Thursday, 2015-08-06

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gemais anyone around?17:00
gema#startmeeting tailgate17:00
openstackMeeting started Thu Aug  6 17:00:42 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gema. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.17:00
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'tailgate'17:00
gema#topic rollcall17:00
malinio - I am half here17:01
gemaI am going to confess I haven't had time to prepare this  meeting, so we are going to go by ear17:02
maliniwe just had me & jasonsb in the last meeting17:02
maliniSo we conveniently just chatted :)17:02
gemawere there any actions?17:02
malinigema: it'll be good to follow up from the actions on the meeting before17:02
jasonsbdont think so17:02
gemamalini, jasonsb ok17:02
jasonsbi reported about the kolla midcycle meetup17:03
gemajasonsb: ok, I will read it, I will add the link to it to my summary tomorrow morning so that people have the reference17:03
gema#topic actions from previous weeks17:03
gema#action spyderdyne to give more updates on HA testing17:03
gemaI think we are carrying this one forward since he is not around17:04
gemadid the review of the questionaire start?17:04
jasonsbi wanted to ask about the questionaire17:04
gema#action gema to sort out through the logs and get the review about the questionaire started17:04
jasonsbis it fine to use17:04
jasonsbor does it need tweeks17:05
gemajasonsb: it needs tweaks imo17:05
jasonsbok, i'll follow up with you17:05
gemathere are a bunch of links on the July log17:05
gema#link (see for questionaire links)17:06
gemaI am taking the review initiation from spyderdyne and will start it myself with all the links he gave us17:06
gemamaybe people are on holidays this month17:06
gemaso I am not sure what would be a good deadline for this review17:06
gemafirst week of September?17:07
jasonsbwhat is the action?17:07
gemaI will send an email with all the information and instructions on where to put comments17:07
jasonsbreview the form to finalize?17:07
gemawe'll all send comments, then ammend the form, then send it around17:07
jasonsbi'll take it17:07
gemayou'll take what?17:07
jasonsbsolicit comments and ammend17:08
gemacoolio, I gave it to myself but I will change that right away :D17:08
gema#action jasonb to initiate the review of the questionaire on the ML and handle review comments, review due to end early Sept (in case people are on holidays)17:09
gemajasonsb: I will still send you an email with the bunch of links that we gathered the week you were out17:09
gemaand try to explain what they were for17:09
jasonsbsounds good17:09
gemawill do that tomorrow morning17:09
gemaACTION: malini to get jose-idar on the mailing17:10
gemawas this done?17:10
gema#action gema to submit a few test runs of refstack and get familiar with it17:10
gema#action gema to talk to matthew about stable tempest kilo and report back17:10
gema#action gema to send out the defcore details on actionable gaps17:11
gemathe two first ones I haven't had time to do (my work has been erratic from one thing to another) but I still want to get to them17:11
gemathe third one I have been trying to get to the defcore meeting but they haven't had it for the past two weeks17:11
jasonsbi still need to attend the defcore meetings17:11
gemanot sure if it was due to their midcycle17:11
gemaor if it is because they changed channel and I missed that17:12
gemaI will get holld of hogepodge  and ask17:12
gema#action gema to figure out where the defcore meetings are and send a note around if they have changed17:12
gemaACTION: jasonb to give an update on inspector gadget efforts17:13
jasonsbi was thinking of extending the guru report17:13
gemawhat is the guru report?17:13
jasonsbmaybe this could be added to api's so that our tools could report it17:13
jasonsbits already in the code base, and seems like a good start17:14
hogepodgegema: meetings are Wednesdays at 1500. We skipped this week, but will be returning next week17:14
jasonsbif you send a SIGUSR1 to a api it will dump out that report17:14
gemahogepodge: excellent, thanks, I thought I was in the wrong channel or something17:14
gemajasonsb: that is awesome, I hadn't heard of it :D17:15
jasonsbyes, some of the basic work is alerady there17:15
jasonsbwe just need to figure out how we are going to use it and incorporate it17:15
gemajasonsb: ok, so what is the action this time?>17:16
