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fungi | edleafe: (cdent is gone again, but on the assumption he also will see this) keep in mind that our new project team application process is not in any way tied to ptl election cycles. take your time and don't let looming election deadlines pressure you | 00:43 |
fungi | where ptls are concerned, we only require that "The leadership is chosen by the contributors to the project" and "Official project teams are expected to participate in all elections held after the team is accepted as official, regardless of how recently the team leadership may have been established." https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/new-projects-requirements.html | 00:44 |
fungi | whether you propose placement as a new team now or next month, you still need to have your contributors agree on an initial ptl and then participate in the first official ptl election once approved | 00:46 |
fungi | if the tc approves placement too late to participate in the currently-scheduled election, then you participate in the next one | 00:47 |
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fungi | there's no rush, and really nothing to be gained from urgency | 00:48 |
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dhellmann | o/ | 01:00 |
* fungi is around for office hour as well, if any of the community has something to raise here | 01:01 | |
lbragstad | \o | 01:01 |
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gmann | TC office hour started | 01:02 |
mnaser | \o/ | 01:02 |
dhellmann | speaking of timing, I was hoping to catch tonyb[m] to make sure I understand the deadlines for being included in the election | 01:02 |
fungi | /o\ | 01:02 |
tonyb | \o | 01:02 |
mnaser | oh lovely we have tonyb :) | 01:03 |
* tonyb wonders id diablo_rojo (or diablo_rojo_phon) is around | 01:03 | |
* dhellmann fights with his cat for space in the chair while we wait to hear | 01:04 | |
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tonyb | I agree with fungi that we don't *need* to do this as a matter of urgency as it's quite reasonable for the placement team to exist with an 'interim' PTL for the majority of the cycle | 01:04 |
* diablo_rojo_phon is here | 01:05 | |
fungi | it is, in fact, the way we designed the application process | 01:05 |
dhellmann | I guess the question is whether melwitt would be willing to do that, or if missing the election deadline means the team has to do come up with an election on their own | 01:05 |
fungi | we've allowed teams to flexibly pick their initial ptl in the past as long as they agreed to participate in the first official election once approved | 01:06 |
tonyb | however, if there is a strong desire for the placement team to participate in this PTL election cycle Feb 19th would be best for us but we can delay that by 24-48 hours withouy putting the whole process at risk | 01:06 |
lbragstad | if the interim placement PTL stepped out half way through train - there wouldn't be anything stopping placement from appointing another eligible individual, right? | 01:06 |
diablo_rojo_phon | Yeah. We can put off generator rolls a day or two without much issue. | 01:07 |
tonyb | dhellmann: they don't *need* an election to appoint an interim PTL (as fungi says) | 01:07 |
dhellmann | I think the 19th is the earliest possible date we could approve the application | 01:07 |
tonyb | normally the interim wouldn't be a whole cycle but we can do that | 01:07 |
fungi | however an ad hoc election is certainly one means of agreeing on an initial ptl | 01:07 |
dhellmann | well the tool says the 20th, because the 19th would be the 7th day the patch is open | 01:07 |
* tonyb can run an adhoc election | 01:07 | |
fungi | i'm hard pressed to cite specific precedents on the spot, but we've in the past had teams do one-off civs polls before applying, or just announcing and holding a #vote in their irc meeting | 01:09 |
dhellmann | everyone involved seems ready to go ahead, and if I had replied to edleafe's email yesterday I think we wouldn't have an issue with the deadline | 01:09 |
tonyb | I'd need fungi and diablo_rojo_phon to agree but I think we can push the deadline[1] out to 22nd without makign live any harder for the election officals | 01:09 |
fungi | that's also fine with me | 01:09 |
dhellmann | this team has already documented an agreement to have the "current nova PTL" serve as interim PTL, so I'm content that the contributors have selected a leader | 01:09 |
fungi | yeah, that too is reasonable | 01:10 |
