Saturday, 2020-09-05

adriantttx, zaneb, it's not even quite the granularity, Prometheus at least to me doesn't quite feel as suitable for a bunch of the use cases we have with Ceilometer/Gnocchi. InfluxDB and TimescaleDB are closer because we have a certain amount more flexibility over the data. I could be wrong, but in my experience the benefit (and in this case detriment)01:34
adriantof prometheus is how opinionated it is about the data it stores/uses. I feel like we wouldn't get the same level of functionality out of it for resource info/metadata and such.01:34
adriantBut then again, I don't know enough about Prometheus that closely to make a valid choice.01:38
adriantI'd also just be worried about the level of migration needed to move to a fully Prometheus focused world. In OpenStack that feels like too far away as even a possibility.01:39
adriantplus Prometheus doesn't appear to have native multi-tenancy, so we'd either be buying into another service that wraps around it, or building one that tags each metric with a project id, and filters by it01:44
adriantSo... another API like Ceilometer v1 or Gnocchi01:44
adriantwith a collector service that includes the project id, or support for exporters in the services themselves to provide metrics01:45
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