gemajasonsb: as far as I remember, inspector gadget is supposed to tell us what services are available in the cloud so we can run the appropriate tests17:16
jasonsbdo a demo of it added to nova-api?17:16
gemademo of what?17:17
jasonsbdemo of keystone query to find out what endpoints are registered17:17
gemajasonsb: sounds good17:17
jasonsbthen query the api for the endpoint and dump out the config17:17
jasonsbmaybe its a so-so idea, but why not17:17
gema#action jasonb to figure out the mechanics of getting endpoints and gurumeditationreport and maybe create a simple script that does this17:18
gemasounds good?17:18
jasonsbsounds gd17:18
gemathat's all there is about previous actions17:19
gemado you guys have topics you want to discuss?17:19
gemajose-idar: you are quiet17:20
gemawhat have you been up to :)17:20
jose-idarmostly defcore, tempest and the like17:20
jose-idarjust a bunch of meetings17:20
gemajose-idar: were you in the midcycle?17:20
gemafor defcore?17:20
gemaah, ok17:20
jasonsbgema i would encourage you to read the log of last meeting17:21
gema#action gema to read last week's meeting17:21
jasonsbi think there is some interesting possibilities with kolla17:21
gemaok, will do17:21
jasonsbthey are like-minded people17:21
gemaare they an o penstack group?17:21
gemaok,will read with great interest17:22
jasonsbdeploy openstack services in docker17:22
jasonsbif you deploy it, does it work?17:22
gemabut we are interested in the does it work17:22
jasonsbwhat tools should you use to test the production cloud you just deployed?17:22
jasonsball the same things17:22
gemado they have an official project?17:23
jasonsbjust accepted to big tent17:23
jasonsbthey would like tests17:23
jasonsbbut dont' want to develop or mananage them17:23
gemajasonsb: everybody would like tests, that's the point17:24
gemareliable, repeatable, non-invasive, awesome tests17:24
jasonsbmore of that please17:24
gematests that answer: does my cloud work? with a reliable 80% or 100%17:24
jasonsbif you have any suggestions of where to start17:24
gemaI do, I have been derailed from my strategy and never finished putting it together17:25
jasonsboh ok.  i'll followup with you17:25
gema#action gema to continue with the strategy doc17:25
gemayou can follow up now if you want17:25
gemawe still have 35 mins17:25
jasonsbthe people in kolla meetup were more operations oriented than dev oriented17:26
jasonsb(at least from experience point of view)17:26
gemaso they are users17:26
gemaand sys admins17:26
jasonsbso i heard all of the same feedback about tempest and rally that we have discused in past17:26
jasonsbdev + heavy admin17:27
gemadevops, ok17:27
jasonsbso need a tool which can start small and light17:27
gemawe don't need a tool, jasonsb , we need test cases17:28
jasonsbwhich (i'll cut and paste) reliable, repeatable, non-invasive, awesome tests17:28
gemawe have plenty of tools17:28
jasonsbok, so lets make some test cases17:28
jasonsbyou tell me the framework17:29
jasonsband we can contribute to kolla17:29
gematempest uses unittest, I believe, which is good enough for us to start with17:29
gemaand we can always move those scripts somewhere else17:29
gemaor we could even do standalone unittests17:29
jasonsbok, but we would need to solve some of the operational problems with tempest17:30
jasonsbneeds to work with multiple versions of openstack17:30
jasonsbneeds to clean up17:30
jasonsbblah blah17:30
gemajasonsb: all tests need to clean up17:30
gemaand tempest offers us a few apis that we can use and common operations17:30
gemabut it takes longer to ramp up and write tests than unittest17:31
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malinisorry..I am only half here17:31
gemajasonsb: or we could start by making tempest clean up17:31
gemacontributing some changes to that17:31
maliniBut is the plan to use tempest-lib ?17:31
gemamalini: there is no plan17:31
gemamalini: we can use whatever we want17:31
gemamalini: or we could say: our tests are self contained scripts17:32
gemaif the script returns 0 you are good17:32
malinihello rockyg!!17:32
gemaif it returns something else , not so much17:32
gemarockyg: o/17:32
malinigema: hmm…but we shud have better test results than a 0 or 117:32
jasonsbthis sounds like defcore effort too17:32
gemamalini: that's a fail or a pass17:33
jasonsb(two birds is good)17:33
gemawhat else do you want? :D17:33
maliniwhy/where did it fail?17:33
