Thursday, 2020-10-08

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fungia little over 40 hours into polling, 23% (140/619) tc ballots cast so far and 52% (14/27) casy for telemetry ptl16:25
fungier, cast16:26
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smcginnisfungi: Any historical numbers on electorate count? 619 for TC seems low, but I don't recall past counts.16:33
gmanni think it was ~800 in victoria16:34
fungii'd have to go digging, but yes it's lower16:37
fungirunning contributor and engagement statistics what i've been observing is that contributor activity is actually increasing a bit compared to prior years, but contributor count is decreasing16:37
fungii suspect pandemic behavior decreasing the number of new contributors we see while increasing the efficiency of our existing contributors who are stuck at home16:38
smcginnisI guess that makes sense.16:38
fungibut it's hard to know16:38
clarkbif ya'll are more efficient these days I want to know your secrets :P16:39
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spotzI think we're just bored at night with no where to go:(17:46
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gouthamrdon't call us out spotz18:02
spotzgouthamr: hehehe18:12
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