Friday, 2021-10-01

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gmanntc-members: there are some issue raised for stable branch changes merging issue (lack of stable branch cores)
gmannwe should have the new team structure merge soon
gmannplease review if you have any any early feedback. 16:18
dansmithgmann: probably not until it's unmarked as wip right? :)16:19
dansmithand of course all the trailing whitespace removed (oh the horror)16:19
fungigmann: i think the bigger issue that message raises is that tw-sig is soon defunct (as soon as stephenfin finishes the xena release tasks and steps down)16:19
TheJuliafungi: ++16:19
fungidansmith: don't taunt the whitespace gods, they are unforgiving16:19
gmanndansmith: ok. mnaser can you update that or anything more you would not to propose16:20
gmannfungi: yes, that is one topic I am adding in TC meeting and PTG too. need to solve that as separate than stable16:20
mnaseri think i just pushed up whatever i had and i was hoping for some help to complete it from jungleboyj =)16:20
fungiabsolutely. the ml post mixed the two, and i wanted to make sure they were both addressed16:21
gmannlet's first solve the stable team things and then find the Doc SIG maintainer 16:21
gmannfungi: +1. yeah.16:21
fungito be fair, i don't think having just one person in the sig is sustainable16:21
jungleboyjmnaser:  :-)  I had reviewed and it looked good to me.  What can I do to help further?16:21
fungistephenfin was just the last one standing16:21
gmannfungi: agree. 16:22
mnaserjungleboyj: maybe if you can draft up the 'proposed solution' section i guess?16:22
gmannyeah he has put extra effort to keep it live till now16:22
fungieffectively, central documentation-related tasks become the tc's direct responsibility (or possibly go unperformed) until new people are found to take them on16:23
jungleboyjOk.  I can take the comments from Gmann and draft something up there.16:24
gmannjungleboyj: thanks. 16:24
jungleboyjNeed to run for an appointment shortly but will get something pushed up this afternoon.16:26
gmannadded Doc SIG for next meeting/PTG and let's see if we can get anyone interested to help from community16:27
gmannjungleboyj: np!16:27
gmannto handle current stable branch doc site, I agree with Elod proposal of auto-merging the auto-generated patches and have their doc site for stable up16:28
funginote that those still require human oversight. often changes aren't immediately able to pass tests on newly created stable branches, so someone needs to check behind and make sure they actually land16:29
fungiat which point it might make sense to just have a person approve them16:30
fungiwhich takes us back to the original problem of there not being people to do that16:30
gmannWe have Elod there and he is mostly single +2 in most of them and wait for 2nd +216:33
fungimaybe it's as simple as a stable-maint policy that autogenerated release management changes which are passing tests can be single-reviewer approved?16:36
clarkbWe already have similar rules for translations and requirelents iirc16:36
clarkbalso I can't type16:36
gmann+1, agree. 16:37
gmannlet's have new process and we can add this ^^ exception of single core approval in that. 16:37
fungimost teams more generally accept that core reviewers are trusted to use their best judgement as to when a change can be approved, even in cases where there are no other core reviewers who have looked at it. autogenerated changes, of any, seem like a clear case where that's acceptable16:38
dansmithfungi: to be fair, I don't think one person constitutes a "group" anyway :P16:39
fungithere's that16:40
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit server has become unreachable as of approximately 19:10 UTC due to a networking issue in the provider, but should be reachable again shortly19:45
opendevreviewJay Bryant proposed openstack/governance master: wip: stable core team
jungleboyjmnaser: gmann dansmith  ^^^ attempt to explain proposed solution based on discussions.20:32

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