gemamalini: we surely can count 0s and 1s17:33
rockygI'm on Defcore.  I can help17:33
gemarockyg: go ahead please17:33
gemarockyg: trying to decide framework here17:33
gemamalini: you achieve that by making your tests spit comments17:34
rockygHey.  Just heard about you guys.  This is *great*  I want to help, but I've got too many irons in the fire.17:34
gemarockyg: we are all more or less the same17:34
rockygBut, I can do some influencing and advising17:34
rockygI saw Gema17:34
rockyg's post on the Summit session proposals17:34
gemarockyg: so if we were to create tests that you guys can use, should we use tempest?17:34
gemaor tempest-lib17:35
rockygI was gonna try to get a birds of a feather going in Tokyo.17:35
rockygSo, it should work *with* tempest_lib, but doesn't have to be in the tempest repo17:35
gemaso you want the test runner to be tempest lib17:36
rockygGo out to Refstack repo (I think it's under openstack-infra now or will be shortly)17:36
rockygLook at the readme for tempest-client17:36
gemarockyg: ok17:36
rockygthat's what DefCore is requiring to be the test runner/results collection17:37
gemaand do you have an idea of where are the biggest gaps in coverage?17:37
gemafor defcore's purposes17:37
rockygOther thing is that we're entertaining proposals for other test sets within the Refstack server that validate interop.17:37
rockygOh, yeah, to some extent.17:38
rockygBut what we're finding is that there are actual code gaps that make interop hard.17:38
gemayeah, testability is an issue for us too17:38
rockygAnd really, right now DefCore uses api tests for interop where really, we should have tests for user use cases17:39
gemayeah, I have a problem with calling refstack tests "interop"17:39
gemabut I don't want to be picky yet :D17:39
rockygLike  give me a vm with external access and a private management network17:39
jose-idargema: +1!17:40
rockygMonty Taylor and John Garbutt have come out loudly about the fact that there are like three ways to create a vm and none of them are good.17:40
gemawhat's wrong with nova boot?17:41
rockygSorry for any time gaps, I'm managing the diversity meeting, too right now.17:41
gemarockyg: don't worry, thanks for coming, this is very enlightening17:41
rockygI think QA/E should  be considered a minority for OpenStack Foundation's sake ;-)17:42
rockygI just talked to Sam Danes (rackspace) and he'17:42
rockygs really interested in this group, too.17:42
gemasam was with us in vancouver17:42
gemaat the middle of our early conversations, right malini ?17:43
rockygI have a possible strategy for acceptance -- FMEA test framework17:43
rockygIt's not part of tempest charter.  No ERROR messages allowed in tests for passing17:43
malinigema: yes17:43
rockygAnd if we get something like this happening, I think we'd be the first OpenSource project collection with *real* QA17:43
gemarockyg: that's the idea17:44
gemawe were all trying to do it separately17:44
gemaso we decided to join forces17:44
gemait's too big of a task17:44
rockygYup.  Sam was there.  That's how I heard about you after I saw the proposals17:44
rockygYes.  Much too big, but once a framework and rules for writing the tests are in place, lots of ops guys will provide tests17:45
gemayep, that's my hope17:45
gemathat's what happened in ubuntu when we started QA few years ago :D17:45
gemaand that's why I was talking about any binary and using the return code17:45
rockygSo, the focus should be on getting some possible frameworks and some sample tests.17:45
gemabecause people like to write tests however they like them17:45
gemaand if they are good, they can be integrated17:45
rockygYeah.  Exactly.17:46
gemaif we are too prescriptive, we won't get far17:46
gemaok, I have the feeling I should put an action from our conversation with rockyg , but I don't know where to start17:47
maliniIdentify one scenario from rockyg17:47
rockygSo, is this a weekly meeting?  Or just everyone happens to be here?17:47
malini'try' to write a test with tempest-lib17:47
gemarockyg: it's a weekly, sometimes there's more people than other times :D17:47
gemamalini: who should attempt such task?17:48
rockygSo, 10am PDT Thursdays?  I'll put it on my calendar17:48
malinigema: any of us can. I wouldn't mind doing it17:48
gemamalini: ok, have a go and let us know, then17:48
maliniI have always been planning to try out tempest-lib17:48
malinirockyg: is there a scenario for us to start with?17:48
