Thursday, 2018-08-30

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evrardjpI think at some point we're gonna have to build an "instagram" of office pictures. I heard that's what kids do nowadays.07:38
evrardjpor maybe a new technology already07:39
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ttxRegarding vendor talks masquerading as technical talks... If "we" can so easily see those and the track chairs can't, that probably means "we" should be volunteering a bit more to do track chairing08:45
ttxI'll admit that in the rare cases I've been doing it, I focused on tracks that do not have that many vendor content anyway08:46
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evrardjpttx: that's true10:27
evrardjpyou're proposing something something behind that message?10:27
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ttxevrardjp: yeah, probably paying more attention when the calls for track chairs go out11:16
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fungiwhen we had a security track, it attracted a lot of advertising-type proposals (at least the few times i chaired that)13:44
fungii think we did a fairly good job of spotting and rejecting those, or redirecting them to more vendory lightning talk options13:44
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ttxRocky final release process started13:53
dhellmannrelease status and 80's playlists now in #openstack-release13:54
* dims reading "[OpenStack Foundation] OSF Open Infrastructure Projects"14:02
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smcginnisGood there were no big surprises there.14:08
* cdent gives smcginnis a cookie and a hug14:14
lbragstadfungi same here - i remember seeing several vendor specific talks in the private cloud track, but they were "usually" flagged14:17
jbrycenicely done mnaser14:23
fungian ouroboros of sorts14:25
mnaserjbryce: thanks :)14:25
mnaserwouldn't have been possible with the awesome support of all the teams14:26
mnaserjust reaching out and asking at the state of their rc's and everyone's so easy and transparent to work with in saying "yeah we're good" or "make sure you have this commit in"14:26
mnaser(just another indicator that if you do you work within the community, things get much easier)14:26
mnaserand it's all deployed using OSA so the whole stack is pretty much 100% upstream14:27
jrollthat's awesome \o/14:27
lbragstadnice work mnaser14:31
dimsvery cool mnaser14:36
mnaserthanks :)14:51
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cdenttc-members it looks like that time15:00
* mnaser will be in and out as i have to be in the marketing webinar for rocky15:00
* smcginnis still busy wrapping up the rocky release15:00
TheJuliaAlso about time for the community call that annabelleB is running15:00
mnaseri suggest people hop on, even if its called marketing, some great updates from the community/project sides btw15:00
mnaseryeah, it's called "marketing" but it very much is community call/update15:01
lbragstadmnaser do you happen to have a link handy?15:01
ttxyes, ICYMI you are not subscribed to the -foundation ML, you should probably still read
mriedemalways fun to see what things we'll get committed to during the marketing all15:02
annabelleBmriedem: don’t worry, i only commit you to the work you’ve already completed. everyone wins!15:03
TheJuliathis is more geared to operate from the project hilights15:03
mriedemoh there were things in the queens call that committed us to stuff in rocky that i don't think we got done15:03
mriedembut it's ok15:03
cdentannabelleB: is it going, my zoom is telling "will begin soon"?15:04
jbrycemriedem: which things?15:04
cdentit started just as I said that15:04
mriedemjbryce: i'll look it up and get back to you15:05
lbragstadeveryone is muted by default, yeah?15:06
clarkblbragstad: yes, it uses a webinar zoom feature where only "panelists" can speak15:06
* dims back in a bit15:06
jbrycemriedem: thanks. we try to base all our materials and statements off the publicly available info + direct info from ptls so want to know if we're getting things wrong15:06
mriedemwas queens the first for this? i don't see a pike one15:07
* lbragstad was frantically searching for a mute button15:07
jbrycemriedem: you mean for a community webinar around the release? i think we've done one for almost every release but i don't know where the recordings might go to once the releases move on15:09
lbragstaddid we just start recording them though?15:09
smcginnisShamail used to do some I remember. It was recorded.15:10
smcginnisI remember cringing at myself for at least one of them.15:10
* TheJulia really does not enjoy public speaking15:11
mnaserlbragstad: you're muted by default :p15:11
lbragstadthe _best_ default15:12
mriedem"With Cyborg, operators can list, identify and discover accelerators, attach and detach accelerators to an instance, and install and uninstall drives. It can be used standalone or in conjunction with Nova or Ironic."15:13
mriedemthere was no nova/cyborg integration in queens15:13
mriedemnor rocky15:13
* TheJulia was unaware of any ironic integration there...15:14
lbragstadlol - the rocky release was built using a cloud running rocky release candidates, that's awesome15:17
zanebI'm relieved that joining without installing anything didn't work for me, so I can maintain my record of never having attended a webinar15:17
mriedemhuh, cyborg rest api isn't listed
mriedemnot even in their own repo15:19
smcginnismriedem: Do they have an api-ref publishing job?15:19
TheJuliare cyborg "Nova or Ironic" should be "Nova and Ironic" as it seems to just understand data it gets from ironic's api.15:20
mriedemsmcginnis: no idea; i'm currently harassing the PTL internally now15:20
jrollI'd assume that cyborg thing really means "this can talk to nova or ironic for a tighter integration"15:20
TheJuliaI'm uncomfortable with that since they have no ironic client invocation, but *shrug*15:21
fungilbragstad: yep, that's mnaser's newest region in vexxhost15:22
