Thursday, 2021-09-16

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opendevreviewRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/project-team-guide master: Add section regarding releasing stable branches
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opendevreviewRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/project-team-guide master: Add section regarding releasing stable branches
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opendevreviewRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/project-team-guide master: Add section regarding releasing stable branches
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gnuoyHi there, is there anything else that needs doing on my part to get landed ? thanks in advance.13:01
yoctozeptognuoy: nope, I think we are waiting for repositories to get created and then we recheck and approve13:11
gnuoy@yoctozepto, repositories created by me ?13:13
yoctozeptognuoy: yeah, I meant the depends-on13:16
gnuoyah, I see, thank you13:17
yoctozeptoI rechecked now; the linters will pass if repositories are in place13:17
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fungias soon as the deploy pipeline job(s) report on the project-config change, that'll indicate the repos exist13:22
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yoctozeptoah, it has merged only recently13:27
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fungignuoy: yoctozepto: those repos should exist now13:58
yoctozeptofungi: seems the gate broke14:03
yoctozepto    error in pydot2 setup command: use_2to3 is invalid.14:03
yoctozeptoI will recheck but almost all jobs broke14:04
fungifor governance?14:04
fungisounds like a setuptools problem14:05
yoctozeptoyeah, for governance14:05
gmanngnuoy: also need PTL +1, I added Chris as reviewer and after that we all good.14:08
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-team-guide master: Add section regarding releasing stable branches
gmanntc-members: meeting in ~3 min from now14:57
* dansmith coffees14:57
gnuoyThanks everyone for the help14:58
gnuoygmann, I have a PTL +1 now14:58
gmanngnuoy: thanks, ack14:59
gmannwill check during open patches topic in meeting14:59
gmann#startmeeting tc15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Sep 16 15:00:23 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gmann. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'15:00
gmann#topic Roll call15:00
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gmannshort agenda today, so we might finish early 15:01
gmannlet's start15:03
gmann#topic Follow up on past action items15:03
gmanngmann to remove projects pain points from next weekly meeting agenda15:03
gmannyoctozepto to send email to openstack-discuss about getting usage data of TC tags15:03
gmannthat is also done and we will discuss it in detail in next topic15:04
gmanngmann to add folder or something to store the meeting recording/transcript in governance repo15:04
gmannI tried to do that but i am getting error from git on size of file I am checking in. meeting recording is of ~4 MB i think15:04
jungleboyj4 GB?  Yikes!15:05
fungi(4mb seems like really great compression for an hour-long video call anyway)15:05
gmannah, ~400 MB15:05
jungleboyjAh, that makes more sense.15:05
jungleboyjBecause 4 GB would be terrible compression.15:05
dansmithor high fidelity15:06
fungioops, caps lock bites again15:06
jungleboyjNo need to yell at me.  ;-)15:06
gmannI think limit for git is ~100 MB or so15:06
yoctozepto^ we can survive a few advertisements15:07
gmannok, I will check with foundation if they are ok to publish in openstack/openinfa channel. 15:08
gmannor we want to maintain TC channel separately ?15:08
gmannlike cinder did I think ?15:08
jungleboyjYes, that is what Cinder did.15:08
yoctozeptowe can do our own I guess15:09
gmannok. let me do that way15:10
gmannspotz to help in google meet setup for next meeting from RDO account.15:11
gmannspotz_ already gave me link. thanks again15:11
gmann#topic Gate health check (dansmith/yoctozepto)15:11
ricolinliterally start that today15:12
gmannany news on gate, dansmith yoctozepto or other members ?15:12
ricolinapologies for the delay15:12
gmannricolin: hi15:12
yoctozeptoI was out of loop this last week15:12
jungleboyjI haven't seen complaints despite it being one of the busiest times for the gate.15:13
gmannI have not seen much failure15:13
dansmithyeah it's been good lately I think15:13
dansmithI definitely think it's worth tracking this here15:14
dansmithas we've been able to keep tabs on spikes pretty soon after they show up and work to get them resolved because of visibility15:15
dansmithso even though it might seem boring, I think this is worth keeping on the agenda15:15
