Wednesday, 2025-02-26

opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Refactor some file-like iters as utils.InputProxy subclasses
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Add support of Sigv4-streaming
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: Refactor and add some encrypter unit tests
opendevreviewAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift master: encrypter: always send an override etag footer
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Refactor some file-like iters as utils.InputProxy subclasses
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Add support of Sigv4-streaming
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: CI: run S3 cross-compat tests as part of DSVM jobs
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Add config option for whether to run s3_acl-requiring tests
timburke#startmeeting swift21:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Feb 26 21:00:43 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is timburke. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'swift'21:00
timburkewho's here for the swift meeting?21:00
timburkeas usual, the agenda's at21:01
timburkefirst up21:02
timburke#topic failing DSVM jobs21:02
timburkeso a recent python-openstackclient release broke keystone credential creation, which our DSVM jobs use so we can test keystone+s3api21:02
timburkethe good news is there's a fix which has merged21:03
mattoliveroh nice21:03
timburkeand there's even been a release to include the fix21:03
timburkethe bad news is that the update to global requirements is going to fail21:04
timburke...because all the recent jobs have been failing:
timburkethat leaves us with a few options:21:06
timburke1. just wait until this all gets resolved21:06
timburke2. mark our dsvm jobs non-voting until it gets resolved21:07
timburke3. stop testing keystone+s3api until it gets resolved21:07
timburkei'm kind of inclined toward 1 (or at least give things another day or two before doing anything else)21:08
mattoliverhow long do we think the wait is? 21:10
timburkedunno -- but has been trying to merge for a couple days now21:10
timburkeeh, i'll at least give it till the end of the week, re-evaluate monday21:11
timburkespeaking of requirements, i should go poke someone about ... it'd be nice to be able to use subtests21:12
mattoliverkk, sounds like a plan then21:12
jianjianbtw, what's DSVM?21:12
timburkegood question! "devstack vm" -- it's a job that builds on which is kind of like a SAIO but for all of openstack21:13
mattoliverits some intergrated rest of openstack tests via openstack devstacks (the main openstack dev env tool).21:14
jianjianoh, I see. that's why you also suggested second option "mark our dsvm jobs non-voting until it gets resolved"21:14
timburkebetween 2 and 3, i'm kinda torn: on the one hand, ignoring the whole test suite isn't great, but on the other, at least there'll be a constant reminder that the temporary fix is in place since those job results will have a (non-voting) flag21:16
timburkewe'll cross that bridge when we get there21:17
timburke#topic PTG21:17
jianjianokay, thanks for trying to fix it21:17
timburkei almost forgot, but i set up a time slot poll and put up a skeleton etherpad for topics21:18
timburkeand again, that'll be Apr 7-1121:19
mattolivercool, nice one timburke I'll fill out what I can of both :) 21:20
timburkei should double check whether they've mentioned official time slots yet or not -- i made the poll with the assumption that they'd have the same slots as the last several vPTGs21:21
timburkethough as mattoliver mentioned last week, it might not matter too much given that we could just all join a meetpad at some time regardless21:22
timburkeall right, next up21:23
timburke#topic aws-chunked21:23
timburkei think acoles and i are coming around to feeling like the new protocol's mostly ready21:24
timburkethere are some rough edges, but we can always refine it on master21:24
timburkei think the biggest hesitation to merging it right now is that we don't respect any additional checksums that might be sent -- so clients may not have the data-integrity guarantees they were expecting21:25
timburkethose patches still seem a little ways out -- there are some complications involving getting extra data into container listings and sending some metadata in footers21:27
mattoliveryeah. If we land the first patch, do you think we can get the algorithm follow ups in before the next swift release?21:27
mattoliverif so, I'd worry less because they're coming. 21:27
timburkei'd be nervous about that -- we need to get a swift release out in the pretty near term since we're getting to the end of the cycle21:28
timburkeone thought we had though was to get *partial* support -- just enough that we can reject uploads if checksums don't match, but don't bother writing anything down21:29
mattoliverwhat would be the minimal we'd need to support initially? crc64?21:30
timburkebut i need to see how much of it we need to implement to make sure MPU uploads both work and protect against bit-flips21:30