rockygWhat might also be useful is to get a test or a representative collection of tests that folks are running at their sites17:48
malinijust as a POC17:49
rockygI know Sam has a number.17:49
gema#action malini to try to write a test with tempest-lib that spins a VM and destroys is, as a POC17:49
rockygI think we need a smallish test to start.  give me a vm is too big17:49
gemaok, list VMs ?17:49
gemanova list17:49
gemabut from the api?17:49
gemaand if it doesn't error it is a pass17:50
rockygOoh, but if you can spin a vm, gather the info from it a user needs (networks, ssh, etc), then delete it, that would be very good.17:50
gemarockyg: we were trying to start small, right?17:50
rockygYeah.  But I can hope?17:51
gemathat's why I thought spin vm and destroy vm was a good start17:51
gemaeven if it takes a while to get glance serving images and keystone authenticating17:51
rockygActually, one that is not doable now is to list available images in a cloud17:51
gemathere's no api for that?17:51
rockygAll DefCore tests are user space, no admin.17:51
gemathat's a good point17:52
rockygThere is currently a test that does that, but it requires admin.17:52
maliniif its admin only, it doesnt make sense to be in defcore -rt?17:52
jose-idarrockyg: do you know if the call requires admin, or if the test is requiring that erroneously?17:52
rockygAnd since glance v2 is not in nova yet, there is no user facing api.17:52
rockygThat's why it's not in Defcore as a requirement.  Test is flagge ;-)17:53
gemawhy, I can list the images available to me on my env without admin17:53
gemaglance image-list17:53
gema(on kilo)17:53
malinihinking abt it, it shud be user accessible17:53
rockygIs that v1 or v2, and is it an internal api that's exposed, or external17:53
gemaI use the glance client17:53
gemanot sure what version of the api it uses17:53
gemahow do I check that?17:54
rockygLogs, I think, and we all know they suck17:54
gemaglance logs?17:54
jasonsbyuo can specify which api with glance client17:54
gema#action gema to look at the glance logs of her test cloud and check what api is being used (we can list images without admin)17:54
gemaok, will check and report back17:54
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gemaok, we are about to hit the end of the meeting, malini are you comfortable with the POC?17:55
gemafeel free to change the test case17:55
rockygOne of the next areas Defcore is expanding into is Neutron for 2016.0117:55
gemato whatever is achievable17:55
malini"malini to try to write a test with tempest-lib that spins a VM and destroys is, as a POC" is this still the POC test?17:56
rockygThey will need user based tests.  What are my networks and which is which17:56
gemamalini: that's the action, just do whatever yoou think is achievable17:56
gemaif that is not17:56
malinisounds good17:56
rockygI'll let you know that rackspace and helion require different paths to make it happen.17:56 my test shud theoretically run on any OS cloud17:57
rockygMonty Taylor also might have a bunch of code checked in under shade that show you how he does it17:57
gemamalini: but start with yours17:57
maliniyes..I dont like anybody else's code anyways :D17:57
gemano, I mean your cloud xD17:58
gemathen we can run your script on all the other ones and see xD17:58
jose-idarthe novaclient manages it via auth plugins, as long as identity is out of scope, it should work on most clouds.17:58
gemaalright , sounds like we are almost at the end of the day17:58
gemaany volunteers for chairing next week?17:58
rockygDefcore wants Keystone tests, too, but so far, they are all admin.17:59
gema#action gema to check what parts of keystone are accesible without admin on ubuntu's distro17:59
jose-idarI'm just advocating that the scopes should be separate.  the nova tests shouldn't fail because of auth if they don't have to, for example.17:59
gemajose-idar: it depends on whether the test is end to end or not18:00
gemaif it is end to end it should fail18:00
gemaif it is not, it shouldn't18:00
gemaand for interop reasons, you want end to end18:00
jose-idarsure, but there should also be one that isn't end to end18:00
gemawe need to make auth compatible between clouds18:00
gemait shoudln't be that difficult18:00
jose-idarbecause it's just as important to know if the components work as it is to know if the cloud works together.18:00