tonyb | the deadline is the date by wich we need the electorate to set a preferred email address in gerrit *and* the date we need dhellmann/mnaser to tag the governance repo | 01:10 |
mnaser | i don't want to speak on behalf the placement team but i think part of this is looking to be their own team with their own ptl for train | 01:10 |
tonyb | mnaser: they can do that regardless of the review landing by the deadline | 01:11 |
mnaser | okay, fair, that's what you mention by the adhoc election? | 01:11 |
dhellmann | so, if we get tc-members to vote +1 on the patch quickly we can get it approved by the 20th, which is just 1 day off from the deadline currently set. how do we feel about the likelihood of approval happening in the next 3 days? | 01:11 |
tonyb | mnaser: more or less yes | 01:11 |
fungi | there's also nothing to prevent them from changing ptls over the course of the cycle if they want (and indeed we have provisions for this even when there are traditionally-elected ptls) | 01:11 |
lbragstad | dhellmann seems fine to me | 01:11 |
tonyb | fungi: also true | 01:12 |
lbragstad | fungi yeah - that's kinda what i was asking about earlier | 01:12 |
dhellmann | we do have lots of provisions in place to handle different cases. I guess the question is, what's going to involve the least amount of extra work for everyone? | 01:12 |
fungi | if the placement team are ready to proceed now and have had the prerequisite conversations they want to have already, then approving them expediently is the least amount of extra work for everyone | 01:13 |
fungi | but i want to be sure they're not feeling rushed to move ahead just because we have an election in sight | 01:14 |
tonyb | What fungi says | 01:14 |
dhellmann | yeah, I think if we were having this conversation last week it wouldn't be an issue and they'd go ahead | 01:14 |
dhellmann | so I don't think they're in a rush, per se, but so far everyone has indicated that they're ready | 01:14 |
tonyb | however doing nothing and letting the placement team select a PTL after the dealine is pretty much the same amount of work | 01:14 |
gmann | if current nova team and melwitt ok with that there is no harm to go ahead | 01:15 |
dhellmann | so if we can avoid having process stand in the way of what we all want, I think that's good | 01:15 |
tonyb | Okay, so it seems like we want to move the deadline out a couple of days | 01:16 |
dhellmann | That's what I would like to do. I'm hearing other folks express other options, but not necessarily preferences. | 01:16 |
tonyb | dhellmann: can you update http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/election/tree/configuration.yaml#n10 to whatever value you think is best | 01:17 |
diablo_rojo_phon | Works for me. | 01:17 |
dhellmann | sure | 01:17 |
tonyb | dhellmann: 22nd would be as late as I'm comforable going | 01:17 |
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dhellmann | ok, let's do that then | 01:17 |
tonyb | and that gives the TC a little extra wiggle room | 01:17 |
dhellmann | yeah | 01:17 |
dhellmann | that gives us a day for other TC members to chime in on the upcoming patch :-) | 01:18 |
tonyb | :) | 01:18 |
dhellmann | hmm, what change do I make there? that's currentlly set up for TC elections. is there a separate file for the PTL settings? | 01:18 |
diablo_rojo_phon | #decision | 01:19 |
gmann | that means 2 day shift to every timeline ? | 01:19 |
tonyb | the email_deadline is shared between TC and PTL elections | 01:19 |
dhellmann | ok | 01:19 |
tonyb | so just move it from the 19th to 22nd | 01:19 |
tonyb | it wont impact any of the other dates | 01:19 |
tonyb | dhellmann: moving it means that we have ~4days to generate the electoral rolls instead of ~6 | 01:21 |
dhellmann | tc-members: here's the patch to shift the deadline: https://review.openstack.org/636510 | 01:21 |
dhellmann | tonyb : if there's any way I can help with that, let me know | 01:21 |
fungi | tonyb: generate *and review* | 01:21 |
tonyb | fungi: yes | 01:22 |
gmann | tonyb: yeah that i was wondering. is 4 days ok for election official ? | 01:22 |
tonyb | gmann: It shoudl be okay | 01:22 |
tonyb | gmann: less than 4 would be uncomfortable ;P | 01:22 |
dhellmann | would the 21st be better? | 01:22 |
dhellmann | that still gives us time to get the team in place on the 20th | 01:22 |
fungi | 4 days is doable | 01:22 |
gmann | ok | 01:23 |
fungi | we've in the past left ourselves 0 days, and that's decidedly a scramble | 01:23 |
tonyb | dhellmann: once 636416 merges can you tag HEAD of openstack/governance with feb-2019-elections | 01:23 |
