Wednesday, 2021-11-03

opendevreviewFeilong Wang proposed openstack/governance master: Setting Spryos as the Magnum PTL
*** gibi is now known as gibi_pto_back_thu06:11
opendevreviewLance Bragstad proposed openstack/governance master: Rework the yoga secure RBAC community goal
opendevreviewLance Bragstad proposed openstack/governance master: Rework the yoga secure RBAC community goal
opendevreviewLance Bragstad proposed openstack/governance master: Rework the yoga secure RBAC community goal
opendevreviewLance Bragstad proposed openstack/governance master: Rework the yoga secure RBAC community goal
spotzIs the RBAC meeting now or in an hour cause I'm all messed up timezone wise:(14:05
gmannspotz: it is ~30 min from now
gmannis in14:28
spotzGot it14:33
gmannmnaser_: ping, in case you are online and would like to join RBAC discussion?15:18
lbragstadgmann want me to fire up another bridge?15:58
dansmithgmann: I think we can do another call next week to close on the actual goal stuff if you want15:58
dansmithwhich I think is what you were saying15:58
johnthetubaguy[m]part of me liked how it kept us to time there15:58
gmanndansmith: lbragstad yeah, let's do next week on wed same time?15:59
lbragstadsure - that sounds good15:59
lbragstadso - just for my understanding, the current goal written is fine-ish?15:59
gmannI will send the invite on same ML. 15:59
lbragstadlike - i don't have to overhaul it outside of some more persona work?15:59
rosmaitalbragstad: except for the domain parts15:59
dansmithlbragstad: modulo some tweaks like L162 but I think it sounds pretty good to me, we can keep iterating15:59
lbragstadok 15:59
lbragstadthat was the big thing i wanted to get out of this meeting 16:00
rosmaitai still don't understand who can list all volumes in the deployment16:00
lbragstadbut it sounds like we're ok with the current approach 16:00
lbragstadrosmaita i think i need to add that as an example16:00
rosmaitalbragstad: that will be helpful, i can comment on the review16:01
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Setting Spryos as the Magnum PTL
gmanndansmith: lbragstad johnthetubaguy[m] rosmaita slaweq amotoki  tc-members: scheduled the continuation of RBAC discussion on next Wed (10th Nov) at same time: 17:18
rosmaitagmann: ack17:18
lbragstadgmann thanks17:34
slaweqThx gmann 17:53
opendevreviewAde Lee proposed openstack/governance master: Add proposed community goal for FIPS compatibility and compliance

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