Tuesday, 2020-01-07

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openstackgerritzhufl proposed openstack/governance master: Fix dupliated words issue like "a good good description"  https://review.opendev.org/70113301:35
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evrardjptc-members and everyone else: Our next meeting is the 16th. Could you have a look at the agenda of the meeting on the wiki, and update it if necessary with what you want to report, please?08:37
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/governance master: Remove incorrectly updated ATCs  https://review.opendev.org/70042208:59
ttxoffice hour time!09:02
ttxalso... coffee09:02
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ricolinjust done with very first multi-arch SIG meeting, and it's great:)09:06
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evrardjpricolin: this is in the agenda item for next week's meeting, are you okay to say a few words about it?09:08
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evrardjpttx: ricolin: I have updated the atc list now that Alekseyev got enabled again: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/700422/ -- your vote would be welcomed to unblock things09:09
* ricolin checking agenda09:10
ricolinevrardjp, oh you mean multi-arch09:11
evrardjpyes, sorry, I meant for multi-arch, we should probably report in the meeting...09:11
ricolinyou want me to added in?09:11
evrardjpthat would be awesome09:11
evrardjpI thought it was there, but it's indeed not there, my bad.09:12
evrardjpnot sure how it slipped through09:12
evrardjpthanks ricolin!09:15
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openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack/governance master: Add RBAC investment opportunity for 2019  https://review.opendev.org/68238010:57
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evrardjpricolin: ttx or any tc-member, can I have votes on https://review.opendev.org/#/c/700422/ ? My patience reached its limits for a broken gate.12:12
ricolinevrardjp, done12:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: Remove incorrectly updated ATCs  https://review.opendev.org/70042212:36
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/governance master: Add RBAC investment opportunity for 2019  https://review.opendev.org/68238012:43
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/governance master: Setting Justin Ferrieu as Cloudkitty's PTL  https://review.opendev.org/70121412:44
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/governance master: Fix dupliated words issue like "a good good description"  https://review.opendev.org/70113312:44
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/governance master: Add sushy-cli under Ironic governance  https://review.opendev.org/70091412:44
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/governance master: Update charter for the TC & PTL elections date  https://review.opendev.org/69927712:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: Add ovn-octavia-provider project  https://review.opendev.org/69709513:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: Fix dupliated words issue like "a good good description"  https://review.opendev.org/70113313:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: Define community-wide goal selection schedule  https://review.opendev.org/69829913:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: Add ansible-plugin-container-connection to SIG  https://review.opendev.org/69673713:20
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evrardjphey gmann ! :)13:36
evrardjphow are you?13:36
gmannevrardjp: hi. i am good. how are you.13:36
evrardjpgood! Back to work, but my office space reduced yet again a little bit with my moving boxes surrounding me :)13:38
gmannnice. that's obvious thing. my office room is now +store place too :)13:46
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evrardjphaha :)13:50
ricolinfunny to say, just brought a new chair, so big boxes next to me too :)13:50
evrardjpgmann: so... is it very cold in Canada nowadays? Is your shovel ready to remove snow?13:51
evrardjpWe didn't get an inch of snow in Belgium its' weird.13:51
evrardjpmaybe it's waiting for the people to come to fosdem to become the snowpocalypse13:51
evrardjpricolin: oh nice! what did you buy?13:51
gmannwell, it is -7/-10c till now which was -30c last year and i am happy for that :)13:52
ricolinwell this exactly https://www.costco.com.tw/Furniture-Bedding/Office-Furniture/Chairs-Accessories/Ergoking-Pro-Mesh-Chair-with-ottoman/p/11394713:54
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gmanntosky: thanks for zuulv3 community goal. I reviewed that and few comments. it is almost good to me - https://review.opendev.org/#/c/691278/14:22
toskygmann: thanks - do you want me to update the goal with your comments, or should I wait a bit more to include more feedback?14:22
toskymaybe an update is due at this time14:23
gmanntosky: either one is ok for me.14:23
gmanntosky: or let's update that and then we can request tc-members to review it if anything more to fix. we can always re-iterate the proposed goal for more updates.14:24