gmannyeah, this is permanent things in agenda even just saying 'all fine' 15:15
dansmithI know,15:15
dansmithI'm just saying, I still think it's worth it :)15:16
gmannnow on ricolin etherpad which is on adding some framework to check project health #link
gmannadded few comments in etherpad15:17
gmannricolin: so for contribution data or so you will collect from stackalytics or from gerrit ?15:17
ricolinI think from gerrit15:17
ricolindepends on what data stackalytics  have and gerrit don't 15:18
fungiif you need help with the gerrit api, let me know15:18
ricolinsingle company contribution?15:18
ricolinfungi, thx15:18
fungigerrit has no information about contributor affiliation15:18
fungihowever the openinfra foundation api ( can be used to look up affiliation by contributor e-mail address15:19
fungiwe have examples of that in the openstack/elections repo15:19
ricolinOkay, we can use that API15:19
gmannon release, we need to check with release team about 'to stop doing release if no PTL/liaison ack' or keep doing like they do now and give us data15:20
gmannbut release data is very important to check status15:20
fungiit's not perfect since a lot of contributors haven't created a foundation profile or haven't put in their affiliation info or haven't been terribly accurate when they did, but it's better than nothing at least15:20
gmannanyways this is good start, thanks ricolin 15:22
ricolinso our origin plan is to have a period job for it? 15:22
ricolinor just a script?15:22
ricolinto collect from APIs?15:22
gmannohk, i thought periodic jobs for gate jobs status15:23
spotz_I know last job I was an independent15:23
gmannI think periodic monthly jobs can be fine15:23
gmannor once in two month15:23
gmannlike checking 2-3 time in a release is more than enough or even 2 times only15:24
ricolinsounds like a good plan15:24
gmanneveryone please comment on etherpad15:24
fungiif it's going to be that infrequent, it can just be a script someone runs on their workstation. the gerrit and foundation apis are public and anonymous, you don't even need credentials to query them15:25
fungihaving a periodic zuul pipeline which only triggers once every 60 days would be a little odd15:25
gmannthat also work and based on when we decide the time to check in TC meeting or so we can run that time15:25
fungii find that scripts run that infrequently often need troubleshooting because of changes to apis15:26
spotz_Makes sense15:26
fungiso it's better to have a human running them who can debug them when they inevitably break15:26
jungleboyj:-)  Makes sense.15:27
gmannand that script/job can also help in our one of the future things of 'different project level' checks which we are going to discuss in PTG15:27
ricolinI think we can decide after I got the script done15:27
ricolinI'm find either way15:27
gmannricolin: we will check it as part of Xena tracker topic next week. or you want to add it as separate topic ?15:28
ricolinlet's do it with Xena tracker15:28
ricolinI mean do it `in`15:29
gmannok, +115:29
gmannmoving next15:29
gmann#topic TC tags analysis15:29
gmannyoctozepto: no reply on that seems15:29
yoctozeptowho could have expected that? (-:15:30
jungleboyj:-(  Yeah, didn't see any responses.15:30
yoctozeptook, what is the next step then? pausing discussion till ptg?15:31
gmannanyways I am adding that in next newsletter also15:31
yoctozeptoI have not received more feedback from you either15:31
gmannyoctozepto: yeah, we can decide in PTG and wait until than if anyone reply15:31
jungleboyjgmann:   That is a good idea.15:31
dansmithisn't that the answer we're looking for? not useful?15:31
yoctozeptodansmith: to me it is15:31
dansmithme too :P15:31
jungleboyjSeems to be.15:31
yoctozeptobut we can maximise the time window as there is no rush15:32
gmannyeah, seems like15:32
yoctozeptoand then just drop most of this stuff15:32
gmannin PTG we can decide and start cleanup yup or remove the framework itself 15:32
gmannyoctozepto: the once with no project are safer to drop anyways15:32
gmannthe one15:32
gmannthanks for sending email and starting this work15:33
gmann#topic Open Reviews15:33
gmannI think PTL assignments are ready to merge, let me check after meeting15:34
gmannthis is  failing gate #link
gmannyoctozepto: fungi I have not read log but you seems discussed it?>15:34
gmannbefore meeting or so15:35
fungithe error message yoctozepto quoted sounded like something i've run into with setuptools deprecation, so could be a new setuptools release15:35
yoctozeptoyeah, it seems we must be using some legacy stuff in governance gate15:36
clarkberror in pydot2 setup command: use_2to3 is invalid.15:36
gmannyeah, py38 running as n-v I just realized 15:36
fungii merged some changes in pbr a while back to avoid hitting that codepath in setuptools15:36
