proposed openstack/swift master: db-replicator: include container name in logs, not just db path
mattoliverI feel like it was pretty close to landed a year or 2 ago.. so hopefully it wont take too much effort to land it (esp thanks to Tim keeping it up to date). 21:24
timburkei remember OVH having a similar problem years ago -- i think we've mostly managed to avoid it by buying to maximize TB/drive rather than minimize $/TB21:25
mattoliveralthough I assume me landing the py2 deprecation, we have alot of patches now in conflict :P 21:25
mattoliveryeah, don't think that'll cut it anymore. So no py2 and soon new ring format! 21:26
mattoliver2025 is going to be great!21:26
timburkealmost certainly :-) it'll be interesting to see what bothers to get rebased the fastest21:26
mattoliverthat's all I've got. I've been on vacation21:28
timburkeall right, i think i'll call it then21:29
timburkethank you all for coming, and thank you for working on swift!21:29
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jan 15 21:29:20 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)21:29
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
opendevreviewMerged openstack/swift master: CI: document bandit tests by reference
opendevreviewMerged openstack/swift master: Remove py2-only code paths

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