Tuesday, 2022-03-01

gmannjungleboyj: yeah we can discuss in meeting directly 00:18
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/governance master: Update address of the mailing list  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/83135710:57
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/governance master: Remove link to the user-committee-repos.yaml file  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/83136111:34
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/governance master: Add slaweq liaison preferences  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/83136612:12
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gmanntc-members: FYI, Board meeting starting in an 10 min from now https://board.openinfra.dev/meetings/2022-03-0114:51
slaweqgmann hi, qq, is it "mandatory" to be on this meeting? I'm asking because I have neutron meeting in the same time14:53
gmannslaweq: no, it is just info if you would like to join. 14:53
gmannslaweq: If there is any highlights or action item for TC I will update here. 14:54
slaweqgmann: ok, thx a lot14:54
slaweqand sorry for asking but I'm very new to all of this :)14:54
gmannslaweq: these are all good things to ask.  and happy that you are asking and getting into the process. +10014:55
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slaweqthx :)14:57
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fricklertc-members: I have a question about PTG planning, who is responsible for that? in particular I would like to ensure that it will be made virtual permanently. I would also like to advocate for more flexibility in the time slots15:45
gmannfrickler: it is from foundation. and Kendall (not online now) is best person to give feedback. 15:46
Guest721That's me. 15:46
Guest721Ugh gotta fix my nick15:46
gmannalso if it is for next PTG, you can add it in PTG feedbacxk too15:46
gmannGuest721: perfect :)15:46
*** Guest721 is now known as diablo_rojo_phone15:47
diablo_rojo_phonefrickler: I can tell you that the events team is looking at in person for the fall but I am advocating for hybrid as much as possible. 15:48
gmannfrickler: I support you for making them Virtual at least for coming few years where travels are not easy for various reasons. 15:48
jungleboyjdiablo_rojo_phone:  ++ I know that Lenovo is keeping travel restricted to almost nothing for the forseeable future.  So, that will be good.15:49
fricklerwell my main argument is the climate situation which will not change any time soon and probably not during any ones lifetime15:50
jungleboyjI am sure that that will be the case for many people and if there is war going on ...15:50
diablo_rojo_phoneWhat sort of schedule flexibility were you thinking of? 15:50
gmannis it going to be discussed in ML or getting community feedback before it is decided ? 15:50
fricklerdiablo_rojo_phone: the 13-17UTC block is heavily overloaded from my pov, so anything expanding that would be nice.15:51
diablo_rojo_phonefrickler: we do add extra rooms as necessary horizontally but we try to not expand the time window laterally (I'm thinking I'm terms of the ethercalc) because we don't want people like poor ricolin and others in APAC to be stretched to thin. 15:53
diablo_rojo_phoneWe could expand an hour earlier but then it sucks for North/South America. 15:53
diablo_rojo_phoneBefore the first Virtual PTG we had two round table discussions about how to optimize the schedule for everyone and that's how we settled on the current format. 15:55
diablo_rojo_phoneDefinitely open to changes though15:55
fricklerwell my problem is too many sessions that would be interesting happening in parallel, extra rooms would be contraproductive for that16:01
diablo_rojo_phoneI totally understand.16:18
diablo_rojo_phoneThat's always been an issue for people with many hats :) 16:18
knikollaperhaps spreading it over two weeks? now that travel isn't involved that reduces the pressure to be done ASAP so you can get back16:36
diablo_rojo_phoneWe could send out a survey to registered ptg attendees for this round to see their thoughts on changes for the future. 16:45
gmann+1, that will be nice. 16:45
jungleboyjIt is worth asking for feedback given that the world has changed so much lately.17:03
jungleboyjProbably can't find a solution that makes everyone happy though.17:03
jungleboyjdiablo_rojo saw your note about the Yoga Cycle Highlights.  Cinder had them up there but it looks like no one merged them.  Who can we have help complete that?17:12
gmannseems like we have 4 of them ready https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/releases+cycle+highlights+status:open17:15
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diablo_rojojungleboyj, I can review the patch today :) 21:43
jungleboyjdiablo_rojo: Thanks!21:46
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