dhellmann | ok. thanks, tonyb, fungi, & diablo_rojo_phon for accommodating this. | 01:23 |
dhellmann | tonyb : yes | 01:23 |
tonyb | dhellmann: thanks | 01:23 |
diablo_rojo_phon | No problem dhellmann :) | 01:23 |
fungi | thanks for taking time to talk it through! | 01:24 |
tonyb | dhellmann: you're welcome happy to help | 01:24 |
diablo_rojo_phon | Yeah.. I don't miss the 0 days days lol. It seemed like we were always having issues generating the electorate. | 01:24 |
dhellmann | we should, at some point, talk about where to add a reminder to a calendar or process document to make sure future teams are aware of these deadlines, so we don't have to make a habit of this :-) | 01:24 |
tonyb | dhellmann: Yes. | 01:25 |
dhellmann | it may already be on a calendar somewhere, actually | 01:25 |
tonyb | dhellmann: would the 'release' schedule be the best place? | 01:25 |
dhellmann | that would make sense, I think we put other election dates there | 01:25 |
tonyb | dhellmann: if so we can add a couple of items there | 01:25 |
dhellmann | yeah, we do have the other election dates on https://releases.openstack.org/stein/schedule.html | 01:26 |
tonyb | dhellmann: I'll get it done for the *next* election cycle | 01:26 |
dhellmann | ++ | 01:26 |
dhellmann | I don't see PTL election dates there, yet, so we don't have anything to update on that calendar for this change | 01:26 |
tonyb | dhellmann: in R-5 under project specific | 01:27 |
fungi | in the future when we assemble release schedules it might be nice to just make sure we plan the elections as part of that process | 01:27 |
tonyb | https://releases.openstack.org/stein/schedule.html#ptl-elections | 01:28 |
fungi | saves us forgetting to do it until almost the last minute | 01:28 |
diablo_rojo_phon | fungi: we'd be so prepared.. | 01:28 |
diablo_rojo_phon | Scary thought lol | 01:28 |
tonyb | fungi: Yup, now that we have a handy tool for that we can plan the election dates as soon as the summit dates are set (and ideally have a location) | 01:28 |
fungi | oh, right, summits | 01:29 |
tonyb | Oh that reminds me I need to start the U release nameing process now we know where we're going | 01:29 |
fungi | i guess we need to know summit schedules too, but we generally know them at least as far in advance as we do our release planning right? | 01:29 |
diablo_rojo_phon | Yeah that sounds right. | 01:30 |
dhellmann | tonyb : ah, I see it now, they're in the right column instead of the center | 01:30 |
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tonyb | fungi: Yup, U has been a little later but we're still ahead of the scedule there | 01:30 |
dhellmann | (I was looking at the table at the top of the page) | 01:30 |
tonyb | dhellmann: Yeah, next time we could call them out as cross-project | 01:31 |
dhellmann | tonyb : so, what does this change do to the actual PTL election? does that move? | 01:31 |
dhellmann | or are we just giving you less time to do work between the 2 elections? | 01:31 |
tonyb | dhellmann: they're until project specific because in theory an election for $project_x doesn't impact $project_y | 01:31 |
dhellmann | ok, that makes sense. do I need a patch to update the schedule in the releases repo? | 01:32 |
tonyb | dhellmann: Nope, apart from when we can generate the rolls and tag the governance repo nothin else needs to chnage | 01:32 |
dhellmann | ok, cool | 01:32 |
tonyb | dhellmann: "least impact" #winning | 01:32 |
dhellmann | huzzah! | 01:33 |
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zaneb | o/ | 01:35 |
* dhellmann is happy to see zaneb did not fall into that volcano | 01:36 | |
* smcginnis wonders how difficult a U name will be with Mandarin-named locations | 01:36 | |
zaneb | \o/ | 01:36 |
smcginnis | Welcome back zaneb | 01:36 |
zaneb | so much scrollback though | 01:36 |
* zaneb is in a volcano of scrollback | 01:36 | |
smcginnis | heh | 01:36 |
diablo_rojo_phon | I vote Unicorn gets an exception. | 01:37 |
fungi | zaneb: a veritable irc eruption | 01:37 |
tonyb | smcginnis: I'm thinking quite difficult | 01:37 |
smcginnis | Should be interesting. | 01:37 |
fungi | diablo_rojo_phon: openstack unfortunate unicorn | 01:37 |
fungi | (we can be like ubuntu!) | 01:38 |
smcginnis | Unfortunate cookie? :) | 01:38 |
tonyb | fungi: LOL | 01:38 |
* tonyb would vote for unicorn | 01:38 | |
tonyb | but I'd rather not do the exception proccess for another name ;P | 01:38 |
dhellmann | we should get our Chinese contributor community to help with that one | 01:38 |
gmann | tonyb: :) | 01:39 |
