Thursday, 2025-01-23

opendevreviewMatthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift master: s3api: emit some s3 header stats
rcmgleiteThanks @timburke, for digging this! I'll have to spend some time going through everything but this already saved me a bunch of time!12:10
opendevreviewShreeya Deshpande proposed openstack/swift master: Add labels to object updater
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: Refactor some file-like iters as utils.InputProxy subclasses
rcmgleite@mattoliver - you said something about a workstream for s3 chunk encoding - is there already work happening there? We have the same issue now since the newest awscli forces chunked encoding on uploads17:40
rcmgleiteseems like it's this one -
timburkercmgleite, yup, that's the one. note that there are a few patches stacked in front of it now (related to additional checksums)19:39
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily while we reboot for a patch version upgrade of the software, but should return again within a few minutes22:46
opendevreviewShreeya Deshpande proposed openstack/swift master: Add labeled metrics to s3api

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