Wednesday, 2020-10-28

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smcginnistc-members: Time sensitive info in so it would be great if we can get some eyes on that.14:17
smcginnisI can always update dates if we can't get it done in time, but I'm hoping there's nothing questionable with that plan.14:18
gmannsmcginnis: thanks, dates lgtm for now unless we have hard time to find word starting x :).14:19
jungleboyjLooks good.  Thanks!14:20
smcginnisShould be a fun one. ;)14:21
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fungipeople have already started proposing candidates!14:26
* fungi has added two, at least one other person has added several more14:27
smcginnisOh, I hadn't looked since I created the page. That's great.14:27
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spotzOddly no on has proposed it15:03
fungianother great one, yes!15:05
spotzThere's a company named that in Seguin and I drove past it this last weekend:)15:06
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spotzfungi the code on the page looks right but not displaying right:(15:10
spotzOk got it, Xerxes is proposed15:11
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mrungehi there, is there a process to become stable-core on telemetry projects?15:54
mrungeI am the current PTL for telemetry and have been stable core for horizon quite a while15:54
mrungehowever, for telemetry, there is only one stable core left15:54
smcginnismrunge: Question probably for #openstack-stable, but the policy has been to do stable reviews and show that you have an understanding of stable policy. Then after that's been established, you can be added to stable-core.15:58
smcginnisThat typically hasn't been automatic for PTLs, though usually can be done quickly.15:59
mrungesmcginnis, yes. I totally understand, it's not news to me15:59
smcginnisSince you are already a stable core for horizon, I think it's established that you know the policies.15:59
mrungehowever, I happen to be the only one doing that kind of stuff at all15:59
smcginnisYeah, we should get you added.15:59
mrungeI gave up horizon core and stable core when I changed resposibilities16:00
gmannmrunge: just replied on opendev, we should discuss it in PTG to continue or process further on what we discussed in shangai PTG16:00
smcginnismrunge: I don't see a telemetry-stable-core. Do you know what that team's group is called?16:00
mrungesmcginnis, just a sec16:01
mrungegmann, thank you, I read the comment. Do you need anything from me to follow-up here?16:01
gmannmrunge: just added this in PTG etherpad for Friday, feel free to join the discussion - (L113)
gmannbut yes we should make some final decision or proceed on what we discussed in previous PTG16:03
mrungesmcginnis, there is no telemetry-stable-core group, it seems that there are only groups for each project16:03
mrungelike ceilometer-stable-maint16:03
gmanni think merging them to single telemetry-stable-core make sense and map to what we have in project.yaml16:04
smcginnismrunge: I can get you added to each one if you give me a list. But sounds like it would be good to get a new group created.16:04
mrungeI'd create two new groups, telemetry-core and telemetry-stable-core16:05
smcginnismrunge: Do you know the process for doing that?16:06
mrungesmcginnis, unfortunately not16:06
smcginnismrunge: They are done here:
smcginnisI'll see if I can track down docs or examples.16:07
mrungethanks for the pointer, I'll have a look myself16:07
smcginnismrunge: Basically, you'll want a telemetry.config file there. Then update the projects to point to that group.16:08
mrungehow would I do that? Is there something like include?16:09
mrungesorry, I never had to hazzle with gerrit configs so far16:10
gmannits under openstack namespace now -
gmannsimilar way like existing  ceilometer.config
mrungethat pretty much describes/requires a filename <project-name>...16:13
gmannI do not think that is hard requirement at least by seeing existing file name and project/repo name16:14
smcginnisYeah, like I mentioned, just need a telemetry.config file.16:14
mrunge... I was just wondering how to put it there so that it's still obvious where to find what setting/config16:15
mrungewithout having to grep  or even to open various files16:15
smcginnisNot sure I follow.16:15
gmannmrunge: just curious, any difference in core team between ceilometer, aodh, panko etc ? or its same16:16
mrungegmann, it's the same16:16
mrungewell, currently not16:16
mrungebut for most of the teams, there is only one person left16:16
smcginnismrunge: If you mean how to get the different individual projects to point to the one telemetry.config, that is done similar to here:
gmanni see. in case you want to maintain differently then existing file make sense and just add new one for stable for all those repo16:17
mrungeso, technically, they are currently still different16:17
smcginnisYou can still have individual groups for each project to be able to control project-specific cores, but then just add the telemetry-core group as a member of those individual ones.16:17
gmannyeah that is more better what smcginnis mentioned16:17
smcginnisThen you have a team-wide set of cores, and still have the ability to do per-project cores.16:17
mrungesince there is only one person in several technically different groups, we should just unite these groups16:18
mrungeyes, we can surely inherit cores from other groups too16:19
fungialso related, i realized that the script we use to propose governance changes for election results is currently somewhat broken and effectively skips updating any for which there was a ptl runoff poll, it never even reads the file where we record the poll results, so i'm working on fixing that and pushing up a separate change to correctly record the telemetry ptl election result in governance in a few16:22
fungii should have spotted that when closing the election16:22
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/election master: Use PTL election results for governance updates
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/governance master: Update projects with Telemetry PTL election result
fungitc-members: ^ oversight on my part, sorry for the extra work18:38
fungimrunge: ^18:40
gmannfungi: thanks.  sorry for not catching it in original review.18:41
fungiwell, at least we have a fix for it in the tooling now18:42
jungleboyjThanks fungi18:42
fungii think the governance update automation got implemented during a span of cycles in which there were no ptl runoffs so never got that case exercised18:42
fungii should have thought to check that the original governance patch actually included the result of that election18:43
gmannyeah it was Train where PTL election held last time before Wallaby18:44
mrungethank you fungi18:45
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