jrollI mean, I hope that statement came from the PTL, so I assume it to be relatively correct15:22
jbrycei'll dig deeper on what is meant by that cyborg statement and see if there's something to clarify15:26
TheJuliaI suspect it is just something lost in translation15:27
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TheJuliadid the call end?15:27
mnaseri got kicked out15:27
jbrycenope. eric ernst is talking now15:27
mnasermaybe because we were speakers?15:27
TheJuliamnaser: that makes sense15:27
mnaseri think just like how we got kicked off in the practice run TheJulia i guess15:27
mnaserill hop back on15:27
clarkbwhen I got depromoted my client auto reconnected me early today during testing15:27
clarkbbut ya it looked like a disconnect15:28
mnaserfor the easy click15:28
TheJuliajbryce: btw, your awesome!15:28
jbrycewell the projects are awesome...we're just trying to keep up with it all = )15:34
mnasernice to see the starlingx update15:35
mnaserthey are very much doing this the right way15:36
ttxon the topic of pilot projects and their confirmation process, ICYMI on the -foundation ML, see you should probably still read
ttxerr... I mean you should read15:38
mnaseras a word of an advice i'd probably suggest they try to replace the word 'product' by 'project' because that might catch people off guard :)15:40
cdentnicely done annabelleB15:49
mnaserannabelleB: awesome job :)15:49
annabelleBcdent mnaser thank you! new format, but hopefully valuable for folks to get caught up15:51
smcginnisannabelleB: Yep, nice work!15:51
cdentannabelleB: will there be a text version for "I like to read" types?15:52
annabelleBcdent: yes! We’ll get those slides uploaded and shared this afternoon15:53
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* ttx knows firsthand how difficult it is to try to make sense of everything that was done during a cycle, so yes, kudos to annabelleB for being on top of it16:13
annabelleBthere’s always room for improvement in that process, and I am all ears in Denver if people have ideas on how to capture and verify information.16:14
mriedemsimply asking the ptls to review the slides for their project before it's presented seems like a good verification16:15
mriedemif i would have seen the queens marketing slides beforehand, i would have called out the nova/cyborg integration thing16:15
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mriedemwe control our own project highlights, but don't really know what other projects are saying which might be misleading16:15
fungithat would make sense16:18
annabelleBmriedem: I hate adding more things to PTL plates during release time, but it sounds like that’s important enough that people would take time to review slides, ya?16:18
lbragstadi would review them16:18
mnaserannabelleB, mriedem: maybe just say "here's the slides for review, they should be ok but if they're not, that's on you for not checking them" ;)16:19
annabelleBthis is good feedback16:19
fungiptls as a whole reviewing what ends up at might have caught some too?16:20
lbragstadi know we get asked to do cycle highlight and propose them for review to the openstack/releases repository, i personally would just review the slides around the same time and make sure they are in sync with each other16:20
fungii guess depending on the degree to which the marketing slides are based on the highlights content16:20
lbragstadright - you could parse the highlights to generate a presentation that you slim down later16:21
annabelleBfungi: probably 50/50? usually I have things pulled beforehand, and use what people submit in cycle-highlights to verify that I’m not off base16:21
mriedemthe marketing slides are pretty sparse, it wouldn't be hard to skim those16:21
annabelleBsometimes there’s things hiding that projects don’t necessarily see as a highlight, but a user and or press folks are excited about16:21
mriedemheh now that you mention it, is wrong16:22
annabelleBmriedem: yup, actual time is pretty slim16:22
annabelleBheh, maybe we do need an all-PTL review of the highlights page16:23
lbragstadif something is cross-project related i could see that being useful16:23
smcginnisCould be useful too just as a way for other projects to be aware of some of the things being done in projects they aren't paying attention to.16:24
lbragstadanother thing is community goals... for example, keystone missed the mutable config goal for Rocky because we opted to stage it behind a much needed refactor in order to implement it sanely16:25
lbragstadwe fully expect to implement it in Stein, but i'm wondering if people will be confused if they try to do mutable config stuff with a rocky version of keystone16:26
smcginnisWe do kind of need a retrospective on cycle goals I think. So far we just kind of put them out there and just expect that things work out.16:26
lbragstadi hate not getting goals done, especially when people in other parts of the community are working hard to finish it (but we just ran out of bandwidth)16:28
lbragstadbut i can see where trying to relay the state for a community goal for each project on a slide is probably less than ideal16:28
clarkblbragstad: I've found writing down what you/we/I did accomplish always makes me feel better about what we didn't do16:28
clarkbit is easy to think in the short tmer about what we are failing to do right now but when you look back like once a cycle or once a year it really can be amazing at how much we do accomplish16:29
clarkbI know my backlog today is painful, but every time I prep for project updates at the summit or similar I am happy with what we do get done :)16:30
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lbragstadi know there is usually a time slot at the ptg to discuss goals - does anyone know if there is going to be time dedicated to retrospective/review of the process, is that the right venue?16:31
lbragstadkinda what smcginnis was saying16:31
smcginnisWe should at least get it on our TC agenda.16:34
smcginnisIf not a larger venue/audience.16:34
