Wednesday, 2021-11-17

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*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|away15:49
jungleboyjWell, I won't be at the next Summit either.  :-(16:23
dansmithjungleboyj: ?16:46
jungleboyjdansmith:  Have already paid for a family vacation at that point in time next year.  They said 6/7 to 6/9 .  Right?16:47
dansmithjungleboyj: ah, are you talking about berlin? I thought those dates were already known16:47
jungleboyjThat is possible.  I haven't been good at keeping up with that kind of stuff.16:48
gmannI am still concern on Covid situation, hope it improve by that time. In MB canada, it seems hitting 4th wave now16:49
dansmithgmann: yeah, I'm all but assuming I'm not going for that reason16:50
jungleboyjYeah, the talk from Lenovo is that they won't be sending people to conferences for a long time yet.  We will see.16:51
dansmithjungleboyj: tbc, I mean not going because of *my* concern, not my employers (necessarily)16:52
jungleboyjdansmith:  Gotcha.  And I don't disagree.  :-)16:52
ade_leehi all - just wanted to poke and make sure the fips goal was still on folk's radar.  I've updated with specific milestones as requested.17:08
ade_leegmann, ^^17:09

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