dhellmann | diablo_rojo_phon : if we wanted unicorn, we should have gone to scotland | 01:39 |
tonyb | dhellmann: true. I'll send out a call for help | 01:39 |
dhellmann | ++ | 01:39 |
diablo_rojo_phon | dhellmann: I would have rather gone to Scotland I think but we'll see :) | 01:41 |
dhellmann | EuroPython was there last summer. Scotland is lovely. | 01:41 |
tonyb | Yeah I think we missed the boat on that one | 01:41 |
diablo_rojo_phon | Jealous! | 01:42 |
dhellmann | Switzerland this year, but I don't expect I'll be going this time | 01:42 |
fungi | scotland is indeed lovely, but i bet china is lovely too | 01:42 |
dhellmann | oh, I'm sure! I didn't mean to imply otherwise. | 01:43 |
lbragstad | i was lucky enough to see the terra cota army when i was there | 01:43 |
lbragstad | that was pretty incredible | 01:43 |
dhellmann | nice | 01:43 |
lbragstad | we also happen to stroll by the oldest document educational facility in the country | 01:44 |
* dhellmann is being paged and has to drop off | 01:44 | |
fungi | g'night dhellmann, and thanks again! | 01:46 |
lbragstad | o/ | 01:46 |
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ttx | Thanks cmurphy for that help-needed thread email -- I was trying to make that "it's not the same depth of involvement" point but was a bit unsuccessful :) We need to keep the bar high enough if we want that initiative to be successful. I'd rather have a couple offers and one success, than a list of 20 with no success. | 09:24 |
cmurphy | ttx: ++ | 09:27 |
ttx | We probably need a new term. if on-boarding and mentoring are already taken | 09:27 |
ttx | (and to be clear, I think we need both, but confusing them is not helping either) | 09:28 |
cmurphy | and there are clearly components of both that would be needed for this but it's not the full story, i'm not sure what the right word for it is either | 09:29 |
ttx | Maybe Padawan | 09:31 |
ttx | (you have the force, you just need help and perspective to master it) | 09:32 |
cmurphy | lol | 09:32 |
ttx | Also makes clear the type of commitment it is. You only have one padawan | 09:32 |
ttx | And the Padawan is clearly on track to become a master and have padawans of his own. | 09:33 |
ttx | (something the "internship" vocabulary is missing) | 09:33 |
* cmurphy is fully supportive of incorporating more star wars vocabulary | 09:34 | |
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ttx | Also I'm known for taking analogies a few steps too far, with joy. | 09:35 |
cmurphy | :) | 09:35 |
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openstackgerrit | Natal Ngétal proposed openstack/project-team-guide master: Cleanup the configuration file. https://review.openstack.org/636580 | 09:52 |
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fungi | i'm mostly seeing the variety of mentee/intern/protege options as a gradient/continuum/nebulous (dare i say) cloud of options for folks with varying degrees of familiarity and experience | 13:42 |
fungi | my main concern is with the target audience of each, and whether they exist at all in some cases | 13:42 |
dhellmann | ttx, cmurphy : as long as we don't require the haircut, I'm ok with using the term padawan | 13:43 |
fungi | i semi-regularly see newcomers to the community looking for something to work on, but almost never see someone who is experienced and familiar with our culture and workflows who doesn't already have a fairly specific focus (or more often, a dozen of them) | 13:44 |
cmurphy | dhellmann: i can live without the haircut if we make sure to give them lightsabers | 13:44 |
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dhellmann | I'd like to see that awards ceremony on the keynote stage | 13:45 |
fungi | conversely, i can't think of anyone with a deep knowledge in various bits of openstack who wouldn't readily engage with a prospective protege if there was some expectation that they'd stick around and lighten their own burden | 13:45 |
cdent | all good points fungi. That's why I think what the help-wanted stuff is really about is encouraging corporate patrons to invest some longer term participants. They don't have to be full time participants (those are increasingly unicorns of the past). | 13:45 |
cdent | but people who sell this stuff need to inevst | 13:46 |
cdent | we can help them by pointing out where | 13:46 |
fungi | which drives back to the earlier points, that the effective target audience in that case is the business interest or patron, not the actual mentor/sensei | 13:47 |
* cdent nods | 13:47 | |
