Friday, 2025-01-31

opendevreviewShreeya Deshpande proposed openstack/swift master: Add labeled metrics to s3api
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Add support of Sigv4-streaming
opendevreviewMatthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift master: ring: Add a rebalance history in the ring
opendevreviewMatthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift master: proxy: Use last-primaries table
opendevreviewMatthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift master: Ringv2: Write the serialization format to a gzip header
opendevreviewMatthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift master: Ringv2: Write the serialization format to a gzip header
opendevreviewMatthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift master: ring: Add a rebalance history in the ring
opendevreviewMatthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift master: proxy: Use last-primaries table
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: Add labeled metrics to s3api
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: WIP s3api: add labeled version of error response metric
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Remove xattr dependency on linux
rcmgleiteHey folks, got another question - this time about quarantined objects and db files. 1. After going through all of the auditors implementations, container and account don't seem to do much. Do we really need those daemons running? I was unable to understand their need. 17:49
rcmgleiteand Second, the object auditor does a lot of checks - which is great - but it then marks objects as quarantined. It's unclear to me if swift deals with quarantined objects automatically or if this is something we should alarm on and take manual action17:49
rcmgleiteany pointers here?17:50
opendevreviewShreeya Deshpande proposed openstack/swift master: Add labeled metrics to s3api
opendevreviewShreeya Deshpande proposed openstack/swift master: Add labeled metrics to s3api
timburke_rcmgleite, the db auditors don't have many checks, it's true. though they probably should have more -- see
timburke_object quarantines have to get dealt with manually. usually, just see whether the object exists at all the expected spots and delete if it does18:47
timburke_sometimes, you get things quarantined that can't be deleted; often that's a sign of a failing disk. if you see a bunch of quarantines on a disk, you probably want to replace it18:48
timburke_if you see a lot of quarantines spread across all the disks for a node, you might want to check it with memtest18:49
claygtimburke_: clarkb and fungi are looking into the WIP setting on 836755: Add support of Sigv4-streaming | over in #opendev19:23
fungiyep, just need to give your core review team perms to override that flag in your project acls19:24
timburke_cool, thanks!19:25
timburke_i really should get my bouncer back up; i'm not in any of my usual rooms...19:25
claygtimburke_: have you ever had to make a change to "project-config"
timburke_on occasion, though it's been a while
claygnoice, it's been suggested we need a new acl setting
claygbut, i'm no joy so far: ssh:// did not work. Description: Permission denied (publickey).19:29
claygbut i'm not really very good with git review 😭19:30
fungiit... should be like pushing changes to swift?19:30
fungii'll check the gerrit server logs though19:30
fungiyeah, looks like claygerrard is not a user in gerrit19:31
claygfungi: oh sorry; pls don't - yes I just don't know my gerrit username (clay-gerrard it turns out)19:31
fungino worries19:31
claygROFL - i canz oop;enstacikj19:31
fungianyway, once that merges and the deploy jobs run, refreshing that change in your browser should give you the ability to switch it from wip to active19:34
claygyes I hope so!  thank you fungi 🤩19:35
fungiany time19:36
claygtimburke_: BOOM!  836755: Add support of Sigv4-streaming | fungi is a hero!!!19:46
fungii didn't even wear my cape today!19:47
fungianyway, now you don't have to worry about other changes getting stuck in wip in the future as long as one of your core reviewers is around to un-wip it19:48
fungi(also your core reviewers can now mark anyone's changes wip in your project if you need to)19:49
rcmgleite@timburke_ thank you very much for the context here!19:51
opendevreviewClay Gerrard proposed openstack/swift master: Limit node_iter on EC HEAD

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