Monday, 2019-05-13

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ttxdhellmann: probably all repos. They use it more as a data corpus on code reviews than as a study of openstack07:14
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evrardjpfungi: could you have a look at ?09:48
fungievrardjp: sorry, still on vacation but are you asking about the syntax error in the zuul comments? it's saying that either openstack/pyeclib is misnamed or is waiting on a rename. right now we only have a x/pyeclib repository11:54
evrardjpfungi: oh sorry, go on with vacation-ing then :)11:56
evrardjpfungi: I think the process for renaming needs clarification (for example importing new repos require said repos to not have zuul files in it, wondering if that applies here), and I thought you would be well placed to handle this.11:57
evrardjpbut there is nothign urgent there afaik11:57
fungiis it an import of a new repo or are they talking about the existing x/pyeclib repo?11:58
fungithat's what i thought11:59
evrardjpas said above, I think the rename process could be improved, I can't really help right there.11:59
evrardjpbut as said above too, happy vacation-ing, let's resume this later :)12:00
fungiyou can't exercise a change to zuul configuration in openstack/project-config (such as a rename) in a check job because that's a trusted config repo12:00
evrardjpyes, so does the repo being the target of a rename should remove all the possible jobs contained in it, or defined in the project-config?12:01
evrardjpor am I completely confused here?12:02
fungino, just need to wait for the next rename maintenance window before we'll be able to actually rename it to openstack/pyeclib because that also requires simultaneous changes in gerrit, gitea, possibly storyboard, et cetera12:02
evrardjpI understand now.12:03
fungiproject renames (including moving a repository between namespaces) requires downtime for our systems12:03
evrardjpwhen this window will happen, the code will be ready for move, the governance change will pass then.12:03
evrardjpmakes sense.12:05
fungiyes, unless they want to add it in governance as x/pyeclib and then update it in governance after the rename12:05
evrardjpIt was the case before, moving to opendev and gitea didn't magically change a whole stack :)12:05
evrardjpfungi: got it12:06
evrardjpthanks for the clarification!12:06
fungii figured the contention on that was going to be around the fact that liberasurecode is in c and pyeclib links it (so is not "pure" python)12:07
evrardjpI hope the language will not be a reason for contention. But that's probably a longer conversation...12:09
fungii personally like c, but i think it'll likely be the first official openstack component in c, so no idea if that means we need new additions to the supported runtimes and pti for c-based projects12:10
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scasthe biggest point of contention someone will have is the need to bake in the build toolchain. let us not forget about the venerable phk's musing on the notion:
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scasfor airgapped scenarios, the toolchain is usually stripped out12:59
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scasone of the more choice nuggets for a reminder about open source: the software in the FreeBSD ports collection contains at least 1,342 copied and pasted cryptographic algorithms13:06
scasI consider both projects, this one and FreeBSD, to be similar in ideals. both serve similar niches, just in different capacities13:06
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scasI'm also reminded of the now-dead effort to bring FreeBSD support to OpenStack. both camps don't see eye to eye, though both would benefit from mutual cross-pollenation. OpenStack is a bazaar-developed-like-a-cathedral, and FreeBSD development is very cathedral-like beyond ports13:11
scasbut I digress13:11
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fungiyeah, i was hopeful for better *bsd penetration in our ecosystem13:35
fungisimilarly disappointed that debian is dropping its kfreebsd kernel architecture officially and moving it to ports for buster13:36
fungitechnically the oracle attempts to support solaris/illumos/whatever in openstack would have been another *bsd13:37
fungialbeit a systemvish bsd13:37
fungi(that was meant to read systemv-ish, not a reference to our lost compatriot vish)13:38
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scaswith my weathered eye, I see why there was less enthusiasm. no docker support, so who the hell wants to try to run kubernetes on /that/?13:56
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scasthe BSD answer is to use jails, but nobody likes jails outside of BSD fans13:57
scasnot to mention, the name isn't catchy and there's no fun logo13:57
scasof course kids are going to thumb their noses at it13:58
* scas drinks some water with his salt13:58
scasalso, we don't need the entire golang distribution to be installed for what amounts to some shell scripts and some judicious C /oldman14:00
scasI'd suggest that Kata be more of a re-entry point to BSD to see if perhaps OpenStack itself could have more of a go. get an actual container runtime and see if it picks up would be my off-the-napkin idea14:02
scasthe lack of a container runtime put BSD back in the playing field when it had been working on a revival in the server area. it's now more of an embedded niche, with some facets of other things it can do14:04
scasparticularly FreeBSD with its now-dead Docker support14:04
scasy'all know dtrace would be pretty hot to have in the toolbelt :D14:07
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fungii'd love to have openbsd routers with pf and relayd in an openstack deployment, but chances of that ever coming to pass are slim14:11
fungii know of no better platform for integrated stateful filtering, layer-7 load balancing and redundant ipsec14:12
scasof course. that would be madness.14:16
scasit would almost be like people working together, but we all know it'd wind up being like one person14:17
scasthat said, a startup in the right nexus could be dangerous.14:19
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