Monday, 2022-03-28

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-opendevstatus- NOTICE: zuul isn't executing check jobs at the moment, investigation is ongoing, please be patient07:19
opendevreviewChris MacNaughton proposed openstack/governance master: Add Ganesha based Ceph NFS Charm
opendevreviewChris MacNaughton proposed openstack/governance master: Add Ganesha based Ceph NFS Charm
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ade_leegmann, is there an update as to when tc will discuss fips stuff at ptg?15:00
dansmithade_lee: sometime next week15:27
* dansmith ducks15:27
gmannade_lee: have not schedule the exact time yet, please add your preference in etherpad and I will schedule accordingly. 16:38
elodilleshi tc team! we are having a discussion over yoga release #openstack-release , as it seems a library release (oslo.context) broke a couple of projects (mistral, murano, trove, sahara, zaqar, magnum) that we haven't discover until now17:28
elodilleswe discussed through the possible options17:29
fungitc-members: ^17:29
mnaseris it the removal of 'tenant'?17:30
mnaser magnum seems to be resolved if that's the cfase17:30
elodillesmnaser: yes17:30
mnaserwith a backport -
mnaseri guess mistral is missing a backport
elodillesso the question is whether it is OK to TC to force-release them before Wednesday, Yoga release?17:32
fungisome of the affected projects are going to need new release candidates. some may need tc approval to bypass lack of reviewer attention and merge the lingering fixes17:32
* mnaser isn't TC but sees that as pretty reasonable =)17:33
fungiproblem is we're down to the wire, the proverbial "release button" is due to be pushed in about 42 hours from now17:34
ttxyeah we need "enough" TC approval to force those patches in today-ish.17:37
mnaseri guess its approval for both changes + release patches, right?17:38
ttxpinging gmann jungleboyj dansmith diablo_rojo__ arne_wiebalck slaweq knikolla rosmaita and Amy17:38
mnasermaybe it might be good to generate a list of the changes to be approved and if we get enough tc's to asynchronusly +1 them, then we can just move forward having someone from infra escalate privileges and +W17:38
ttxI'd go simple and just have a TC blanket approval that it's OK for fungi to force patches in to solve that specific issue17:39
dansmithforce release which, the projects?17:39
dansmithor force patches in to remove the tenant usage before the projects get actually released?17:40
mnaseri think its both17:40
ttxForce tenant -> project_id changes in some projects master+stable/yoga that were broken from oslo.context deprecation two months ago and never realized it17:40
dansmithbecause we just released oslo.context and now they're broken?17:41
fungiit looks like it's mostly just affecting tests which were using "tenant"17:41
mnaserdansmith: seems like it..17:41
ttxwell, oslo.context was released two months ago17:41
fungidansmith: "just released" months ago17:41
ttxthey just did not land anything since17:41
dansmithokay I'm not sure I get it then17:41
fungithose projects simply had no activity to notice it was broken17:41
ttxuntil zigo... tested them17:42
ttxso not we release them broken, or we forcefully fix them17:42
elodillesdansmith: the list of the projects is this so far: mistral, murano, trove, sahara, zaqar, magnum17:42
fungifor the most part these are very "low activity" projects (apply whatever euphemism you prefer) which are impacted17:42
dansmithI guess I'm not sure why we need to force patches in.. isn't it breaking now and passing with the new patches to remove the legacy?17:42
elodillesas fungi says ^^^17:42
fungidansmith: not "force" merge them, but "force" approve them17:43
ttxnot forcing... just allowing fungi to +2a them17:43
fungisome of these projects effectively have no reviewers17:43
dansmithbecause there aren't cores around?17:43
dansmithah okay I thought we were talking about force merging things (i.e. things that won't pass tests17:43
dansmithfor sure + 1 from me on that17:43
mnaseryeah its force approve rather than force merge17:44
ttxsorry should have been clearer17:44
gmannbut how project with broken code released/17:44
fungigmann: because we don't test the projects when we tag them17:44
mnasergmann: i think it's because release jobs dont test the actual project i guess17:44
elodilles("force" here means we are too close to release deadline and beyond freeze time)17:44
ttxthe whole process assumes a minimal amount of activity really17:44
gmannbut on project side those might have been tested17:44
gmanni saw many projects fixed those17:45
fungigmann: they were merging changes at some point, then oslo.context released with a breaking change, those projects had no new activity after that, and were eventually tagged in that state17:45
ttxWe'll fix it to re-test things ahead of time, but we need to fix the mess now/today17:45
mnasergmann: some projects do seem t ohave landed fixes, but not all i guess17:45
mnaseri tracked that magnum was fixed but yeah i guess it's trying to emergency fix the ones that werent fixed and didnt know they were broken for 2+ months17:45
ttxmost projects are ok, only a handful of half-abandoned projects are the issue17:45