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gmanntc-members ^^ if you have quick comments on zuulv3 goal so that tosky can update it together-  https://review.opendev.org/#/c/691278/14:25
gmannfungi: clarkb ^^14:25
evrardjpI checked and didn't have any negative comments on it. I am waiting for an update :)14:29
jungleboyjricolin:  You bought an $11,000 chair!?!14:35
jungleboyjgmann: Yeah, I am enjoying the fact that it isn't so cold here this year!  Now if only the sun would come out some more.  Glad we aren't having the snowmageddon of a winter they promised.14:36
fungijungleboyj: i was assuming that's in ntd/nt$14:38
gmannjungleboyj: yeah14:38
ricolinjungleboyj, NT$14:38
ricolinnot $:D14:38
jungleboyjAh, ok.  Just looks like USD.14:38
jungleboyjPhew,  I was going to say, all the pictures make it look really nice  but not that nice.  ;-)14:39
ricolinjungleboyj, maybe it got AI insalled! you never know!14:39
fungiat current exchange rates that's a ~us$370 chair, so must be very nice14:40
jungleboyjYeah, it would need to do my job for me at that price.  ;-)14:40
jungleboyjfungi: Ok.  That makes sense.14:40
jrolljungleboyj: let me know if you ever find something for 11k USD that will do our job :D14:41
ricolinfungi, it's reeeeally comfortable:)14:41
fungijroll: it probably still wouldn't do *your* job for us$11k14:41
jungleboyjjroll:  Will do.14:41
fungionly his14:41
jungleboyjfungi:  Don't know that it is going to do mine for $11k.  Maybe it would keep my high schooler in-line.14:44
fungithat'd be plenty of quarters for the arcade. do they still have arcades these days?14:45
jrollthey do!14:46
jungleboyj:-)  Yeah, they have kind of started to come back.14:46
fungiwe have a fairly terrible one here on the island. maybe i can launch a flynn's franchise14:48
jungleboyjWho wants to go to an arcade when on an Island?  :-)14:51
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fungiwe have a lot of dark, wet, cold, windy winter days15:39
jungleboyjGotcha.  :-)  In my mind it is always beautiful on an island.  ;-)15:40
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evrardjpfor the ideas framework that I discussed here and at summits, I wonder if we should have a subdomain like ideas.openstack.org (in that case, how will people know to go there), or an URI in an existing domain like governance or docs16:41
evrardjpany opinion?16:41
ttxcould be simpler to use governance.o.o/ideas, same way we did for elections16:44
evrardjpyeah that's what I thought16:44
ttxsubdomains are a bit punished by Google those days16:44
ttxwas cool back in 199816:44
ttxbut I could go either way... we have plenty of those already16:45
fungii'd love to see us collapse all our subdomains at some point16:46
evrardjpI asked clarkb on the technicalities, it's also easier for infra to not have a subdomain due to automation on openstack.org domain. Which is one point for governance.o.o/ideas16:46
fungithey grew out of necessity because the openstack.org site was/is controlled by the osf web content managers, so we can't easily host everything from the same site16:47
evrardjpfungi: as long as people can find the things they are looking for, it's not a problem for me. Though I have trouble to see how we could remove docs.o.o :D16:47
fungiwell, docs.o.o was part of the problem early on16:47
fungithe documentation program was very restrictive about what content they'd allow to be hosted at that subdomain too, but also it was being served from rackspace cloudfiles for a very long time16:48
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evrardjpttx: fungi can you point me to where the redirections for governance.o.o to governance.o.o/elections (or the governance vhost definition) are defined?16:59
evrardjp(I see that I should update the links in governance|governance-.* templates, but this is not what I am looking for)17:01
fungisure, just a sec17:01
fungithe vhost config is here: https://opendev.org/opendev/system-config/src/branch/master/modules/openstack_project/templates/static-governance.vhost.erb17:03
ttxIt's slightly tricky :)17:03
evrardjpI think I found it17:03
evrardjpoh thanks fungi, you just beat me to it for 7 seconds!17:04
evrardjpmy codesearch foo was not great today.17:04
fungiand the aliases and redirects are here: https://opendev.org/opendev/system-config/src/branch/master/modules/openstack_project/manifests/static.pp#L303-L31617:04
fungithis is all stuff mnaser and ianw_pto are probably going to simplify with the site move17:05
evrardjpokay. That makes sense indeed17:05
evrardjpI will sync with mnaser too then17:05
fungiour normal docs publication jobs, which this site will start using as part of the move, allows different repos to publish content into subtrees of one another very trivially, through the use of hidden root markers17:05
evrardjpbut I get the gist17:05
evrardjphidden root markers?17:06
fungibasically on publication the content tree includes a .root-marker file at its top level, and all content in there is replaced except in subdirectories which have a .root-marker present in them17:07
fungiallowing us to publish content built from one repo into a subtree of content published from another repo without them blowing one another away17:08
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