Monday, 2021-10-25

*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|lunch07:49
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/governance master: kolla-cli: enter retirement
opendevreviewRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/governance master: Update venus repos
yoctozeptotc-members: please have a look at and review the gate-fixing patch for governance
opendevreviewRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/governance master: kolla-cli: enter retirement
*** ykarel|lunch is now known as ykarel09:35
*** noonedeadpunk_ is now known as noonedeadpunk10:36
lbragstadgmann i'm going to try and summarize everything we discussed last week regarding RBAC 13:06
lbragstadgmann i was thinking i should propose it to the community goal
lbragstadi'm not sure if it should all live there, since some of it sounds like a "theme" that was discussed last week (not associated to any particular release)13:07
lbragstadbut - figured i could at least get it all down on paper and we can figure out if and how to break it apart13:07
fungiit touches enough projects that a goal could make sense if there's a specific implementation target we think all of them can reach in a particular cycle13:07
lbragstadyeah - that's where it gets interesting... i think there is an implementation we can reach within a cycle13:08
lbragstadbut - understanding it requires understanding a lot of the context13:08
lbragstadi think we talked about some additional details last week that would be really cool to implement, but out of scope for the initial goal, so that feels to me like a separate, follow-on goal or possibly a "theme" that was discussed last week?13:13
fungiany cycle goal should probably be just the smallest, first step getting completed across all the projects13:15
fungithat unlocks them to complete more, if they have time and interest, but at least keeps things moving in the right direction and gives us a tide marker13:17
lbragstadagreed - that makes sense13:19
lbragstadthere were several times last week where the RBAC discussion felt like an overall multi-release theme and i wasn't sure if that was inline with what the TC was entertaining13:20
lbragstadbut - i can rework the current goal to include the new direction, and the smallest amount of work necessary to implement it in yoga13:21
fungithat was how we tackled the python2.7 to python3 migration. identified individual steps, and had a different step in each cycle13:25
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fungisome teams completed future steps early, but at least we had a timeline to reach full implementation that way and it was easier to identify when a particular deliverable was falling behind13:26
lbragstad++ yeah, that sounds good13:46
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gmannyoctozepto: thanks.14:24
gmanntc-members: need one more vote on this
gmannlbragstad: thanks, looking14:25
gmannlbragstad: only worry from me is if the next discussions (we are going to have next week call or so) can change the implementation? it should not but just in case14:27
gmannlbragstad: then we might end up in same situation like pdf goal or so which was main concern from community in PTG14:27
lbragstadthat's fair, but i think what we're going to focus on for yoga isn't going to change much14:28
gmannlbragstad: I am all fine to do this as goal and as we discussed decouple with release but let's finalize the things next week or so?14:28
lbragstadok 14:28
gmannlbragstad: you mean for targeting project scope things only and new defaults like johnthetubaguy[m] mentioned?14:28
lbragstadkind of - with a caveat 14:28
gmannlbragstad: I will setup the call next week (will send the poll on ML today or tomorrow)14:29
lbragstadgmann this would be easier if we could collaborate on it together quick and then you could at least see what i'm trying to rewrite14:29
lbragstadlet me port what i have to an etherpad really quick14:29
fungitaking it in small steps also means that the teams who do decide to venture on ahead of schedule will discover the pitfalls and help refine those further steps before they become new cycle goals14:30
gmannlbragstad: thanks, that will be great and also help for others to understand the direction who were not in PTG14:30
opendevreviewdaniel.pawlik proposed openstack/governance master: Add openstack/ci-log-processing project into TaCT
gmannlbragstad:this sounds good to me, one question does "project-admin to project-member " transition impact operators if they move to new rbac first? I think no as it is just a rename right?  14:34
gmannin term of default access they get after new rbac14:34
lbragstadproject-admin to project-member?14:35
lbragstadgmann just wrapping up a meeting 14:58
gmannlbragstad: will catch up later, need to go out now.15:03
lbragstadgmann ack - i'll get something proposed today 15:05
jungleboyjgmann: 16:11
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Update venus repos

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