mattoliverI wouldn't mind getting some crc support in swift, even if it just starts in s3api, then we can use it more internally later.21:31
mattoliveryeah kk21:31
timburkeiirc boto3 defaults to crc32, but some other clients are known to use crc32c. from docs, it seems like AWS is pushing for crc64-nvme21:31
mattoliversee I'm on the fence. I want the chunked stuff in so people can use the most recent boto and it works. 21:32
timburkefortunately the actual algos aren't terribly difficult to implement -- the tricky parts are storing the results, and combining partial crcs to give a full-object crc for MPUs21:33
timburkesame. it sucks that what was previously a pretty well-supported client is now broken by default21:33
mattoliverDoes the patch need to have a doc warning that aws-chunked is partially supported with the extra argoritim caveats?21:34
mattoliverThen we can land it, but make it known the rest is still in development.21:35
mattoliverI mean we'd still md5 behind the scenes, we just don't check their given crcs21:35
timburkei think for the most part *users* don't really know or care -- the *client* is just making decisions and the user is trusting it. so idk that a doc fix is really the right way to look at it -- the user probably neither knows nor cares about that level of implementation detail21:36
mattoliveryeah, but it covers our butt :P 21:37
timburkei think as much as anything i just wanted to give some context -- there might be some new patches to split it like "respect additional checksums on upload" / "store additional checksums"21:38
timburkewe'll see how my investigation goes21:38
timburkelast topic from me21:39
timburke#topic swift release21:39
timburkeit's that time in the cycle again!21:39
timburkewe already have a new swiftclient release out (not that it has any material changes from the last release)21:39
mattolivershall we update swift priority reviews with patches we might want to try and include (those that are close) in the next release?21:40
mattoliverAnd we might need to swift-bench release :P 21:40
timburkeso i'm going start getting release notes together for a swift release21:40
timburkeyeah, priority reviews page is probably a good idea21:40
mattolivermaybe just replace it with ssbench, swift-bench ng :P 21:40
timburkewe've got a few patches that already have +2s21:41
opendevmeetRemoving item from minutes: #link
timburke...but again, we need a working gate before we can land anything anyway ;-)21:42
timburke*including* release notes :P21:42
timburkeso that's a decent part of why i'm thinking about contingencies in case the requirements stuff takes a bit to resolve21:43
jianjianI remember Tim said he would like this patch to land into this release:
mattoliveryeah, well I lean towards 1 then 3 then 1. So we still get intergration testing and just loose keystone + s3api for a bit. 21:44
jianjianI had +1, Clay had +2, Tim, are you still planning to do anything, or we should just merge it?21:45
timburkejianjian, yeah, i still think that's a good idea21:45
mattoliveryup, add it to prioirty reviews21:45
timburkei've not given the patch much though in weeks. let's merge it if y'all think it's ready21:45
timburkemuch thought*21:46
jianjianokay, I will look at it again later this week21:46
timburkeman, i can't type today21:47
timburkeall right, that's all i've got21:47
timburke#topic open discussion21:47
timburkeanything else we should bring up this week?21:48
timburkeoh! a couple weeks ago, i saw someone wanting to clean up some of the pyeclib test matrix:
timburkewhich refreshed my memory about my own plan to do that:
timburkewe should decide what versions of python we actually want to be supporting -- currently pyeclib is testing against 10 different minor versions!21:50
timburkei want to cut that in half21:51
mattoliveroh cool. pyeclib, I'll take a look21:51
timburkethanks mattoliver -- if you like that one, there's a whole chain of stuff we could look at cleaning up since we don't have to worry about old python21:52
timburkeall right, i think i'll call it21:54
timburkethank you all for coming, and thank you for working on swift!21:54
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Feb 26 21:54:14 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)21:54
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
mattolivergood riddance py2! 21:54
timburkeok, i think i understand the requirements failure now -- new setuptools oughta fix things too for more details, see
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Add config option for whether to run s3_acl-requiring tests
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: CI: run S3 cross-compat tests as part of DSVM jobs
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/pyeclib master: CI: bump up timeout for pyeclib-build-wheels-arm64
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: tests: Fix versioning cross-compat tests

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