opendevreview | Tim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: utils: Add crc32c and crc64nvme functions | 20:21 |
opendevreview | Tim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: s3api: Add support for additional checksums | 20:21 |
kota | morning | 20:56 |
mattoliver | morning | 21:00 |
timburke | oh, right! | 21:01 |
timburke | #startmeeting swift | 21:01 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Wed Feb 19 21:01:28 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is timburke. Information about MeetBot at | 21:01 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 21:01 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'swift' | 21:01 |
timburke | who's here for the swift meeting? | 21:01 |
mattoliver | o/ | 21:01 |
timburke | i updated the agenda, but i've only really got one topic | 21:02 |
kota | o/ | 21:02 |
timburke | #topic PTG | 21:02 |
timburke | it's PTG sign-up time again! | 21:02 |
timburke | #link | 21:03 |
mattoliver | oh cool! | 21:03 |
timburke | it's virtual again, Apr 7-11 | 21:03 |
timburke | register at | 21:03 |
timburke | #link | 21:03 |
mattoliver | ok this time we need to remember to fill out the survey otherwise we'll get an email reminder from cschwede again :D | 21:04 |
timburke | just did it ;-) | 21:05 |
mattoliver | \o/ nice one! | 21:05 |
timburke | though we'll still need to pick time slots -- i'll try to get a poll up by next week | 21:05 |
kota | sounds good | 21:06 |
timburke | (at least, assuming the same time slots are available as last time -- i suppose they didn't actually specify them yet) | 21:07 |
timburke | i'll also work on getting an etherpad together -- sounds like some of our sre already have ideas they'd like discussed :-) | 21:07 |
mattoliver | yeah, and because we use meetpad now, it probably doesn't matter as much, probably more for us and advertising. | 21:08 |
timburke | that's all i've got this week | 21:08 |
timburke | #topic open discussion | 21:08 |
timburke | anything else we ought to bring up? | 21:08 |
mattoliver | oh a nice quick one :) | 21:08 |
mattoliver | Nah, still the same same for me. Got distracted trying to get ringv2 tested and working properly downstream with out controller etc. So been distracted. | 21:09 |
mattoliver | Are we getting closer with the chunked s3 patch to fix boto? | 21:09 |
timburke | yeah -- one of the patches landed (the one to no longer require content-md5, as it was breaking some test clean-up), and acoles and i have continued to have good back and forth on the main aws-chunked patch | 21:11 |
timburke | #link | 21:11 |
timburke | (merged) | 21:11 |
mattoliver | kk cool | 21:11 |
timburke | #link | 21:11 |
timburke | (aws-chunked) | 21:11 |
timburke | i also just today finally got the start of the checksum patches stacked on top of that (previously, the chain was flipped, with the checksum stuff coming first) | 21:12 |
timburke | #link | 21:12 |
mattoliver | cool | 21:13 |
mattoliver | I'll try and take a look today or tomorrow | 21:13 |
timburke | that's still a little rough -- i need to look at it from gerrit with my reviewer hat on; i'm sure there are some rough edges that fell out of the re-order | 21:13 |
mattoliver | The dickinson college students and I have been playing with adding atomic write to our db layer to fix a bug. It's been interesting. | 21:14 |
timburke | nice! | 21:14 |
boosungkim[m] | Hi! | 21:14 |
mattoliver | hey boosungkim ! | 21:14 |
timburke | #link | 21:14 |
timburke | sorry to have missed this week's check-in; with the holiday, i quite forgot | 21:15 |
boosungkim[m] | No worries, we forgot about the holiday since we don't get the day off | 21:15 |
mattoliver | if someone wants to take a look. Had to make some changes to GreenDBConnection so we can have say when we're in a transaction and not call rollback (which would be bad) or commit, like we do in some functions. | 21:16 |
mattoliver | Also need to grab a connection through the get contextmanager, but then put it back for people in the transaction context manager, which is a little different. So not 100% sure about it | 21:17 |
mattoliver | Other option is to dig in and refactor things so nothing can call rollback and commits and leave that all to transaction and get context managers.. but that would be alot more DB interface changes and lot of code churn. | 21:18 |
timburke | hmm... it'd be interesting to do an inventory of container-server DB calls per API call... | 21:20 |
mattoliver | anyway. Atomic write kinda fixes a bug nicely and I feel it would be awesome to have in swift's db layer. No doubt there are plenty of those race condition bugs elsewhere due to the distributed nature and even eventlet. | 21:20 |
timburke | but yeah, avoiding the churn for now seems best, if we can | 21:20 |
mattoliver | timburke: true. | 21:20 |
timburke | i'll try to get a review in this week | 21:20 |
mattoliver | thanks timburke | 21:21 |
timburke | both on that and the heartbeat-on-COPY one | 21:21 |
timburke | #link | 21:21 |
boosungkim[m] | Thanks! I think James has a working unit test on his local, and we're hoping to push that patch later this week as well. | 21:21 |
mattoliver | nice! | 21:22 |
timburke | 👍 | 21:22 |
mattoliver | Thats all I got for now :) | 21:23 |
timburke | all right, we'll call it early then | 21:23 |
timburke | thanks for coming, and thanks for working on swift! | 21:24 |
timburke | #endmeeting | 21:24 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Wed Feb 19 21:24:15 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 21:24 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: | 21:24 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): | 21:24 |
opendevmeet | Log: | 21:24 |
boosungkim[m] | Thank you! | 21:24 |
rcmgleite | hey folks, no sync today? | 21:36 |
rcmgleite | I'm super late here but don't see any movement... | 21:37 |
timburke | rcmgleite, oh, sorry -- we already wrapped it up! | 21:41 |
timburke | | 21:41 |
timburke | but we can still talk about stuff if you've got anything to bring up | 21:42 |
timburke | oh, actually -- what i'd really meant to link was | 21:52 |
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