fungi | nor the prospective trainee | 13:47 |
fungi | (unless the hope is that they'll lobby their employer) | 13:48 |
cdent | "lobby employer" is not an easy thing to do without some kind of ooomph making thing | 13:48 |
cmurphy | I think what we're seeing with the many typofix-storm-commits is that some employers do have some policy of "do upstream" but haven't given guidance to their employees on where to focus | 13:49 |
cmurphy | so directing this at those people would still be good | 13:49 |
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dhellmann | I had moderate luck with focusing some of those people on the zuul v3 shift this cycle. It wasn't completely successful, but I think it shows that doing a bit of direct outreach can go a long way. | 13:50 |
dhellmann | and by "direct outreach" I mean that I emailed 2-3 people individually to ask them to help, not a blanket email to the mailing list | 13:51 |
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cmurphy | diablo_rojo_phon: ^ maybe a good tactic to start taking when reaching out, "I want you to help do this" instead of "help me help you help us" | 13:52 |
dhellmann | I'm not sure how I would have turned those same volunteers into more knowledgeable zuul config experts, or had them dealing with bugs or a feature in a smaller code base, though. The amount of back and forth discussion we had was somewhat limited by a language barrier that made it hard for me to judge their technical ability. | 13:53 |
dhellmann | Obviously a big part of that issue is on my side of the language barrier. We did work together successfully at the tasks I had in mind, so I'm happy with the outcome so far, but feel like I would have had a hard time taking the team further. | 13:54 |
openstackgerrit | Natal Ngétal proposed openstack/project-team-guide master: [Documentation] Fix links releases. https://review.openstack.org/632121 | 13:55 |
openstackgerrit | Thierry Carrez proposed openstack/governance master: Do not mention Extra ATCs if there are none https://review.openstack.org/636632 | 14:02 |
openstackgerrit | Thierry Carrez proposed openstack/governance master: Add link to activity metrics to team pages https://review.openstack.org/636633 | 14:02 |
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dhellmann | smcginnis : do you want to turn your Code-Review vote on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636632/1 into a Roll-Call vote? | 14:13 |
dhellmann | ditto for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636633/ | 14:13 |
smcginnis | dhellmann: Done. Figured that was more of a code change than anything else, but both works. | 14:13 |
dhellmann | yeah, the tool is looking for TC member votes, and only TC can vote as Roll Call so... | 14:13 |
smcginnis | Ah... | 14:14 |
dhellmann | I was trying to avoid confusion about whether a vote from someone "counts" | 14:14 |
smcginnis | That keeps it simple. | 14:15 |
dhellmann | yeah, the alternative was doing things like looking up people's names and I'm too lazy to build that | 14:16 |
smcginnis | s/too lazy/too efficient/ ;) | 14:17 |
dhellmann | tomato, tomato | 14:17 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/governance master: Do not mention Extra ATCs if there are none https://review.openstack.org/636632 | 14:21 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/governance master: Add link to activity metrics to team pages https://review.openstack.org/636633 | 14:21 |
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fungi | regarding ^ i'm unconvinced we should be promoting arbitrary "activity" metrics at all as it sends a conflicting message about what we should value as a community, but i suppose i'm in the minority there | 15:13 |
smcginnis | I kinda had the same thought. | 15:13 |
fungi | it feels like an unnecessarily competitive and divisive sort of thing to promote | 15:14 |
cdent | wait, what? we're linking to stackalytics? | 15:14 |
cmurphy | o.0 | 15:14 |
cdent | I thought we had decided that was double bad? | 15:15 |
fungi | clearly more of us should have weighed in on the review | 15:15 |
smcginnis | It's useful and harmful at the same time. | 15:15 |
cdent | I wasn't even aware it was a relevant review, since it is in code | 15:16 |
smcginnis | From what I understand, it's to get rid of this: https://www.openstack.org/software/releases/rocky/components/nova | 15:16 |
smcginnis | So in that respect, I think it's at least marginally better. | 15:16 |
cdent | huh | 15:17 |
cdent | i suppose access to detailed information is perhaps better than summaries | 15:18 |
