Friday, 2022-04-08

opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-team-guide master: Add generic guidance on rechecks
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Add goal readiness checklist
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ttxre: completely replacing release name by a number, we'll have to check how much that will affect release processes. I suppose we can use numbers instead of letters there, but we'll need to check and fix if that's not the case08:01
ttxI missed the discussion, interested in understanding the rationale for it :)08:02
fungithe summary is that managing a community-wide name selection process is a lot of effort and meets with more negativity than positivity (people are going to complain about any name chosen, often the top several choices aren't viable because of extant trademarks, et cetera), but if the project just uses numbers nobody can complain that they're offensive or infringing, selecting them becomes12:06
fungitrivial, and everyone can know what they'll be far in advance without having to wait for someone to do all the things we've been doing up to now12:06
fungialso it's much easier to remember how old a release is without having to count backwards through the english alphabet or consult a chart12:08
fungifrom a global perspective, far more people are familiar with ordering of arabic numerals and the gregorian calendar than with the english alphabet12:09
gmannttx: yeah, what fungi described. and elod brought the impact and changes we need in release side which can be high. 12:48
gmannI think after ussuri we are having more trouble with name election then fun :)12:48
gmannttx: as you missed the sessions yesterday, if you would like to bring few other points there then I can check if we can open it for discussion today?12:49
fungithough we'll also discuss it at length on the ml of course12:59
fungias required by the charter12:59
gmannsure and I am open to discuss it today also as there was no strong opinion against it except spotz raised concern that she like the name13:02
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fungi"ignorant rechecks" ;)13:05
spotzttx gmann - well my point is I think the name id beneficial for Marketing and even for a sense of Community.13:18
spotzI have no doubt numbers are good for developers and operators13:19
rosmaitasorry, system crashed13:26
ttxspotz: yeah I'd agree. it's way easier to message excitement around "Yoga" than "2022.1"13:33
ttxGives releases personality... in an otherwise-boring world. A good example would be Kubernetes where they struggle to get excitement/press around releases like 1.19 13:36
ttxgmann: I'll have a hard time to join a discussion, but it looks like my two warnings have been well represented by elod, fungi and spotz :)13:37
clarkbI'm going to drop out of the tc room now. Thanks everyone!15:02
gmanntc-members: sorry team, I lost the TC PTG pic due to my system crash. if anyone has also taken the pic, please send it to me. 17:06
* dansmith is such a curmudgeon17:07
gmannI forgot to save and after restarting its all gone 17:07
jungleboyj:-(  Without me there, it just wasn't worth having!  17:25
dansmithgmann: do you have an example you could point me at where we pull ADMIN_PASSWORD out of devstack local.conf in a playbook?17:56
dansmithactually (a) I meant this to be in -qa and (b) I think I figured out a reasonable way, so nm18:05
gmanndansmith: ok, sorry I was away. +118:30
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