opendevreview | Matthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift master: Use SO_TIMESTAMP to track request times before they hit accept queue | 02:55 |
mattoliver | ^ timburke_ that seems to solve the issue. Basically its because the accepted socket is non-blocking and the ancdata isn't available yet for some requests. Turning the socket to blocking, even for just the time it took to get the ancdata was slow as. So just adding a loop and timeout seems to have solved it, it now works all the time and still lightening fast. At least on my vsaio. | 02:57 |
opendevreview | Matthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift master: Use SO_TIMESTAMP to track request times before they hit accept queue | 03:12 |
opendevreview | Matthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift master: Use SO_TIMESTAMP to track request times before they hit accept queue | 04:28 |
opendevreview | Tim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: more squashes for crcs | 05:18 |
opendevreview | Tim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Clarify that get_ppid is Linux-only | 05:27 |
opendevreview | Tim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Clarify that get_ppid is Linux-only | 05:49 |
gokhan | hello folks, I am trying to access public containers on swift which is ceph rgw implementation. | 09:12 |
gokhan | when I run openstack object save --file - public-container testobj.tx, it is running. | 09:12 |
gokhan | but when I try to access on url with curl it gives error and says no such bucket | 09:12 |
gokhan | this is the log file on radosgw: | 09:13 |
gokhan | when I run openstack object save --file - public-container testobj.tx, it is running. | 10:02 |
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