fungimaybe it's a combination with old/pinned pbr? i'd have to look15:37
clarkbI think the pydot2 package doesn't support python3 properly15:37
yoctozeptoyeah, need to look; I haven't had time15:37
yoctozeptoI know that e.g. docs repo merged today fine15:37
fungiclarkb: oh, that would also explain it15:37
yoctozeptooh, then we need to drop pydot215:37
yoctozeptowonder where we use it exactly15:38
fungiif the pydot2 package is too old and still tries to set use_2to3 metadata through setuptools that could start breaking15:38
yoctozepto"A tool that will translate a projects.yaml file into a visualized graph."15:38
gmannanyways let's check after meeting 15:39
yoctozeptonot used15:39
yoctozeptolet's drop with pydot215:39
gmannyoctozepto: may be on governance site side15:39
clarkbthat package was last updated in like 201415:39
clarkbpydot seems to be maintained15:39
yoctozeptogmann: we would see that still, no?15:40
gmannyoctozepto: c.o.o should give but not 100% sure15:40
gmannanyways let's check after meeting 15:41
gmannthat's all for today meeting, anything else to discuss as we have ~20 min time15:41
gmannif nothing else, let's close it. 15:41
gmannthanks everyone for joining15:41
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Sep 16 15:41:58 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:41
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
spotz_Just curious if anyone will be at Open Source Summit or Kubecon?15:42
spotz_Thanks granny15:42
spotz_Stupid autocorrect!15:42
spotz_Gmann 15:42
yoctozeptoall the grannies of the world, unite15:43
yoctozeptothanks gmann15:43
diablo_rojoThanks gmann!15:43
jungleboyjgmann:  You going to let her talk to you like that.  ;-)15:44
yoctozeptogmann, fungi, clarkb: what about minimal change to requirements.txt to drop this req and leave the file as it can lie there in case someone wants to work on it (however unlikely)15:45
gmannjungleboyj: heh she keep writing that what i can do :)15:45
yoctozeptohard to tell if this script even works15:45
gmanni have never seen/used generated graph form it15:46
clarkbyoctozepto: if switching to pydot from pydot2 works that might be better15:46
yoctozeptoclarkb: let me try that indeed15:46
clarkbthen at least if/when it fails when actually executed people can start from the maintained library15:46
gmannit seems lot other projects use pydot  they are also broken ?
fungii also see pydotplus used in a few projects according to codesearch, as well as pydot-ng15:47
clarkbgmann: pydot2 is the problem not pydot15:47
clarkbpydot is actively maintained. pydot2 hasn't had a release in like 7 yaers15:47
gmannah i overlooked. yeah15:47
yoctozeptoit breaks in py3.6 already15:48
yoctozeptoTypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'15:49
fungithat looks like it's written for python 2.715:49
yoctozeptothough it uses six15:49
yoctozeptook, dropping b made it pass15:49
yoctozeptoyay, it works15:50
gmannyoctozepto: cool. thanks15:52
yoctozeptonot super useful though15:53
gmann:) center one is overall openstack or some project ?15:54
gmann*specific project15:54
yoctozeptogmann: charms15:56
yoctozeptothey reimplement the whole world15:56
yoctozeptowe are adding new charms biweekly15:56
yoctozeptoat least that's how I feel15:56
fungitoday you added three more15:57
fungi`gerrit ls-projects -r ^openstack/charm.*` returns 141 results presently15:57
opendevreviewRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/governance master: Fix gate
yoctozeptosimple change to merge15:59
yoctozeptofungi: it knew to break on that change so that TC knows we have lots of charms16:00
yoctozepto(and lots of charm for sure)16:00
gmanntc-members: need one more review on this to unblock governance gate
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Fix gate
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Appoint Adrian Turjak as Adjutant PTL
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Appoint Rico Lin as Heat PTL
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Appoint Martin Chacon Piza as Monasca PTL
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Appoint Tobias Urdin as Puppet OpenStack PTL
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Appoint Fossen Qiu as Sahara PTL
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Appoint FengShengqin as Zun PTL
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Add some PTLs missing irc nick name
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Add Puppet OpenStack project IRC channel name
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Fix CLA link in licensing.rst
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Add openstack-loadbalancer charm and interfaces
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