lbragstadi'd like to be a fly on the wall for that16:35
cdentlbragstad: don't be a fly on the wall, be a fish in the bowl16:36
fungiwe've sort of split the goals discussions across ptg and forum16:42
* dims catches up16:43
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persiaRe: PTG/Forum: my interpretation was that goals at Forum were often multi-cycle-spanning, and goals at PTG tended to be more concrete "what can we do now".17:04
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ttxIn theory the Forum ran a couple of months ahead of PTG and therefore was the step 0 in the next cycle17:04
ttxIn practice we just discussed what needed to be discussed17:04
ttxbut yes, Forum is more gathering input and PTG more around acting on that input17:05
persiaTo some degree, although the differences in attendance at Forum and PTG gave me the impression that operators and vendors were more involved in Forum discussions.17:05
* fungi wanders off to find lunch while people pick apart and start preparing their rotten vegetable projectiles17:05
ttxpersia: by design yes17:05
persiaMy assertion is that the design was successful :)17:06
ttxfungi: I love it! But then you knew that17:06
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cdentthis will increase my email debt guilt but lessen my excluding-people guilt so I guess it balances out17:14
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notmynameI love getting 12 emails from 3 people  (to 4 different lists) saying, "I support merging!" ;-)17:33
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cdentnotmyname: :0 Wh: msgid.lock\n| formail -D 8192 msgid.cache17:45
notmynamecdent: indeed (wat? I'm guessing that's a procmail filter?)17:45
cdentyeah. it keeps a cache of every msgid it's seen recently and drops stuff that it has seen before17:46
notmynameI use sieve on my mail server. I should look into something similar17:46
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fungii subscribe to and dump posts from all those lists into the same maildir. mutt immediately identifies and marks them as duplicates in the thread so i know to skip the rest19:28
fungibut i guess the lesson there is i'm able to ignore the cross-posted duplicates because i already treat them all as the same mailing list19:29
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: make the board repo list file format consistent with others
smcginnisThat TechCrunch article is refreshingly positive.21:04
* fungi waits for the other shoe to drop21:04
fungii agree that's a more pleasant spin than i usually expect21:05
fungiironic's really taking the spotlight in these21:06
jrollnice :)21:07
fungipeople do love the idea of bios control, apparently. or at least the press thinks so21:07
jrollI notice openstack has a fast-forward upgrades feature now :P21:07
fungiyes, i will try to upgrade my diablo cloud to stein21:07
* fungi looks around for the pushbutton21:08
fungistill, yahoo!/oath upgrading from juno to ocata is pretty monumental21:10
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mnaserReally interesting governance related talk today at OSS22:02
mnaserAlso, interesting idea of representative groups22:02
fungiwill a recording of that be posted, do you know? the slide deck is very sparse22:10
fungii have to assume he spoke many words over those slides22:11
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mnaserfungi: unfortunately the sessions weren’t recorded :( I really hope we can find a way to hear the story said by Dan22:24
openstackgerritChris Dent proposed openstack/governance master: Add placement deliverable to nova
mtreinishmnaser: heh, the linux foundation has never recorded the regular talks at any of their confs I've been to22:30
mtreinishit's really quite annoying22:30
fungijbryce: ^ also useful event feedback. seems people do appreciate our choice to record most presentations22:34
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jbrycefungi: the interface for the slides was kind of weird. if you click the right arrow, sometimes a down arrow appears and then there are more slides on that topic with more details22:41
jbrycefungi: maybe you already discovered that, but it tripped me up at first and i was like "these slides are really high level"22:42
smcginnisLooks like GitPitch.22:43
fungiit was certainly a weird slide viewer22:44
fungidhellmann: ttx: to answer the question earlier about un-black-holing the openstack-announce-owner@lists.o.o address, yesterday it received 1530 messages (basically all of which claimed to be sent from random addresses22:48
fungiso maybe declining? but still a lot22:49
dhellmannfungi : ok, yeah, let's just leave things as they are22:49
fungiespecially given we've been rejecting those since something like february22:49
dhellmanndo we bounce them or just throw them away?22:49
fungiwe reject them at receipt time, so in theory anyone sending to that address receives an ndr from the mta on their side22:50
dhellmannnot that I expect a spam bot to pay attention to bounces22:50
fungibouncing would be a disaster since these are almost certainly spoofed addresses anyway22:50
fungiso we'd be spamming people too22:50
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mrhillsmandhellmann these patches do not require quorum right?23:13
mrhillsmanor should not rather23:13
dhellmannmrhillsman : that's entirely up to the owners of the repo23:13
dhellmannthe import ones ought to be no-ops at this point, moving settings from one place to another without changing them23:13
dhellmannthere are others that add or change jobs23:14
mrhillsmanok cool23:14
dhellmannthe import ones would be an easy set to say you could fast-approve with 1 reviewer, IMHO, but that's up to you -- some teams are, some are not (since they are CI settings)23:14
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zanebre that slide deck... I'm very glad we don't have a culture when we expect our elected leaders to represent the Interests of their employers23:24
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