smcginnis | Now whether no data is better than potentially misleading data, that's another relevant point that could probably use some discussion. | 15:19 |
cdent | I don't actually mind metrics all that much. I'm simply confused because I thought we had decided to stop but it seems not. | 15:20 |
cmurphy | somewhat relevant https://review.openstack.org/633939 | 15:22 |
fungi | to me, at least, data on www.openstack.org is coming from the osf and not from the technical committee so we at least have the ability to distance ourselves from it. when it's hosted under governance.openstack.org/tc it becomes a lot harder to say we're just providing it for reference even though we either see minimal value in it or in some cases even consider it actively harmful | 15:30 |
* cdent nods | 15:31 | |
smcginnis | cmurphy: I like that. | 15:31 |
fungi | that change is indeed a marvellous replacement for that original placeholder bullet from the forum etherpad | 15:35 |
smcginnis | So... are folks thinking https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636633/ should be reverted? Not sure if ttx is around yet, but would be good to get his input on the overall intent. | 15:38 |
fungi | i at least wouldn't mind a bit more brainstorming on how we can avoid making it look like we're running a competition for which projects get the most changes/reviews | 15:42 |
fungi | i'm assuming some portion of our wider ecosystem finds this information compelling, i'm just unconvinced that our governance site is an appropriate place to provide them with (links to) that data | 15:43 |
smcginnis | I did like that we were just providing a link and not trying to pull in and display that data. | 15:45 |
fungi | yep | 15:46 |
smcginnis | Tho that does not help the perception the stackalytics is an OpenStack run thing and an authoritative source for all activity. | 15:46 |
fungi | though also, stackalytics has ceased to be open source as best i can tell (ignoring as of yet unfulfilled responses on twitter to the contrary) so linking to it is little different than linking to a proprietary contribution tracker like ohloh (or whatever it's been renamed to recently) | 15:47 |
fungi | why limit ourselves to just one? | 15:47 |
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dhellmann | hmm, I guess I should have used formal-vote on that. Someone go ahead and propose a revert, I'll fast-approve it, then we can redo ttx's patch under different rules | 16:24 |
openstackgerrit | Sean McGinnis proposed openstack/governance master: Revert "Add link to activity metrics to team pages" https://review.openstack.org/636663 | 16:25 |
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mnaser | dhellmann: zuul +1'd, i can +w if you'd likee. | 16:38 |
dhellmann | mnaser : thanks, on it | 16:38 |
dhellmann | I'll go ahead and prep an unrevert of ttx's patch on top of sean's | 16:39 |
mnaser | ++ | 16:40 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: Revert "Revert "Add link to activity metrics to team pages"" https://review.openstack.org/636665 | 16:41 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/governance master: Revert "Add link to activity metrics to team pages" https://review.openstack.org/636663 | 16:49 |
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ttx | yes the general idea is to stop talking about teams in software pages and focus on... software. So move the "information" that was published there to the existing team pages (rather than do new ones) | 16:58 |
ttx | But I understand that promoting Stackalytics might be undesirable. On one hand it buries that information further down, but on the other it taints the TC website a bit | 16:59 |
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fungi | the message becomes a different one when the messenger changes | 17:16 |
ttx | fungi: worth noting that it's not the only stackalytics dependency in the governance repo :) https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/tree/tools/team_fragility.py#n37 | 17:21 |
ttx | we used to compile a *tag* from that | 17:21 |
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ttx | So we might want to remove that remnant as well. | 17:22 |
fungi | yep | 17:22 |
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openstackgerrit | Jeremy Stanley proposed openstack/governance master: Remove team fragility stats script https://review.openstack.org/636721 | 19:07 |
fungi | ttx: ^ thanks for the pointer, we can discuss that too | 19:07 |
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