mnaserand fixing the release process today to test before release is probably not the right time to do now :p17:45
gmannyeah, this example shows those projects are lexx active17:46
fungiright, which is why the release team is needing to ask the tc to step in or grant someone emergency permission17:46
gmannyeah, it should be on projects side test. that is why I am always on favor of let project push the release patch and they check the state of project at least17:46
mnaseri suspect we might have never seen a release patch pushed if that was to happen heh17:47
mnaser(and i think that's how it was before)17:47
fungii'll wager that most of these did not propose their own releases for the same reason they didn't know they were broken17:47
jungleboyjI am fine with blanket support for getting patches merged to fix things.17:48
jungleboyjWhy would we support a broken release?  :-)17:48
ttxjungleboyj: :)17:48
gmannttx: elodilles so proposal here to merge those projects fixes forcefully and release them?17:48
ttxThe proposal is to allow fungi to +2a a bunch of patches in those projects17:49
mnaseri think being technical here, not force merge but force approve (i.e. tests will pass and gate :p)17:49
ttxso that we can re-release them in time for Yoga inclusion17:49
fungigmann: yeah, not merge them forcefully (they're passing tests), just have someone (i.e. me) use admin access to approve them instead of the project's core reviewers17:49
fungiand also not require the release team to get approval from the ptls to tag new release candidates17:49
gmannhumm, honestly saying, I am not sure if this will help much. and with this, projects not going to become more active or so.  17:50
ttx(we don;t really need that, we routinely do releases that are not PTL-approved)17:50
gmannmay be revert the oslo.context change and release it?17:50
ttxgmann: that's way more impactful umho17:50
ttxrolling back 6 months of work of getting it into oslo17:50
mnaseri know i don't have a say in this, but i rather we fix the broken projects rather than accomodate the semi-dead projects17:50
funginew oslo.context will also need new requirements bump17:51
ttxmnaser: exactly17:51
elodillesmnaser: ++17:51
fungiand projects have been testing with the current oslo.requirements version, so we risk introducing a regression we won't catch17:51
mnaserand this wasn't a last minute change by oslo.context17:51
mnaserit's a 2 month old change afaik17:51
ttxRelease team discussed various scenarii and this is the least release-impactful17:51
fungier, oslo.context i mean17:51
elodillesmnaser: exactly, oslo.context was released @ Feb 3rd17:52
ttxWe just need approval to proceed and bypass normal review17:52
gmannI see, agree on oslo.context things17:52
jungleboyjI agree that reverting is higher risk.17:52
gmanntenant/project is becoming very costly for us :)17:52
fungialso the problem was called out on openstack-discuss weeks ago by a distro package maintainer, and those projects never apparently saw the discussion17:52
ttxeh yes17:52
dansmithgmann: :)17:53
mnaserthe day openstack client drops OS_TENANT_NAME, now that'll be a fun one ;)17:53
gmanneven in nova, there is BP going cince  more than years17:53
dansmiththis is how I feel about "cleanup" activities that don't actually bring gain other than perceived developer purity17:53
dansmithlike renames in APIs...17:53
gmannmnaser: I will say it should not. :)17:53
gmanndansmith: indeed17:53
fungianyway, it seems like we've probably got some consensus from a subset of the tc and the release team, with no lingering dissent. if other tc-members want to weigh in then please do, but in the absence of objections (we don't have time for a tc meeting and passing a resolution at this point), i'll plan to start approving the remaining fixes in the next couple of hours17:55
jungleboyjfungi: ++ Thank you!17:56
gmannmain question is also on PTLs, we recently just 2 week before appointed PTL for all those projects with their asking and they even do not know their project code is broken or not? 17:56
fungithat seems to be the case, yes17:56
dansmithttx didn't get spotz mentioned in the ping, so pinging spotz in case spotz is around17:56
fungii can't say i cross-checked the entire list against ptl appointments, but it sounds about right17:57
gmannfungi: we need to record the decision before we start approving them17:57
dansmithalso maybe spotz[m] 17:57
fungigmann: yes, do you want elodilles or me to send something to openstack-discuss?17:57
gmannyes please, and I can start a quick meeting here as many TC members are here and record the vote also.17:58
gmannin case any project start question on governance and force merge patches in their project 17:59
jungleboyjOkie dokie.17:59
spotzSomething to the list would be good, I think if we need to approve them to make the release we shold17:59
gmannelodilles: ttx what deadline you need them to release? I think max by tomorrow right?17:59
fungisooner, because we need to tag release candidates too18:00
fungitoday, ideally18:00
gmannyeah, its already 28 today18:00
mnaseri think sending an ML notification and if someone disagrees with it so much they can propose a revert18:00
spotzI'll be around all day just ping here or on any reviews you need me. Shouldn't be afk for more then like 45 minutes18:00
