Friday, 2021-06-18

*** abhishekk is now known as akekane|away05:37
*** akekane|away is now known as abhishekk05:37
*** rpittau|afk is now known as rpittau08:17
ttxzaneb: ++08:37
ttxYeah, the idea was to apply a layer of 'common sense' and avoid Boaty McBoatFace... have a good discussion at filtering down the list to good options, then have a preference ranking08:39
*** pojadhav- is now known as pojadhav11:51
zanebgmann: you are the pre-trademark check13:05
spotzttx - Hey we have Stacky McStackface!14:06
*** rpittau is now known as rpittau|afk14:09
*** pojadhav- is now known as pojadhav14:48
gmannzaneb: ttx humm, it is actually difficult to implement in current process until in TC we all discussed to eliminate some name for vote. and how to do that is again question like why we eliminated and how to cordinate to eliminate or so. because that should be common from all TC.15:05
gmannmay be adding something "TC can eliminate the names as per their sense to avoid trademark" and 'let all community to vote on final eligible list'15:05
gmannbut I think we need more discussion on this so I am not going to push it to change immidetialy but something to discuss in next PTG or so then take any decision. 15:06
zanebwe tried that and there were hurt feelings all around and massive pointless distractions15:06
gmannzaneb: i remember that but having that in process as explicit mentiuon can help. but yes it has to be very clear with some criteria 15:07
fungialso potential trademark infringements were the least of the concerns, it's more about weeding out candidates which could be culturally insensitive or just wouldn't make good release names for other reasons15:08
fungithe tc can try to filter for trademark name collisions, but it's often not obvious when something which seems like it could pose a trademark problem actually does, and you're unlikely to find them all anyway which is why the foundation employs a company to perform trademark searches15:10
zanebsome are less non-obvious than others :)15:10
ttxand some companies are also... well-known to aggressively defend (beer required to share stories)16:04
yoctozeptoooh, beer attack? you sure it was not bear attack?16:26
fungiattack of the beer bears16:37
yoctozeptoimgur has you covered:
fungiwhy am i not surprised?16:43
gmanntc-members: can anyone review these repo retirement patches 16:54
gmann   16:54
gmann 16:54
gmann 16:54
gmann 16:54
yoctozeptogmann: they need to be redone17:10
yoctozeptoyou should remove the "optional" part from README :-(17:10
yoctozeptootherwise it reads bad17:10
gmannyoctozepto: oh, thanks for cathing it. doing17:11
gmannyoctozepto: done17:17
yoctozeptogmann: ok17:18
yoctozeptogmann, one -1, seven +217:22
gmannyoctozepto: thanks, fixed for -117:24

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