gemajose-idar: true, but the scope of the tests is another long conversation to have in the future I think :D18:01
rockygSo far, Defcore is only working on the first part.18:01
jose-idarcross-cloud auth compatibility should probably be #1 priority honestly :D18:01
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rockygBut would accept tests for the second.18:01
jose-idarthe problem with putting it off is that defcore is going to set the prescedent for end-to-end tests when nothing works together yet.18:01
gemajose-idar: a failing test is a great starting point, something to fix18:02
jose-idarthey should have started on per-component first, but that would require them writing actual specs instead of relying on the already exant temptest tests.18:02
rockygjose-idar, welcome to my world :-/18:02
gemarockyg: maybe we can help you change that18:02
rockygYes, please!18:03
jose-idara component test that fails is much clearer than an end to end test that fails, especially considering a user that runs the tests on a cloud who's logs they can't acess18:03
gemajose-idar: can we attempt to write one of those specs as an example?18:03
gemajose-idar: I mean you sound like you know what you want such spec to look like18:03
gemacan you start one so we can contribute to it18:03
gemasay .. for nova?18:03
rockygAlso, users should have access at least to their vm logs.18:03
rockygjose-idar, please?18:04
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rockygThe key is, the real test is whether you can have a vm image with your app on it and recreate it or move it to another cloud.  That's interop.18:05
beisnero/ hi, apologize for the late pop-in, just reading backscroll18:05
rockygOh, and manage on both18:05
rockygWe ask for so little ;-)18:05
gema#action jose-idar to start a spec for component tests for nova (user side, no admin), so we can all contribute cases and maybe implement them at some point , but at least start to get organised18:05
* gema looks shyly at jose-idar 18:06
malinishould be 'stares at jose-idar' ;)18:06
jose-idarsorry, got pulled away18:06
gemajose-idar: \o/ thanks!18:06
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gemaok, I am going to call it a meeting before I start giving actions to non present people :D18:07
jose-idari'll sync up w/ dary walleck, because I think he's working on a oparallel task18:07
jose-idarthansk everyone!@18:07
openstackMeeting ended Thu Aug  6 18:07:24 2015 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)18:07
openstackMinutes (text):
gemathank you all18:07
jasonsbthank you jose-idar18:07
gemajose-idar: indeed18:07
jasonsblooking forward to seeing18:07
gemaand malini and rockyg and jasonsb and anyone I am forgetting for coming18:08
gemait's been interesting :D18:08
gemarockyg: how do you guys track work?18:08
gemado you have blueprints?18:08
gemaso far we are using actions on the meeting but it is a bit fiddly18:08
rockygWe have etherpads with info/minutes.  We track Capability scoring on a google spreadsheet, but are looking moving to gerrit18:14
rockygEveryone wants to use gerrit because devs do, and it sucks for doing spreadsheets/tables18:14
rockygThere are also IRC meetings once a week, but we used to do internet conferences, which worked better.  We just had our midcycle face to face18:15
rockygMuch more work gets done with voices and even more in person.18:16
gemayeah, you are right, we are just not there yet18:16
rockygYeah.  But at least this group is mostly dev-ish and does better than other not dev code groups at IRC18:17
rockygThe product wg is really hampered by IRC.  Strategy is hard over chat.18:18
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rockygReally looking forward to meeting you and the rest of this group.  I already know Malini, but the rest...I want to help make this happen!18:19
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gemarockyg: looking forward to meeting  you too, we'll see when we can manage it :D18:20
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gemaoh, he's gone18:27
gemaI can get the image list with both, version 1 and version 2 of the glance api without admin18:27
gemaanyway, good night folks18:32
gemauhmmm, I will try to chair next week, but they are going to be redoing our ceiling, so I may not get here in time18:32
gemaif I cannot chair I will send a panic email to the list on the day so someone else takes over :D18:33
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