gmannok, please send it on ML and I will start a quick meeting for vote record. 18:01
mnaseri'd say its better to help those teams release non-broken projects than worry about them being upset that 'we merged something that helped their software not be broken' but i'm just talking from the sidelines now :)18:01
gmannmnaser:  more then revert, it can raise other concerns also as we are discussing and merging the change within today18:01
mnaserwe're only having this conversation because these projects didn't look after and tests their stuff for 2 months18:02
gmannideally that is ok but we never know what project can react how18:02
fungii'd have been more in favor of just leaving those services out of the coordinated release until they're fixed, but at this point we've basically committed to users that they'll be included18:03
gmannIMO, we should never release such project where code is broken and no maintainer. but we are at the last stage of yoga release so might not be good timing for it18:03
gmannfungi: +10018:03
gmannbut something we can add in process that such cases we will just leave the release instead of emergency approval. but we can do that for future.18:04
fungiafter talking with elodilles, i'll send a proposal to openstack-discuss on behalf of the release team and we can get some official result recorded there in a reply from one of you18:04
fungiworking on that now, i'll let you know once it's posted18:05
gmannfungi: thanks, I will send op top of that.18:05
gmanntc-members: starting a quick meeting to record this exception. 18:07
gmann#startmeeting tc18:07
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Mar 28 18:07:09 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gmann. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:07
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'18:07
gmanntc-members: this quick meeting is to get agreement on few broken projects Yoga release and best solution18:08
gmannas we discussed on IRC, there are few active projects that has not merged the fixes of oslo.context tenant_id removal change and we are at 18:09
gmannfew less active*18:09
gmannwe are at yoga release time and need to get agreement on release team proposal.18:09
gmannfew options to handle this is 1. do not release those projects 2. TC permit fungi to approve those fixes on projects side and release them 3. ?18:10
fungielodilles started this pad to try to accumulate the list of what's needed (whether it's approving stable branch changes or proposing new release candidates):
gmann1st solution is tool late as per yoga relaese time18:11
gmann2 option seems more feasible at this stage.18:11
gmannif you agree on 2nd I can start the vote on this to record this exception. or any other 3rd option ?18:12
jungleboyjBased on the discussions we have had it sounds like option 2 is the only viable one.18:12
dansmithvote on #218:12
gmannsure, let me start18:12
gmann#startvote Should TC permit fungi to merge the fixes in required projects? Yes, No18:13
opendevmeetBegin voting on: Should TC permit fungi to merge the fixes in required projects? Valid vote options are Yes, No.18:13
opendevmeetVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.18:13
gmannproject list mentioned in #link
jungleboyj#vote Yes18:14
dansmith#vote Yes18:14
gmann#vote Yes18:14
spotz#vote yes18:14
jungleboyjAll opposed ?18:14
gmann diablo_rojo__ arne_wiebalck slaweq kristi rosmaita ?18:16
gmannwe have 4 TCs voted out of 9.18:16
gmannok, I think we have the agreement here with 4 votes.18:17
opendevmeetVoted on "Should TC permit fungi to merge the fixes in required projects?" Results are18:17
opendevmeetYes (4): dansmith, gmann, jungleboyj, spotz18:17
gmannthanks all for joining. that is all for this meeting. 18:18
gmannI will reply on fungi email on ML with the TC agreement on allowing him to merge the fixes. 18:19
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Mar 28 18:19:02 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)18:19
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
fungiyep, just making sure i have all my references in order18:19
fungiwill hit send in a few18:19
jungleboyjThank you!18:22
fungigmann: okay, it's sent...
fungihad to wrestle my mail client into submission for some reason, so took a few minutes longer than hoped18:30
gmannI have added this topic again in Zed PTG, this is something we discussed in Yoga PTG and thought of introducing the tech-preview framework to catch such project early before final release and avoid these situation18:30
gmannfungi: replied with the TC agreement link. 18:43
fungithanks! i'll get started approving things shortly18:43
gmann+1, thanks 18:44
jungleboyj+1 ... Thanks for all you do fungi!18:44
fungiit's my pleasure18:44
fungithe release team members are the real heroes of the release, i'm just pitching in to make sure things go as smoothly as they can18:45
spotzThanks release team and fungi!19:23
dansmithwell, this is going well :)19:55
fungiyeah, i've proposed a naive fix to murano myself, no idea if it will pass testing but it's a start20:04
fungibackports for trove are in progress still20:04
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Add goal readiness checklist

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